As we approach the “dog days” of summer, we bring you the third “Name That Sig” photo challenge. To play, click here and list the names of those you recognize in either or both of the photos below. We will publish the names of the winning entries in the next edition of Tau eNEWS.
1961: Kappa Sigs share some laughs in the Chapter House dining room. The draperies in the background are the ones from which Bob Harrell ’62 salvaged the Kappa Sig crest (see article below), now displayed in the new grand room.
1963: Kappa Sigs dressed and ready for the Tri-Delta formal.
Click here to submit the names of those you recognize in the photos above.
If you have photos from your personal Kappa Sig archives that you’d like to submit, please scan and email them to us, along with the names of those in the photos and any other relevant information you’d like to share.
There were no winning entries for the second “Name That Sig” photo challenge, but you’ll find the names of the mystery Kappa Sigs revealed in an article below.
Photographs, Memories and Remnants from the Past
Memories of the old Kappa Sigma House, once located at 203 West M.L.K. Blvd (then 19th Street), hold a special place in the hearts of many Tau alums who, as actives, helped create its much storied past.
Robert Harrell, in his pledge year of 1962, salvaged and preserved a piece of the former Tau Chapter house’s history in the form of a discarded drapery remnant imprinted with the Kappa Sig crest. After having it framed, he has presented it to the Chapter and it is now on display above the Denton Cooley bust in the grand room of the Warren Residence Hall.
Have You Paid Your 2018 Alumni Dues?
Your annual Tau Alumni dues ($100) help sustain operating costs for the Tau Chapter alumni program. Your Tau Trustee dues payment ($500) covers your Tau Alumni dues, House Corp. stipend, summer rush contribution, Kappa Sigma fraternity dues and your contribution to the Kappa Sigma Military Heroes campaign. Your support is vital to the success of the Tau Chapter and much appreciated.
These vintage photos of a Kappa Sig rafting trip down the Colorado River in 1948 were submitted by Mike Doherty ’72, who passed them on from Bill Finnegan ’75. Here are the names of those in the photos: