August 11, 2023


August 11

Puma Pep Rally

FastBridge Trainings Due

August 14

FastBridge Testing Begins

Trimester 1 Clubs Start

Second Step Training certificates due to Mrs. Newell

August 15

Virtual Parent Reflex Workshop

SPORK Corrections Due

August 17 & 18

Pete's Place Starts

August 28-September 8

Parent-Teacher Conferences

August 30

Faculty & Staff Meeting at 12:30pm

September 1-4- No School

Labor Day Break

September 6

Culture Committee Fantasy Football Draft- 3:30pm


Updated Class Rosters

FastBridge Testing

FastBridge Testing starts MONDAY!

Data Folders will be handed out. Please have students fill in their data- you may use this during your parent teacher conferences.

Make sure students bring their headphones if they have it. Please line the students up alphabetically and have them bring a book to read when they finish. We will have some headphones and books on hand.

2nd-4th Grade Baseline Data

Subbing Stipends

BASIS has made some adjustments to their subbing policy. Any sub time will be supplemented with a stipend. Stephanie will talk about it in detail at our Staff Meeting Aug. 30, but if you are interested in subbing and want to be one of the first asked when there's a need, email Emily Vance.

Stipend Breakdown:

$60 for an 85 minute class

$40 for a 50 minute class

$20 for a 20 minute class

Trimester 1 Clubs

Clubs start Monday! Below is the schedule with room assignments. Jonna has also provided the rosters for you. There will be a ParentSquare group for you to communicate with your club parents. Go operations!

Club Schedule & Rooms
Club Rosters

Extended Absence forms will be in your mailbox once we receive a request. Parents are required to email the teachers, [email protected] and [email protected] 

Boosters Sock Hop Event

The Boosters are hosting a Sock Hop for our students on Friday, August 11. This event is OPTIONAL for teachers. Encourage your kids to come and wear some fun socks! They just might see Coach spinning some tunes...

Please refer to the grading scale so that your grade books are up to date. 

Culture Committee presents....Fantasy Football!

What is Fantasy Football? You have your own football team that you have to "draft" players to fill. So you'll pick a quarterback, wide receivers, a kicker, and other positions from various NFL teams to build your own team. As those players play in real life, you will get points based on touchdowns, passes, and more. Your team competes with one of your coworker's teams for one week. Then the next week, you will match up against another coworker's team. At the end of the season, the person with the most wins will win a prize!

How to Join:

  1. Download the NFL Fantasy Football app
  2. Email Emily Vance that you would like to join
  3. Wait for the link from her to join
  4. On September 6th at 3:30, you will open your app to draft your team

If you would like to sign up, please email Emily Vance for the link to join.

Here is a video explaining how to play:

How to Play

Tips from our Behavior Analyst, Ms. Kuzmich

You should regularly encourage and reinforce expected behaviors in your classroom.

(1) provide positive feedback - verbal or non-verbal (e.g., smile, thumbs up) to students as they are following the rules. Give feedback right away and make it specific to the expectation being followed. 5:1 is the ideal ratio (5 positive to every 1 negative) for maximum outcomes.

(2) Provide precorrections. Remind the students of the expected behaviors prior to them making a mistake and choosing the wrong.

(3) Use a classroom reinforcement system (class points, tokens in a jar, Good Behavior Game, class lottery, etc.), to reward the class for following classroom rules on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

“What is love except another name for the use of positive reinforcement? Or vice versa.” – B.F. Skinner”

If you are reading this, email Emily Vance by 7 am Monday for your chance to win a Starbucks gift card.


Duty Schedule

Event Calendar

Early Release Element Schedules

Early Release Duty Schedule

Employee Handbook

Parent/Student Handbook

School Calendar

Staff Meeting Calendar

Student/Office Hours

Sub Plans Template

Testing Calendar

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Chandler, AZ 85225
(480) 798 6447
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