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Teacher Induction
Spring 2020
Sheiveh Jones Teacher Effectiveness and Preparation HR
Greetings! As you can imagine, I’m writing this message from my newly established home office with my new office mates staring at me intently wondering why I’ve invaded their space — office mates being my elderly pekingese and my playful poodle. The entire Teacher Induction team at the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) has transitioned to working from home while making a conscious effort to ensure that our stakeholders do not notice a change in communication.

Even during these challenging times, we have a highly skilled and solutions-oriented team that continues to work tirelessly to make sure that school closures and changing circumstances will not prevent anyone from completing the Teacher Induction program. 

Please do not hesitate to communicate with our team at any time. Because we are not in the office, the best way to reach any of us is via e-mail at

Sheiveh Jones, Ed.D.
Director, Teacher Effectiveness and Preparation
Teacher Induction Contingency Plans for Candidates and Mentors
Due to school closures and the directive to shelter in place for California residents, we have implemented revisions to the SDCOE Teacher Induction program to allow for candidates to successfully complete the program requirements and for mentors to continue to meaningfully supporting candidates. It would be impossible to not acknowledge the profound and unprecedented impact COVID-19 continues to have on our students, teachers, and schools.

The Individual Learning Plan (ILP) Inquiry component has been revised for candidates to reflect upon the data gathered before the school closures, and the colloquium will be replaced with a Teacher Induction Final Reflection that will ask teachers to reflect and respond to a number of prompts relating to the school closures. The prompts will allow for the transition during the school closures and for teachers to continue to develop in relation to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession as they respond to:

  • What are the expectations for you as a teacher during the school closure and how are you meeting them?
  • How can your mentor support you during the school closure?
  • What do you anticipate some of the challenges will be when your school reopens?
  • How could you use technology during this experience of school closures in planning, curriculum development, communication, and virtual instruction?

Mentors have been advised to continue to meet their hour of weekly communication commitment by virtually connecting with their candidate regarding expectations for teachers during the school closure and support them during this state of transition.

This is potentially a challenging time for many in education as we all adapt and transition to the developing situation related to COVID-19. SDCOE wishes to thank administrators for the important role they play in the success of new teachers, including their success in the SDCOE Teacher Induction program. Please consider how you might continue to encourage and support teachers as they complete the Induction year within the context of everything that is going on.
Thank You
Administrators play an important role in the success of new teachers, including their success in the SDCOE Teacher Induction program. Please consider how you might continue to encourage and support teachers as they complete the Induction year within the context of everything that is going on.

If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us at the contact information below.
Contact Information
Program Secretary
Project Specialist
Teacher Effectiveness and Preparation
SDCOE’s Teacher Induction program is housed within the Teacher Effectiveness and Preparation department . We offer many other programs and services for pre-service teachers as well as fully credentialed teachers. These programs are all online:
  • Added Authorizations in Special Education
  • CSET Preparation (English, math, multiple subject, social science, science, Spanish)
  • Certificate in Inclusive School Practices
  • Educator Effectiveness and Evaluation
  • Intern Program for Education Specialist Credential
  • Master Teacher training
  • Designated subjects credentials
  • Temporary Permit for Statutory Leave

For more information about these programs and many more, visit:
Twitter: @SDCOE4Educators
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