Executive Director
Tax Institute

(217) 522-5512 ext. 231

All Key Chamber Legislation

Upcoming Events

March 16:  The first quarter Tax Institute meeting featuring Roger Koss new IDOR Audit Bureau Manager. RSVP to

March 18:   Please join us for the third annual Chamber Day. Chamber Day is the annual meeting of the Illinois Chamber federation of both Illinois chamber members as well as dozens of community based chambers and their members. Register Here

April 20:  Save the date for the next webinar - the audit process - and how to challenge an audit.  Details to follow
March 6, 2020
State and Local Tax  
This Week 

Illinois General Assembly

The House and Senate returned to Springfield on March 3 and were in session through Thursday.

The House and Senate are not scheduled to be in session next week. The House and Senate return to Springfield on March 18 and are scheduled to be in session through Friday March 20.

The Senate
The Senate Revenue committee met on Wednesday. The following bills were passed by the committee on unanimous votes:  

SB 2800 - Bertino-Tarrant - Amends the Illinois Income Tax Act. Provides that the credit for student-assistance contributions sunsets on December 31, 2030 (currently, December 30, 2020). Provides that, for taxable years ending on or after December 31, 2020, the maximum student-assistance credit is $1,000 per contributing employee per taxable year (currently, $500).

SB 3334 - Martwick - As introduced the bill amends the Illinois Income Tax Act and provides that certain sports wagering winnings are allocable to this State. As amended, the bill adds provisions amending the Illinois Income Tax Act to restore certain provisions concerning the calculation of base income for an exempt organization under the Internal Revenue Code.

SB 3452 - Weaver - Amends the Property Tax Code. Provides that the abatement for property located in an area of urban decay also applies to newly remodeled single-family or duplex residential dwelling units (currently, only newly constructed single-family or duplex dwelling units). Provides that provisions requiring the abatement to be reduced in 20% increments annually during the last 4 years of the abatement period apply only to abatements granted prior to the effective date.

SB 3463 - Koehler - Amends the Property Tax Code. Provides that the valuation procedures for commercial solar energy systems apply regardless of whether the owner of the device or devices is also the owner or occupant of the property.

The Senate Revenue committee is not scheduled to meet next week.

The Senate Judiciary committee met on Tuesday One tax-related bill of interest was posted for the Senate Judiciary committee this week, but was not called this week.

SB 3014 - Gillespie -  Amends the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act. Provides that the Act does not apply to the overcollection of any tax by a person, to the extent such overcollected tax is remitted to a government entity or agency. Provides that a tax is remitted to a governmental entity or agency when it is paid or transferred to the government entity or agency, or taken as a credit, allowance, or offset on a tax return or other tax form (including any amount of commission or discount taken by or allowed to a tax collector or taxpayer).  

We support SB 3014, an initiative of the Illinois State Bar Association.

SB 2481, the elimination of the $10,000 automobile trade-in cap remains on 3rd reading in the Senate. The Illinois Chamber supports SB 2481.

The House
The House Revenue committee met on Thursday.  No substantive action was taken on legislation at the hearing.  The committee hearing consisted of a subject matter hearing on FY 21 revenue estimates presented by the Illinois Department of Revenue and the Governor's Office of Management and Budget.  Here is a link to the presentation.

The House Revenue committee is scheduled to meet next week in Chicago on March 11. The committee is scheduled to conduct a subject matter hearing on affordable housing tax credits, prompt payment, the earned income tax credit, and online ticket resale taxes.


The March 6 edition of the  Illinois Register did not contain any new or adopted rulemakings by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity or the Illinois Department of Revenue.

Court cases

No new court cases this week.

Tax Tribunal 

No new decisions were issued this week.

None of the new cases raise unique issued.

The Illinois General Assembly's bi-partisan Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability issued the  FY 2021 Economic Forecast and Revenue Estimate and FY 2020 Revenue Update.

The Illinois General Assembly's Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability issued its Monthly Briefing for the Month Ended:   February 2020

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