-- Tam Valley News --
About your Parks, Recreation, Refuse & Sanitation Services
March 22, 2024
Fun Things Happening This Spring

Spaghetti Bingo is tonight! We hope everyone got the tickets they hoped for and we will keep adding more of these events because they are so fun and so well received. Meanwhile we are planning a new and exciting version of Earth Day! Mark your calendars for April 20th and come learn something that you can use all year long to effect the change our planet needs.

Our first in a series of Garden Talks is tomorrow at the Cabin, with Michael Bogart from our Parks and Recreation Commission - join us at 10am. We'll have coffee, tea and great information to share.

Looks rain is rolling back in this weekend - stay cozy and enjoy all the extra flowers that will pop up with even more watering!

Have a wonderful weekend!
TCSD Board Work Session
March 27 at 8:30am
Tam Valley Community Center

The Board is having their regular monthly work session meeting on Wednesday, at 8:30AM. The Board will hear two presentations from the County on employee benefits.
Kay Park Closed
March 27th and 28th

Kay Park is going to be closed on Wednesday and Thursday for tree stump grinding and tree planting.
Earth Day
April 20th
Tam Valley Community Center

We are mixing it up this year and hosting an Earth Day Festival. It's all coming together and we will have events all day long! 
9:30am Wooley Egg Ranch Tour 
  • Tickets on sale soon!
12-4pm at the Community Center
  • Garage Sale
  • Information about our local services
  • Compost How To
  • Cargo bikes featuring Xtracycle and Priority Bikes
  • Kids area 
  • Art projects
  • Jumpy House
  • Face Painting 
  • Documentary Films and speakers (more to come!)
  • Local Youth bands on stage all day
  • Fun Food and Beverage options 
  • And more!

Stay tuned for more information about this fun event and save the date!
Spaghetti Bingo
March 22nd
Tam Valley Community Center

Spaghetti Bingo is only one week away! We are looking forward to another fun night calling bingo in the Community Center!

Tickets are sold out! We may reach out to the waitlist if anyone can't attend so stay tuned and more events are coming soon!
Tam Valley Garden Talk Series
March 23rd 10am
The Cabin - 60 Tennessee Valley Road

Join our PARC Commissioner, Michael Bogart, for the first in a series of Garden Talks. This casual garden series will start with a topic and information shared by our expert and then flow from there. It's a chance to share your experience with your friends and neighbors and to learn from each other.

The topic will be "What to do in your garden before spring has sprung"

We'll have tea and coffee to share, great conversation and a healthy dose of inspiration for your garden planning this spring.

Michael is currently the Garden Manager at Marin Art and Garden Center and offers a similar series in Ross. We are lucky to have his expertise right here in Tam Valley.

Sea Level Rise Project Meeting
March 28th
Hosted by Caltrans at the Tam Valley Community Center
Hybrid Meeting - log on or attend in person

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is hosting this meeting to inform the public of this new project that will reduce flooding and address sea-level rise in and around the Manzanita Park & Ride as well as Marin City.

Caltrans proposes to enhance access and mobility by addressing recurring flooding and sea-level rise impacts that affect State Route 1 (SR-1), US-101 and the Manzanita Park & Ride lot in the Richardson Bay area. The funding for this project has yet to be identified; however, this project is eligible for federal aid. The environmental stage is scheduled for the winter of 2024 once funding is secured, and Caltrans is scheduled to circulate the Draft Environmental Document (DED) externally in the summer of 2027.

If you have a question or want to find out more, please come to this hybrid public meeting on Thursday, March 28, 2024, between 6 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at the Tam Valley Community Center 203 Marin Ave. Mill Valley, CA. 94941.

You can also email our project email at ManzanitaProject@dot.ca.gov.
Save the Dates!

Debris and Shred Day
May 4th
Tam Valley Community Center Yard

TCSD invites Tam Valley Residents to bring household junk, scrap metal, ewaste, cardboard and documents for shredding to the district yard for disposal.

Household Hazardous Waste Day
May 18th
Tam Valley Community Center Yard

We will be working with Clean Earth to offer household hazardous waste collection to our residents. Collection of things like house paint, aerosol cans and more.
AlertMarin March 23 Countywide Test
March 23rd - 10am

On Saturday, March 23, the County’s Office of Emergency Management will conduct a countywide test with a 10:00 am notification sent to opted-in cell phones, landlines, and emails of those registered for AlertMarin.org.

AlertMarin is the county's primary system to alert residents of an urgent need to evacuate, shelter in place, or take some other protective action.
All who live or work in Marin County are encouraged to sign-up to receive emergency alerts ahead of the test. Those already registered are asked to sign-in and manage their account by verifying their contact information is up to date. Once a person registers with AlertMarin, information can be updated at any time about the registrant’s contacts, a child’s school, a workplace, or a relative’s home.
It only takes about 10 minutes to register for a service that could save your and your families life in the event of a major disaster.

Register now on AlertMarin.org.
It is an honor to bring you the news of Tam Valley each week. If you have any questions or comments on the content of this newsletter, please contact me at events@tamcsd.org

Camille Esposito
Events and Communication Coordinator
Follow along as we share information about
future events and happenings in our community!