Credential Programs
Happy Spring! During this time of reflection and anticipation I hope that you are starting to think about the wonderful work that you have done. This year has been one of the longest and hardest that anyone can remember. Through it all, you have persevered. I know at times it felt impossible and you may have questioned why you were putting yourself through this. Thank you! Thank you for doing the hard work and believing that you were making a difference even when it was beyond hard. Thank you for showing up and being a champion for kids even when you were tired. Take some time at your collaboration meetings this month to spend more time than usual talking about what is working and what has gone well. Sometimes things change so slowly that without intentionally paying attention we miss them. As you are beginning to wrap up your induction work and the school year and starting to look toward next year, take some time to celebrate what you have accomplished this year.

With gratitude,
Requirements & Deadlines
Year 1 - Fall Cohort

Due May 1

Mentor Observation #4
Individual Learning Plan Cycle 1 cells 6-8 - Be sure to submit when ready for review
Year 2 - Fall Cohort
Due May 1

Mentor Observation #4
Individual Learning Plan - Cycle 3 cells 1-8
CSTP Cycle 3 - all elements of each standard - Be sure to submit when ready for review.
Year 1 - Spring Cohort
Due May 1

Mentor Observation #2
Individual Learning Plan Cycle #1 Cells 4-5 - Be sure to submit when ready for review
CSTP Cycle 1

Professional Learning

Looking for units to help move on the pay scale?

Induction Units

Registration links for 4 units of candidate teacher induction, mentor teacher induction and 1 unit available for workshops in which you have participated.

What Units Do You Automatically Qualify For?

When you complete your induction work you will have completed everything you need to earn the 4 units for credential candidate or mentor. There is no additional work needed just register before June 1.
Executive Order Candidates
Executive Order Meetings/Support - Required for everyone not receiving support.

April - No Meeting
May 17 - Register Here

TPA - The last day to submit the TPA using version 4.1 templates will be July 7. Submissions after that date must be on the version 5 template. Please contact Stacy for access to the new templates.

Year 2 Candidates

You have 5 years from the date of the issuance of your preliminary credential to complete your assessments. The MCOE Teacher Induction Program is the responsible recommending agency. When you complete the requirements be sure to send your passing score to our office so that your clear credential recommendation can be processed.
Send all TPA and RICA reports to Stacy as soon as you receive them. They will be added to your formal recommendation for your credential.
  • Interested in joining the MCOE Credential Programs team? We are looking for a full time Coordinator of the Multiple Subject Intern Program. See the EDJOIN posting for more information.
  • Interested in doing some part time work for the induction program next year? We are looking for experienced mentors to serve in the role of Lead Mentor for the 22/23 school year. There will be a stipend for this work. Learn More
  • Retiring? If you or a friend are retired or retiring and would be interested in being a practicum advisor for our Multiple Subject Intern Program or our Education Specialist Intern Program please contact Michelle Symes or call 209-381-5904.
Year 1 Candidates
Not returning to your district next year? Your completed year of induction moves with you. Contact us to request your transcript then give it to your new induction program and you will start their program as a year 2.

Year 2 Candidates
We are looking forward to celebrating with you and your mentor with dinner on May 4. Be sure to register on OMS so that we have enough seats and food. We will be in our new downtown Professional Development Center on the corner of Main and Canal in Merced.
Contact Us
Stacy Shasky - Program Coordinator

Jennifer Gonzales - Program Secretary