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“What happened to me is not just about me.”

Georgia Teacher Katie Rinderle

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Katie Rinderle, a 5th-grade teacher in Georgia, received a notice of termination for reading My Shadow Is Purple to her class. She had purchased the title from her schools Scholastic book fair. Rinderle said,

What happened to me is not just about me.

It’s the impact of what is being communicated to students — that it is acceptable to prioritize behaviors and attitudes rooted in bias and discrimination rather than ensuring that students’ backgrounds, experiences, and identities are seen, heard, connected, and honored in their learning experience.

Censorship is not only a threat to our students, teachers, and public school classrooms — but to our democracy at its core.

These kind of attacks are why we organized the Teach Truth Day of Action. We ask everyone to speak out to defend teachers committed to teach outside the textbook.

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The Lost Cause on Steroids

Conversation with Dr. Kimberlé Crenshaw

Dr. Kimberlé Crenshaw joined Cierra Kaler-Jones, Rethinking Schools executive director, and Jesse Hagopian, Zinn Education Project staff, to talk about critical race theory and the attacks on teaching about U.S. history. Crenshaw spoke to the urgent times we are in:

We have the Lost Cause on steroids, because we’re talking about a very few, a minority of a minority, being able to dictate the terms by which we can know our own lives and the terms by which we can create our own futures.

Hear Crenshaws insights about race-conscious teaching in this two-minute clip.

To hear more, check out the full recording, including an after party with SNCC veteran Judy Richardson.

Event Recording and Resources

Shout Out at Emmy Awards

for Zinn Education Project

We are delighted that the documentary The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks was honored by the Television Academy at the Emmys.

The ceremony included an excellent four-minute film that speaks to the importance of the documentary in today’s political context. Watch below and hear the Zinn Education Project mentioned at the end.

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People’s History of July 4th

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In preparation for the Independence Day holiday, we offer a collection of more than a dozen peoples history stories from July 4th beyond 1776.

The stories include July 4th anniversaries, such as when slavery was abolished in New York (1827), Frederick Douglasss speech The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro (1852), the Reconstruction era attack on a Black militia that led to the Hamburg Massacre (1876), protest of segregation at an amusement park in Baltimore (1963), and more.

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Teaching for Black Lives

Study Group Spotlight

Thanks to the support of donors, the Zinn Education Project has hosted hundreds of Teaching for Black Lives study groups. Teachers discuss how to teach for Black lives and gain the strength to face right-wing attacks. There is power in numbers. We periodically spotlight Teaching for Black Lives groups.

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Twenty-six educators from Hayward Unified School District in California formed a study group that meets monthly “sharing best practices around the anchor text, Teaching for Black Lives,” with the goal to “co-create a resource that we can use internally to build staff capacity to be specifically culturally responsive to our Black students, families, and staff.”

Dr. Candace Cofield, the study group coordinator, has led groups in 2022 and 2023, and will lead a group next year. She also participates in all our people's historians classes.

Study Group Snapshots
Apply to Host a     Study Group

Donate so that we can double the number of study groups in 2023–2024.

Teach Banned Books

NEA Conference on Racial and Social Justice

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Going to the NEA Conference on Racial and Social Justice? If so, look for a Zinn Education Project staff member at the Teach Banned Books installation. If not, make your own pop-up display.

Conferences and Classes

For Social Justice Educators

Check out the list of upcoming events hosted by the Zinn Education Project and our colleagues — for example, the upcoming classes in the Zinn Education Project Teach the Black Freedom Struggle online series.

Events Calendar

We Need Your Help

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Teachers are under attack for teaching truthfully about U.S. history. Please donate so that we can continue to offer free people’s history lessons and resources, and defend teachers’ right to use them.

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