-- Tam Valley News --
About your Parks, Recreation, Refuse & Sanitation Services

December 13, 2024

Tam Valley Teens and Traditions

What a joy filled meeting we had on Wednesday evening in the Tam Valley Community Center. Stephanie Moulton-Peters swore in our three newly elected Board members and then the Board honored Girl Scout Troop 10461 for their Silver Award Project. This wonderful group of teens implemented bringing a Communication Board to Kay Park to facilitate communication between children of all abilities. It is so inspiring to see the young people of Tam Valley rising to innovate and support our community. We are also so happy to have so many teen volunteers, see below to learn more about how they are helping to make our events happen.

The Community Center is all dressed up for the holidays and we will host two seatings of Breakfast with Santa this Saturday. Thank you to all who signed up to attend! We wish we could make the Community Center just a bit bigger to fit everyone, alas, we are limited. But did our best to get as many people in as we could.

Drive safely this weekend as more rain rolls in and the tides are high. See below for some good reminders about staying safe this season.

Have a wonderful weekend!

TCSD Board Meeting Summary

At the last Board meeting of 2024, the newly elected Board members took their oaths of office and adopted a proclamation thanking the girls scouts for the communication board in Kay Park. A few other meeting highlights include:

  • Approved a revised memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Marin County Sheriff for parking enforcement at Eastwood Park.
  • Awarded a bid to Bayside Trenchless Inc for Sewer Improvement Project – Phase E in an amount not to exceed $511,600. Nine (9) contractors submitted bids ranging from $511,600 to $1,262,830. Phase E is the replacement of sewer main pipeline along Spruce St, Ash St, Poplar St, Pine St, Marin Ave, and the extension of the sewer main pipeline in Lattie Lane. Approximately 2,300 linear feet of sewer main pipeline will be replaced and approximately 300 linear ft. of new pipe will be added.
  • Approved a contract with Bayside Trenchless Inc. in an amount not-to-exceed $59,808 for the repair of the Lattie Lane sewer line.
  • Approved the regular Board meeting schedule for 2025.
  • Received a report from the Parks & Recreation Commission.

Immediately following the meeting, the Board held its annual Holiday Reception. Thanks to all of you who attended. It’s always nice to see people who don’t normally attend the Board meetings.

The next meeting is January 15, 2025.

Parks & Recreation Commission (PARC)

PARC provided an update on its activities at the Board Meeting. A few highlights from the PARC report are listed below.


  • Door Hangers: The Commission Members delivered door hangers on Saturday and Sunday Nov 9 and 10 throughout Bird and Tree Lands. Several positive engagements with community members who shared positive feedback about TCSD and wanted to learn more about upcoming events. 
  • Kay Park Shade Structure: The Commission is exploring options for installing a shade structure over the picnic tables at Kay Park. Currently getting details and quotes from potential vendors. 
  • Rock Garden on Flamingo: The Commission is exploring improvements to the Rock Garden. 
  • Recent and upcoming events: First movie night in quite some time was a success with approx. 40 happy attendees. Breakfast with Santa tickets sold out within 2 hours.


Next PARC meeting is January 16, 2025 at 3:00pm in the Tam Valley Community Center.

King Tides and Stormy Weather This Weekend - Be Prepared!

Significant rainfall is expected in Marin over two primary stormy periods in the next few days. This in combination with the projected King Tides over the weekend could cause flooding, specifically along the coast.  


The National Weather Service has issued the following for Marin: 

  • Coastal Flood Advisory in effect from Thursday, December 12 through Monday, December 16
  • High Wind Watch in effect from Friday night, December 13 through Saturday, December 14
  • Flood Watch in effect from Friday, December 13 through Sunday, December 15
  • King Tides expected Friday, December 13 through Tuesday, December 17 - Manzanita Park n Ride will be closed.


Key Messages

  • The community should take steps now to prepare for flooding and possible power outages.  
  • Secure outdoor objects that could be picked up by wind.
  • If travel is required, allow extra time as some roads may be closed.
  • High Winds 30 – 40 mph with gusts up to 50 mph possible


This weekend, we will host our annual Breakfast with Santa event in the Community Center. There will be a line of happy kids to get pancakes and then tell Santa all about their Christmas wishes! And helping to make all the magic happen, you will find our amazing Teen Volunteers. Many of them grew up coming to our events and watching their parents volunteer. Now they are working on service hours for school and helping to keep our community events thriving. A HUGE Thank You to everyone who is coming together to keep this annual tradition alive and well!

Have you been considering volunteering for TCSD but want to know more? Reach out to Camille at events@tamtsd.org or sign up here and we'll be in touch. It's a fun way to connect with your community and contribute towards keeping Tam Valley one of the best places to live!


Breakfast with Santa

December 14th - Two seatings 9am and 10:30am

Tam Valley Community Center

$15 per person - SOLD OUT!

Wow! Breakfast with Santa sold out in record time this year! Thank you to our amazing community for loving this event!

Garden Talk Series

December 21st -- 10am

The Cabin

Join our PARC Commissioner, Michael Bogart, for our quarterly series of Garden Talks. This casual garden series will start with a topic and information shared by our expert and then flow from there. It’s a chance to share your experience with your friends and neighbors and to learn from each other.

We’ll have tea and coffee to share, great conversation and a healthy dose of inspiration for your garden


January 18th

Tam Valley Community Center

It's already time to start thinking about the Crab Feed! Who will you gather to share a table? Or just come and meet your neighbors! We'll have tickets up soon so save the date and get ready to grab your tickets - they sell out fast!

Senior Bingo

Every Wednesday at 11am

Tam Valley Community Center

Free and lunch provided

Join us for bingo, every Wednesday at 11am, in the Community Center. Jack Schwartz calls the numbers and keeps everyone entertained. Lunch is included and usually served around 12noon. Come on down and join the Bingo Bunch!


Zero Waste Marin Update

Give the Gift of Great Memories

This holiday season, give the gift of great memories! Physical items may end up in the landfill, but memories last a lifetime. Think outside of the box – literally – and gift your friend or loved one an experience!

It is an honor to bring you the news of Tam Valley each week. If you have any questions or comments on the content of this newsletter, please contact me at events@tamcsd.org

Camille Esposito
Events and Communication Coordinator
Follow along as we share information about
future events and happenings in our community!
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Tamalpais Community Services District (TCSD) | 305 Bell Lane, Mill Valley