-- Tam Valley News --
About your Parks, Recreation, Refuse & Sanitation Services

December 6, 2024

Tis the Season!

The seniors gathered this week to celebrate the holidays with their annual holiday potluck luncheon. They meet weekly for bingo and a simple lunch but this is an extra special meal. It is so good to see the holiday spirit alive and well with this wonderful group. Join them for bingo every Wednesday at 11am - see below for more info.

We are getting the Community Center all decorated for Breakfast with Santa. We look forward to seeing all the happy faces, ready for yummy food and the chance to tell Santa what they are wishing for. Tickets sold out so fast but we don't want anyone to miss it! See below for more info about how you can add your name to the waitlist if you missed out but would still like to attend.

The last Board of Directors meeting of 2024 is next week! Join us after for a holiday reception - see below for more info.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend full of sunny days and cozy evenings.

Have a wonderful weekend!

TCSD Board Meeting

December 11th at 7pm

Tam Valley Community Center

At the December Board meeting, we’ll have three (3) festive activities:


Administer Oath of Office

Marin County Supervisor Stephanie Moulton-Peters will swear in the newly elected TCSD Board Members: Steffen Bartschat, Matt McMahon, & Steve Levine


Proclamation for Girl Scout Troop 10461 Silver Award Project in Kay Park

We’ll thank the girl scouts for the “Communication Board” project they created and installed in Kay Park for children to use.


Agenda Items of Note

The more mundane, but important, matters to be considered at the Board meeting prior to the reception are the following:


7A. Adopt resolution approving memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Marin County Sheriff for parking enforcement at Eastwood Park.

7B. Award bid to the lowest responsible bidder for the Sewer Improvement Project – Phase E (engineer’s estimate - $700,000). Bid opening was on December 5th.

7C. Approve contract with Bayside Trenchless Inc. in an amount not-to-exceed $59,808 for the repair of the Lattie Lane sewer line.

7D. Adopt resolution approving regular Board meeting schedule for 2025.

7E. The Parks & Recreation Commission will make their monthly report to the Board.

Read the agenda and staff reports here.

You are invited to join the TCSD Board of Directors for their annual holiday reception after the regular Board Meeting on Wednesday, December 11th around 8:15pm (time based on expected end of the meeting). We will have refreshments, hors d'oeuvres & sweet treats! Come say hello to the Board as well as your neighbors.

No need to RSVP, just drop by! Reach out to Camille at events@tamcsd.org if you have any questions about the event.

Marin County Flood Control & Water Conservation District Open House

Join Flood Control for an “Open House” on Saturday, December 7th from 9am to 11am at the Rock Garden on Flamingo Road regarding “Addressing seepage and flood risks along the Cardinal Road Levee.”

King Tides - Manzanita Park n Ride Closed Next Week

Caltrans maintenance is scheduled to close the lower half of the Manzanita Park and Ride lot, along with the shoulder parking on State Route 1 (Shoreline Highway), in the city of Mill Valley from Tuesday, Dec. 10 through Tuesday, Dec. 17 due to forecasted high tide flood warnings.


What kind of things do volunteers help with in Tam Valley?

Well, we do have a lot of events! You will find volunteers checking you in at Oktoberfest or the Crab Feed, serving pasta at Spaghetti Bingo (and cookin' it up behind the scenes), pouring beer at Creekside and so much more!

Click here to find out more about all the fun things volunteers help with!

Have you been considering volunteering for TCSD but want to know more? Reach out to Camille at events@tamtsd.org or sign up here and we'll be in touch. It's a fun way to connect with your community and contribute towards keeping Tam Valley one of the best places to live!


Senior Bingo

Every Wednesday at 11am

Tam Valley Community Center

Free and lunch provided

Join us for bingo, every Wednesday at 11am, in the Community Center. Jack Schwartz calls the numbers and keeps everyone entertained. Lunch is included and usually served around 12noon. Come on down and join the Bingo Bunch!

Breakfast with Santa

December 14th - Two seatings 9am and 10:30am

Tam Valley Community Center

$15 per person - SOLD OUT!

Wow! Breakfast with Santa sold out in record time this year! Thank you to our amazing community for loving this event! We want as many families to be able to attend as possible but our waitlist is bursting too. If you missed out on tickets please email events@tamcsd.org with how many are in your party and what seating you would prefer. We will do our best to accommodate everyone.

Garden Talk Series - SAVE THE DATE

December 21st -- 10am

The Cabin

Join our PARC Commissioner, Michael Bogart, for our quarterly series of Garden Talks. This casual garden series will start with a topic and information shared by our expert and then flow from there. It’s a chance to share your experience with your friends and neighbors and to learn from each other.

We’ll have tea and coffee to share, great conversation and a healthy dose of inspiration for your garden


January 18th

Tam Valley Community Center

It's already time to start thinking about the Crab Feed! Who will you gather to share a table? or just come and meet your neighbors! We'll have tickets up soon so save the date and get ready to grab your tickets - they sell out fast!


Zero Waste Marin Update

Repair Fair

December 7th from 12pm – 3pm

South Novato Library (931 C St)

Zero Waste Marin is launching a pilot program with Reuse Alliance to bring Repair Fairs to Marin County! At Repair Fairs, community members can bring an item (lamp, bike, clothes, small appliances, etc.) for free repair. Rather than leaving and retuning later to pick up their item, attendees sit with a Repair Coach who explains their approach to fixing the item. The Coach and attendee work collaboratively to try to fix the item, so that attendees learn more about fixing and hopefully feel empowered to try to fix other things and keep them out of landfill.

The first Repair Fair will be on Saturday, December 7th from 12pm – 3pm at the South Novato Library (931 C St). If you are a tinkerer and want to sign up as a fixer, we’d love to have you! If you need an item fixed and want to learn about fixing in the process, register your item!

To learn more and sign up, visit: https://www.reusealliance.org/events/southnovato-repair-fair

Keep an eye out for more Repair Fairs throughout Marin in 2025!

Give the Gift of Great Memories

This holiday season, give the gift of great memories! Physical items may end up in the landfill, but memories last a lifetime. Think outside of the box – literally – and gift your friend or loved one an experience!

It is an honor to bring you the news of Tam Valley each week. If you have any questions or comments on the content of this newsletter, please contact me at events@tamcsd.org

Camille Esposito
Events and Communication Coordinator
Follow along as we share information about
future events and happenings in our community!
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Tamalpais Community Services District (TCSD) | 305 Bell Lane, Mill Valley