-- Tam Valley News --
About your Parks, Recreation, Refuse & Sanitation Services
April 19, 2024
Compost Is Here!

Well, we have a giant pile of compost in the front parking lot, so it must mean that Earth Day is almost here. Compost is for our residents to use for their spring planting - bring your own buckets and shovels, take what you need and leave plenty for your neighbors.

Join us on April 20th to celebrate Earth Day - come learn something that you can use all year long to effect the change our planet needs. Shop at the garage sale, make fun things to take home, eat yummy food and see friends and neighbors.

We're sending out the newsletter early, since were busy setting up for the big day. Wishing you a wonderful weekend - enjoy the sun!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Earth Day Checklist

Get ready for the big day!
Community Ride
Xtracycle Bike Shop
237 Shoreline Hwy, MV

We are partnering with Xtracycle to bring you an Earth Day full of family fun! Meet at the shop and then follow a safe, family friendly route to the Tam Valley Community Center for the festival.

If you bike or walk to the event you can enter a raffle to win fun prizes from Xtracycle, Pizza Hacker, TCSD and more!

The first 100 attendees at Earth Day will get a free, hand silkscreened tote bag with a special Earth Day image for 2024! You can also bring your own tee shirt or tote bag to run through the press!
Garage Sale
April 20th 12-4pm Tam Valley Community Center
Back by popular demand! Come find your treasures at our Earth Day celebration. Because what better way to honor our resources than to share them and reuse them?
Earth Day
April 20th
Tam Valley Community Center

Our Earth Day Festival is coming together and we will have events all day long! 
9:30am Woolly Egg Ranch Tour 

11am Community Ride from Xtracycle Shop in Tam Junction
  • Meet at 237 Shoreline Hwy by 10:45am
12-4pm at the Community Center
  • Garage Sale!
  • Compost How To & pick up
  • Cargo bikes featuring Xtracycle
  • Kids area 
  • Art projects
  • Face Painting 
  • Speakers - pollinators, native plants and more!
  • DJ and youth bands on stage all day
  • And more!
Woolly Egg Ranch Spring Tour
April 20th
General Admission $10 -- Kids $5 - SOLD OUT
Walk to: 503 Tennessee Valley Road

Did you know we have a full working farm in Tam Valley? It's been far too long since we had a tour of our local farm, but this spring Woolly Egg Ranch is ready to welcome visitors again. Join us to meet the chickens, sheep and llamas who live next door.

Family friendly tour and marketplace after the tour so you can bring home fresh goodies.

Please note parking at the farm is limited to handicapped placards and drop off only. Please park at Tam Valley School or on Enterprise Councourse and walk to the farm.
Monkey Monkey Improv Show
April 27th at 7pm
Tam Valley Community Center

Join us for a spring showcase of the local improv group, Monkey Monkey Improv.

$15 at the door. Call 415-259-7951 for more information.

Job Opportunity

Did you know that TCSD is one of the only special service districts that provides our own solid waste service? We are truly unique and so is our team! We are hiring a Solid Waste Driver.

Spread the word and find out more about the job by clicking here.
Addiction and Recovery Groups

Several recovery groups utilize our log cabin for regular meetings.

If you are interested in attending this local resource, find out more here: www.aasfmarin.org
The Marin Chipper Program is Back!

The Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority is happy to announce that the Chipper Program has returned for 2024. The program provides for the curbside pickup, chipping, and disposal of vegetation material from residential properties. This service is funded by Measure C for wildfire prevention and is available to all residents within Marin Wildfire’s joint powers service area.

During the 2023 season, the program completed over 4,400 pickups and removed over 14,200 cubic yards of vegetation from residential properties. 90% of participants rated their experience a 5 out of 5.

The 2024 program is returning with a similar schedule as last year, along with a few new features that will improve the participant experience.

It is an honor to bring you the news of Tam Valley each week. If you have any questions or comments on the content of this newsletter, please contact me at events@tamcsd.org

Camille Esposito
Events and Communication Coordinator
Follow along as we share information about
future events and happenings in our community!