Q. What is the best book to read in autumn?
A. Gourd of the Rings.
Q. Why was the man shopping for Reynolds Wrap?
A. His wife wanted to see fall foilage.
Q. How did the tree get a new job?
A. She had the right qua-leaf-ications.
Q. Why did the turkey cross the road?
A. Because it was the chicken’s day off.
Q. Why was the robot couple’s anniversary in the fall?
A. They were autumn mated.
Q. Why did the apple pie go to the dentist?
A. Because it needed a filling.
Q. What do Jedi trees say to each other in the fall?
A. May the forest be with you.
Q. What do you call a small pepper in late autumn?
A. A little chili
Q. What do farmers wear under their shirt when they’re cold?
A. A har-vest.
Q. How do trees get on the Internet?
A. They just log on.
Q. What can a whole apple do that half an apple can’t do?
A. It can look round.