Teacher Feature!
Jon Smith: Willard Elementary
How has ThinkGive helped you and your students?

It's given my classroom a common vocabulary around kindness. It's a great reminder that being a kind person is something everyone can be at school.

Why do you recommend the program to other teachers?

ThinkGive ties together so many things you are already doing in your classroom. The shared experiences kick-start fantastic class discussions.

What impact has ThinkGive had on your students? 

It stays with the class all year. Long after ThinkGive ends, my kids mention gifts of kindness that they give on the bus, the cafeteria, and the playground.

Any advice for a teacher piloting the program?  

Participate right along with your class! You'll be surprised how often your mind will drift to the lessons ... thinking about how simple acts of kindness can make a difference and how important it is for your kids to understand that too.
Our support team will make it easy for you to integrate ThinkGive into your broader curriculum. All lesson plans are research-based and linked to SEL Competencies and Common Core Standards.

Questions? Contact us at [email protected]