September 21, 2020

To: All Members
Fr: Darlene Johnson, Administrative Officer
Re: Teacher Certification Upgrading

The NLTA wishes to remind members who have completed studies with the intent to pursue certification up-grading of the process and important timelines for pursuing such up-grades.

To request an upgrade of your teaching certificate, application must be made to Teacher Certification. Details on application requirements can be found at

For compensation purposes, the classification of permit or certificate is effective on the first day of the month in which the teacher qualified for the classification by completing the necessary courses.

However, as per Clause 11.03 of the Provincial Collective Agreement (Labrador West Clause 6.03), upon obtaining such higher qualifications teachers are responsible for making application and providing all required documentation to the Registrar of Teacher Certification within ninety (90) calendar days of having obtained the higher qualification. If the teacher fails to do so within this time limit, the retroactive application of certificate change, including any related increase in salary, shall be to the first day of the month in which the teacher made application and provided all required documentation.

It is the Association’s understanding that the Registrar of Teacher Certification had been flexible with timelines during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic due to related delays teachers were experiencing in receiving documentation from universities. However, we have been advised that the ninety (90) calendar days timeline will be enforced moving forward, as per the collective agreements.

For further information with respect to teacher certification, teachers can contact Members seeking assistance or advice with respect to their individual circumstances should contact an NLTA Administrative Officer in Programs and Services via