-- Tam Valley News --
About your Parks, Recreation, Refuse & Sanitation Services
May 3, 2024
May Flowers and Spring Cleaning

All the April showers have indeed brought us May flowers! What a lush and beautiful spring we are having. Soak it all up while the flowers are in full bloom. And then get right back to your spring cleaning. Debris & Shred Day is tomorrow! Pack up your unwanted items and old paperwork, bring proof of residency and drive through the lot for drop off.

Then get ready for Hazardous Waste Day on the 18th - more info below on what we can accept.

Now to the fun part! We just launched tickets for the Spring Spaghetti Bingo! We'll host our next one in the fall so grab your tickets and come have some sweet family fun on May 10th!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Debris and Shred Day - TOMORROW Rain or Shine!
May 4th
Tam Valley Community Center
TCSD invites Tam Valley Residents to bring household junk, garbage, scrap metal, E-waste, and documents for shredding to the district yard for disposal. We accept appliances for scrap metal, but we cannot accept refrigerators or any appliances that use freon. 
Please do not bring any hazardous items like paint or solvents, mattresses, vehicle or construction debris, or green waste. Paper shredding reminder – staples are fine but no binder clips or paper clips please.

This event is for TCSD customers only, please bring proof of residency. Please enter through the Community Center parking lot at 203 Marin Ave.

Questions? Call 415-388-6393 or email info@tamcsd.org
May 13th
Tam Valley Community Center

Join PG&E at the Community Center to learn more about upcoming electrical transmission tower replacement work in Tam Valley. Stop by anytime during the event to vision informational stations and ask questions. We hope to see you there!

Please contact 707-867-9466 or JO3F@pge.com for more information or questions about the event.

TVIC Presents Tamalpais Valley, The Early Years
May 4th and 11th
Free Admission
Tam Valley Community Center

Join the Tam Valley Improvement Club as they host a lively presentation about the early years of our very special community. Local historian and environmental planner, Elizabeth McKee will present some of our local history.
Trivia Night at the Boomerang Lounge
May 7th
256 Shoreline Hwy. Mill Valley
$10 or $8 with proof of Tam Valley residency

Join us for a fun night of trivia with friends and neighbors! Bring something to nibble on, we'll have drinks and lots of trivia to stump you!

Spaghetti Bingo
May 10th
Tam Valley Community Center

Another fun family night! Yummy dinner, several games of bingo and fun prizes! Join us for Spring Spaghetti Bingo.

Household Hazardous Waste Day
May 18th
Tam Valley Community Center Yard

We will be working with Clean Earth to offer household hazardous waste collection to our residents. Collection of things like house paint, aerosol cans and more.

Addiction and Recovery Groups

Several recovery groups utilize our log cabin for regular meetings.

If you are interested in attending this local resource, find out more here: www.aasfmarin.org
The Marin Chipper Program is Back!

The Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority is happy to announce that the Chipper Program has returned for 2024. The program provides for the curbside pickup, chipping, and disposal of vegetation material from residential properties. This service is funded by Measure C for wildfire prevention and is available to all residents within Marin Wildfire’s joint powers service area.

During the 2023 season, the program completed over 4,400 pickups and removed over 14,200 cubic yards of vegetation from residential properties. 90% of participants rated their experience a 5 out of 5.

The 2024 program is returning with a similar schedule as last year, along with a few new features that will improve the participant experience.

It is an honor to bring you the news of Tam Valley each week. If you have any questions or comments on the content of this newsletter, please contact me at events@tamcsd.org

Camille Esposito
Events and Communication Coordinator
Follow along as we share information about
future events and happenings in our community!