-- Tam Valley News --
About your Parks, Recreation, Refuse & Sanitation Services
March 1, 2024
Spring Showers

The rain is back! Be safe out there and enjoy the sun in between the rain storms.

We are cleaning and prepping for all our spring events. And the newsletter is taking a little break. The newsletter will be short next week but back in full force on March 15th.

Tickets are selling fast for Spaghetti Bingo so grab 'em while they last!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Updates on Tam Valley Community Center Projects

If you haven’t notices, there has been quite a bit of activity at the Community Center.
  • PG&E recently removed the temporary power poles in the TCSD parking lot.
  • The fence contractor is making progress with replacing the perimeter fence around the parking lot. However, the weather has delayed their progress. 
  • The contractor continues to work on the remodel of the restrooms in the Community Center. 
  • There are two PODs located in the parking lot. The PODs are needed for temporary storage for the upcoming project to replace the restroom and shower in the Corporation Yard Building.  
Parks & Recreation Commission (PARC) Meeting
March 8th - 3pm - CANCELED
Tam Valley Community Center
The PARC meeting scheduled for March 8th has been canceled. A special PARC meeting is scheduled for March 15th  at 3:00pm in the Tam Valley Community Center.

Tam Valley Garden Talk Series
March 23rd 10am
The Cabin - 60 Tennessee Valley Road

Join our PARC Commissioner, Michael Bogart, for the first in a series of Garden Talks. This casual garden series will start with a topic and information shared by our expert and then flow from there. It's a chance to share your experience with your friends and neighbors and to learn from each other.

The topic will be "What to do in your garden before spring has sprung"

We'll have tea and coffee to share, great conversation and a healthy dose of inspiration for your garden planning this spring.

Spaghetti Bingo
March 22nd
Tam Valley Community Center

Yes! We heard the overwhelming requests to bring this back and make it a regular thing. Here is our spring date! Spread the word, especially to your friends and neighbors with young kids who maybe haven't been because of the extended break over the pandemic.

Tickets are selling fast! Get yours today!

Save the Dates!

Earth Day
April 20th
Tam Valley Community Center

We are switching things up this year and bringing Earth Day to the Community Center. Stay tuned for all the details but it's going to be fun for the whole family and you will learn something that you can do all year long to help our community and our environment!
Debris and Shred Day
May 4th
Tam Valley Community Center Yard

TCSD invites Tam Valley Residents to bring household junk, garbage and documents for shredding to the district yard for disposal.

Household Hazardous Waste Day
May 18th
Tam Valley Community Center Yard

We will be working with Clean Earth to offer household hazardous waste collection to our residents. Collection of things like house paint, aerosol cans and more.
PG&E Assistance Programs

PG&E is offering a variety of customer assistance:

  • Payment Arrangement Plans.
  • Budget Billing.
  • Arrearage Management Plan.
  • Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program.
  • Relief for Energy Assistance through Community Help.
  • California Alternate Rates for Energy Program (CARE).
  • Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA).
  • Energy Savings Assistance Program.
  • Medical Baseline Program for residential customers who depend on power for certain medical needs.
Other assistance available:
  • California Lifeline Program for a monthly discount on phone service.
  • Low-Cost Internet Solutions for $30 monthly discount off fast home Internet.
  • Power Saver Rewards Program helps you earn bill credits for temporarily reducing energy.
  • SmartAC Program lets you earn incentives for device controls that shift energy usage.

It is an honor to bring you the news of Tam Valley each week. If you have any questions or comments on the content of this newsletter, please contact me at events@tamcsd.org

Camille Esposito
Events and Communication Coordinator
Follow along as we share information about
future events and happenings in our community!