Introducing our 
Monthly Newsletter!
Welcome to our City of Mountain View sustainability newsletter! This is where you'll receive updates about our sustainability program, information about upcoming events, and actions you can take to live more sustainably.

You’re receiving this email because you’ve opted into our email list at an event, on a sustainability survey, or through other involvement with the City of Mountain View Sustainability Program. You can unsubscribe at any time using the link at the bottom of this email.
"Environmental Sustainability Task Force 2" Recommendations – Where Are They Now?
The Environmental Sustainability Task Force 2 (ESTF-2) convened from September 2017 to June 2018. During this time, ESTF-2 held 17 public meetings and dozens of working-group meetings, engaged with about 900 people through community events, received almost 1,000 responses to a survey, and after working at least 10,000 hours, delivered a 318-page “Final Report” for the City Council with 36 recommendations to reduce community greenhouse gas emissions and make Mountain View a leader in sustainability. Wow…that was a BIG lift! More information on the Task Force and Final Report can be found here

City staff is currently analyzing the recommendations to validate assumptions about emissions reductions, cost, ease of implementation and measurement, staff time, feasibility, and implementation timeline, among other things. This analysis will be presented to the City Council on December 4, 2018, which will inform development of the City’s fourth Environmental Sustainability Action Plan (ESAP) by April 2019.

What can you do to comment on these recommendations? Familiarize yourself with them (the Executive Summary and Chapter 1: Recommendation Summaries and Prioritization are a good place to start) and gear up to provide your feedback at the December 4 City Council meeting.
SAVE THE DATE: November 5
Mountain View + Google: "The Power of Public-Private Partnerships"
Monday, November 5, 6:30 p.m.
City Hall Plaza Conference Room, 500 Castro St.
Come hear about an exciting sustainability collaboration between Mountain View and Google!

Working with Google through its Civic Leadership program, we've significantly streamlined our greenhouse gas inventory process, and through a community engagement initiative we now better understand key motivations and barriers to sustainability action among different segments of Mountain View’s diverse community, as well as which communication channels are most effective for outreach.

Public-private partnerships are one of the strongest tools we have to address climate change. Join us on November 5 to learn how the City of Mountain View and Google worked together to make this happen.
You’ll also get the chance to learn about Google's recently-launched tool, "Environmental Insights Explorer" (use Chrome browser) . Based on Google-derived data, and designed for the general public, city staff, and elected officials, this tool lets you explore estimated carbon emissions in selected cities to help make informed decisions and take action on climate change. And, Mountain View is one of the first five pilot cities!
COMING SOON! Community Engagement Site and Facebook Page
In addition to evaluating the ESTF-2 recommendations and completing the project with Google, Environmental Sustainability staff has been hard at work on the community engagement front! We will be rolling out two new ways you can learn about what’s happening with Mountain View sustainability and give your input. Keep your eye out for an online community engagement site and sustainability Facebook page before the end of the year .
Action of the Month
The days may be getting shorter, but the weather is still perfect for biking! The launch of the interim Peninsula Bikeway—streets and existing bikeways connecting Mountain View to Redwood City until a long-term bikeway is built—gives you an easy route through Mountain View and up the Peninsula.

Send a photo of you biking on the Peninsula Bikeway route (selfies welcome!) to [email protected] and we may feature you in our next newsletter.
Upcoming Events
Water-Wise Landscaping Classes: All Fall!
Learn how to garden in a sustainable, water-efficient way.

Free classes are happening all Fall throughout the Bay Area (including Mountain View) on a variety of topics, including garden design, plant selection, and irrigation leak detection. Find a class here!
Compost Basics: Saturday, October 6, 10 a.m. - Noon
Learn how to make your own compost and grow a beautiful garden at this free workshop at the Mountain View Senior Center (266 Escuela Rd, Multi-Purpose Room A). Backyard compost bins available for purchase.

Find additional composting class dates and locations and register here.