Maasai Pastors Project

January 17, 2024

Well the weeks are almost done, but we continue to work hard. We have much left to do. Today Wed. Jan 17 we will finish up the Pastor/Leader Conference in Ketumbeine. When planning for this we were told to expect about 85, can't wait to share the excitement of worshipping and learning with 85 + Maasai. We will have many stories and miracles that we have experienced and the faithfulness of God. We will leave here tomorrow and drive to Moshi to have another Pastor's Conference there. Pray for our energy as by this time we are all very tired, but God is not and He is our strength and our shield. Thanks for your support and your prayers. This ministry is growing and we know God has so much planned in these areas of Tanzania. Thankful that we are a small part. Pray for us as we start the journey home on Friday Jan. 19. Can't wait to see you all soon.

Continue to pray daily for our team, the Maasai that we will meet with, the many different churches we will visit. Pray that our eyes will be open to divine appointments along our paths. We know that God has great things in store and we covet your prayers.

January Tanzania Team Jan. 7 - 20, 2024

James Monk, Ed McClellan, John Williams, Eric Lethco, Rod Tyler, Tom Tremaine

Jason Taylor, Kim Williams, Patti Lethco, Angie Tyler

Pray for this team:

  • Pray for our health
  • Pray for our sleep and fatigue
  • Pray as we spiritually prepare to go and share faith
  • Pray for the daily travel
  • Pray for our families that we will be leaving

Is God calling you to be a part of this ministry? Is he calling you to give? Is he calling you to go? There is always room for one more. We are beginning to work on our July trip, we would love for you to be a part of this mission. Our tentative dates are July 7 - 20, 2024, start making your plans now. If you have questions email me at The cost of the trip will be $3500-$4000 now is the time to start planning, saving, and asking for support. We will meet in February. Hope to see you there.