Tantra Workshop

Join Sahar for a 3-hour Tantra workshop on 

Saturday, May 30th, 12-3pm.  Cost:  $30


Tantra deals with the self, preceding the identity of male, female, or race and geographical location. Tantra nurtures a spiritual identity within oneself dissolving many problems of narcissism and the uncultured identity. Tantrics teach how to relinquish all limitations in the identity and help one express as a wholesome self. Tantra is not an academic philosophy, but a life practice. One learns how to achieve harmony within ones body; the body is as expression of the soul, not just a physical shell. Having a spiritual identity frees our mind from identifying with a little self, the ego, enabling the Divine self to express.


Tantra is a way to spiritually mature and see the world of people as extensions of oneself, building a foundation of true love. This culture of love enriches us and frees us from the traps of fear that makes us scavenge for security and safety and limits us from expressing a positive existence. This can only be overcome by spiritualism and especially Tantricism.


In Tantra, one learns traditional system of asanas, pranayama, and bandhas to train the body, mind, and subtle energy system (Nadis). One can build strength and flexibility, grace fluidity and inner harmony. The system also emphasizes on meditation (Dharana, Dhynan, Bhavana, Samadhi) to attain oneness with the Divine Self.


In the Tantra practice one becomes aware of the inner works of the body and learns how to work from the inside - out to relax the muscles and the self. This allows one to fluidly and easily become the posture and develops an awareness of the muscles being used or stretched and relaxing other parts of the body that are not in use.

The Workshop is 3-hours long, visiting over some pranayama breathing techniques, Traditional Tantra Series, and deep meditation through out the process. A process of deep guaranteed relaxation, and connection with our inner world, feeling the body and all its details from a different perspective. 


Sahar Al-Khatib received her yoga teacher's certification from the Shri Kali Ashram in Goa, India, 2011.

She's been practicing and teaching Tantra Yoga in Beirut, and wherever she goes in her travels around the world. She has been teaching children and adults of various ages, and enjoys teaching yoga in creative ways. Sahar is also a musician, playing drums and rhythms, exploring sound therapy, and uses music during the classes she guides. She also holds a Master Level Certificate in Reiki. She studied Graphic Design in LAU, Beirut, enjoys photography, and loves to travel.

Wear comfortable Yoga clothes, and just bring yourself to the mat!   Price for this workshop is $30.

Sign up online:   www.pazstudiosws.com

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