July 2022
Donate to Housing Unlimited and Receive a Maryland Tax Credit Equal to 50% of Your Donation!

Are you thinking about donating to Housing Unlimited? If so, we have great news for you! The Maryland Community Investment Tax Credit Program (CITC) is available through November!

CITC supports nonprofits by awarding Maryland tax credits to individuals and businesses who make donations. When you make a gift of $500 or more to Housing Unlimited Inc (HUI), you may be eligible to receive a Maryland tax credit equal to 50% of the value of your gift—that’s in addition to Federal and State charitable tax deductions!

You can find more information on our website. Before you donate or if you have any questions, contact Heidi Webb at hwebb@housingunlimited.org.

Dalia Paris-Saper Completes Year with Housing Unlimited

Here at Housing Unlimited we love to highlight staff members, stakeholders, and tenants who make our mission statement “Empowering People in Mental Health Recovery to Live Independently” a reality every day.

Today, we are highlighting our Avodah Corps Member, Dalia Paris-Saper!
Avodah's Jewish Service Corps places Corps Members (ages 21-26) from across the United States at leading anti-poverty nonprofits in Chicago, New Orleans, New York, Washington, DC, and San Diego. There they spend a year combating the causes and effects of poverty.

Dalia attended Pitzer College in California and graduated with a degree in American studies. She became interested in Avodah and wanted to work alongside other youth engaging in social action to bring awareness to these critical issues.

She had never worked within the affordable housing sector, but that did not stop Dalia from joining Housing Unlimited to gain experience and a further understanding of housing instability within American society.

Dalia went from having limited prior experience within the affordable housing sector to managing our 200+ person waitlist. She worked alongside Housing Unlimited counterparts to ensure a smooth transition for future tenants-- beginning with applicant outreach and continuing all the way to signing their lease for their new home!

“Through working at Housing Unlimited, I have seen how crucial housing is to individuals in mental health recovery. It has been truly meaningful hearing from tenants about how the program has helped them succeed and become more independent.”
—Dalia Paris-Saper,
Avodah Corps Member 2022
Did you know that Housing Unlimited takes donations
of furniture and household supplies?
Learn more here.