Executive Director
Tax Institute

(217) 522-5512 ext. 231

All Key Chamber Legislation

Upcoming Events

December 9:
Join us for a webinar from 2:00 - 3:00.  "Illinois Sales Tax:  The Basics Through the Complexities in One Hour." As a benefit of membership, each member of the Tax Institute receives two free registrations.  Please contact Kirsten Constant at for your free registrations. Paid registration is  here

January 28 :
The Illinois General Assembly returns to Springfield.
November 29, 2019
State and Local Tax  
This Week 

I'm sending the newsletter early this week because of the Thanksgiving holiday.

Illinois General Assembly

The House and Senate will return to Springfield for the beginning of the spring legislative session on January 28.

The Governor vetoed HB 3902 on Monday.  HB 3902 retroactively reinstated the sales, use and service occupation and service use tax exemption for certain materials, parts, equipment, components, and furnishings incorporated into or upon an aircraft.  Here is a link to the Governor's veto message.  

This could be the first veto of the Governor to be overridden by the General Assembly.  HB 3902 passed the House unanimously and with only one no vote in the Senate  

New legislation

No new tax-related legislation this week.

Property Tax Reform Task Force

The Task Force has missed the deadline for the issuance of their preliminary report.

The Illinois Register is not published this week due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

Court cases
No new decisions were posted this week.

No new decisions were posted this week.  

None of the new cases filed with the Tribunal raise any novel issues.

The Illinois Department of Revenue issued a number of publications:

FY 2020-12 Reporting and Paying Tax on Cannabis Sales

FY 2020-14 New Electronic Requirements for Issuers of Forms 1099-K

FY 2020-07 New Tax Requirements for Operators of Parking Areas, Spaces, or Garages

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Not a member and want to learn more about the Illinois Chamber click here to contact Jeanette Anderson