Executive Director
Tax Institute

(217) 522-5512 ext. 231

All Key Chamber Legislation

Upcoming Events
September 18 -Our next webinar originally scheduled for next week has been rescheduled for September. Income Tax Issues with Respect to Service Revenues  Joe Bigane and I will present a one hour webinar on income tax sourcing with an emphasis on Illinois sourcing of services.  Registration details to follow.  Remember webinars sponsored by Tax Institute qualify for Illinois CPE and CLE and are free for at least two members of each Tax Institute member organization.  Information on the webinar is at this  link.  To take advantage of your free legislation send an email to Kirsten at

November 17:  Illinois General Assembly veto session begins.
July 24, 2020

State and Local Tax  
This Week 

Illinois General Assembly

T he General Assembly  is adjourned until the fall veto session. 

New Legislation
HB 5815 - Didech -  Amends the Counties Code. Provides that a restrictive covenant modification to an unlawful restrictive covenant may be filed by: (1) the holder of an ownership interest in property that is subject to the unlawful restrictive covenant; or (2) a common interest community association, a condominium association, a unit owners' association, or a master association of a parcel of property subject to the association's declaration and the parcel is subject to an unlawful restrictive covenant. Includes requirements for a restrictive covenant modification and the petition to modify. Provides that, on receipt of a restrictive covenant modification, the recorder shall submit the restrictive covenant modification together with a copy of the original instrument referenced in the restrictive covenant modification to the State's Attorney. Once submitted to the State's Attorney, the State's Attorney shall make a determination within 30 days if the original document contains an unlawful restrictive covenant. Provides that the recorder may not record the modification unless the State's Attorney determines an unlawful restrictive covenant exists and shall record the modification if the State's Attorney finds an unlawful restrictive covenant. Limits liability of the county for unauthorized modifications. Defines terms. Contains other provisions.

The July 24 edition of the Illinois Register did not contain any proposed or adopted rulemakings by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity or the Illinois Department of Revenue.

Court cases
None this week.

Tax Tribunal 
No new decisions were issued by the Tribunal this week. 

The following new case may be of interest:

Smithfield Packaged Meats Corp. v. Illinois Department of Revenue is an income tax case.  At issue is whether the gain from the sale of the Turkey Group is business income.  The Taxpayer reported the gain as nonbusiness income.  In audit, the Department alleged that the gain was apportionable business income.  On audit the Department also eliminated certain royalty income from the Taxpayer's sales factor. Smithfield is represented by Tax Institute member law firm Reed Smith.

Multistate Tax Commission
The Multistate Tax Commission is holding its Annual meeting next week.  This year the annual meeting will be held online and there is no charge to register for the public sessions.  Registration is at this link

The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity recently released  Report to the 101st General Assembly on Business Development Relocation Survey 2018

The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity recently released  Economic Development for a Growing Economy (EDGE) Tax Credit Program Annual Report

The Federation of Tax Administrators ("FTA") issued a report entitled  State Revenue Impact of COVID-19

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