South East Education Cooperative Newsletter - April 2020

We're here for you!
Resources, tools, and more for you to try out today

SEEC staff are staying in the loop with all things happening surrounding COVID-19 guidelines, restrictions, and of course your District Learning Plans.

Remember to be mindful of your own health! 
We've included a VIDEO series from Dr. Jennifer Clifden on Teacher Well-Being plus some guided meditations. Sessions are on "The Three "B"s of Teacher Well-Being", "Trans-forming Crisis to Calm & Creative Teaching", and "The A, B, and C of Teacher Soul Health". Please try and find some YOU time.

We're ready to support you with resources ready for you to USE TODAY! Below we've shared our top, ready-to-use today supports in all grade levels and content areas - plus some suggestions for high-quality online instruction, progress monitoring, assessment, and more!

We're also continuing to find great tools, tips, and tricks from educators around the state and beyond that we can bring to you to help find what works for your online learning plans.

Notice the quick links at the top of this email and below where you can:
These links can also be found on our homepage: TopPage

What to sign up for today!

Two FREE Online Courses for Teachers
  • ND Distance Learning via NDCEL
  • K-12 Online Instructional Methods via NDCDE

Continue to follow us on Twitter and Facebook as we'll post more opportunities! WellBeing
Teacher Well-Being: 
A shared VIDEO series from Dr. Jennifer Clifden (past NDMTSS Conference Keynote) that was shared with us...

"Now more than ever our mental, emotional, and spiritual immunity is paramount! What it means to be a teacher these days feels so upside down for us, so I honestly wanted to practice what we were asking all our teachers to do; stoke a vibrant and health virtual Teacher Presence!
I created a new (and totally free) teacher well-being video series (with some customized guided meditations) to provide a space in our new virtual world for educators to find inspiration and motivation to keep re-connecting with their bodies, engaging in things that bring them joy, and teaching them practical ways to sooth their anxiety and overwhelm!"

Balancing Your Well-Being with Being a Teacher
(during uncertainty and change)

Elementary Resources: 
Secondary Resources: 
Social Emotional Learning: 
English Learners: 

Click for more resources.

ND Multi-Tier System of Supports: 
FREE webinars from Wayne Callender to help sustain your system of supports during distance learning. 

April 7: Managing Student Behavior - Strategies that Work
Designed for educators interested in improving behavior management practices in classrooms and other school environments. Focus areas include:
  • How to correctly interpret and respond to challenging behaviors
  • How to proactively prevent most behavior problems before they occur
  • 10 Classroom Strategies
  • Teaching expectations explicitly
  • Utilizing behavioral reinforcers the right way
  • How to address and correct undesirable behavior
April 14: Getting the Most from Academic Interventions in Reading & Math
Focus on practical ideas for maximizing the benefits for students receiving academic intervention. Concepts addressed will include: making the most of instructional time, intervention pacing, spaced practice, double dosing, maximizing opportunities to process and respond, generalization, and many others.

Recordings and Resources:
High-Quality Instruction: 

A couple of courses have been designed in ND to help our educators move to distance learning and online instruction. Both are FREE to enroll and have credit options available. Educators would need to pay for credit on their own.

NDCEL: ND Council for Educational Leaders
ND CDE: ND Center for Distance Education

Click here for other opportunities we've found and follow us on Twitter and Facebook as we'll continue posting opportunities on the fly!
Great advice from Corwin: 
  • Schedule miniconferences with individual students throughout each week. Use the self-assessment tools (linked in Student Engagement tab) to help students communicate where they think they are at in the learning journey. Their self-assessment will help guide you to give them appropriate and needed feedback. 
  • Send students your plan for online feedback. When can they expect to touch base? What will you be providing feedback on each week? What are the ways you'll be providing feedback?
Great advice from Corwin...
  • Students will have all of their learning resources at their fingertips, and we should embrace this instead of attempt to control or limit access for the sake of assessment. Instead, design assessments that measure higher level thinking and students' ability to transfer their learning - not the ability to recall basic facts they can easily look up online or in the instructional resources.
  • Use online tools to collect students' self-assessment throughout each unit. Because you aren't meeting with students face to face, this feedback will be crucial in your formative assessment process.
  • Make the most of your Learning Management System by designing assessments within the program and asking for students to share all deliverables through that system.
Tech Tips: 
Click here for more resources.
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