"We Are All Students AND Teachers"
CST Retreat Highlights, "Dragonfly" Circle Article
and other CST class news
All of us need to be students as well as teachers from time to time. We have always preached that all of us -- teachers and students -- are bringing something to each of our classes. Really, we are all teachers and I have always said, "The class that I do not learn something in will be my last class."
CST Alliance Faculty Continues Education:
Charise Rogosky Receives MLDT Certification
I am very proud to announce that Charise Rogosky, LMT, CSTA-CP, our first multi-class teacher coming from our student base, has just completed a five-day intensive class and examination and received Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist (MLDT) certification. She is also certified to teach our most unique groundbreaking class, "Craniosacral-Lymphatic Integration" (CLI) going forward. We are excited for her and offer her our congratulations. Additionally, Sarah and I have both recently been re-certified for CPR. See? We are all still students!
(Note: Pennsylvania area students may be interested in Charise's BE1 Sept. 7-9 in Reading, PA,
Learn more
This is Going to Be BIG! New Topics Planned for Our 8th Annual CST Retreat
Can You Imagine? It's Been Eight Years!
Our 8th Annual CST Retreat will be held October 13-14 (Sat.-Sun.) in Dover, New Hampshire. It will be a very special educational event this year offering 10 NCBTMB CEUs for the two full days. CST Alliance faculty members will present on a variety of relevant CST topics.
Gina Flores, LMT, CSTA-CP
will speak about the influence of vibrational energy in CST using Tibetan singing bowls.
Gary Keeling, PT, CSTA-CP
will be presenting on CST and Orthopedics and will offer a scientific way we might collect information to confirm healing outcomes with CST, a groundbreaking session to be sure.
Charise Rogosky, LMT, CSTA-CP, MLDT
will speak on the significance of lymphatics in CST. My presentation will be about simple physical exercises that can easily be taught to patients on their healing journey with CST. This Retreat will be BIG. Save your seat now. Space is limited. Registration is $198.
Cranial Circle 54: "Dragonfly"
We are excited to include a video for the first time in a Circle article.
The video features a reading of the poem "Sit With Me" that was part of the CADD class held earlier this month at Star Island. The video
was edited and polished beautifully by Charise Rogosky. I hope you will be surprised and moved. (You can link directly to the "Dragonfly" article by clicking the logo below or the image at right.) The "Circle" essays are our way of talking about topics in CST, promoting thinking around the foundations of the work, and they are a way we can share with each other thoughts, comments and all things cranial. I hope you all will check them out and share them with friends and colleagues.
(Click below to see the video.)
Together we all can move CST forward.
Two Upcoming CST Exploration Days: CT and New York City
On Saturday, October 6 Gina Flores, LMT, CSTA-CP will teach our CST Exploration Day in New York City at the Swedish Institute. And on Sunday, October 7 Carol Ann Kelsey-Smith, LMT, CSTA-CP will be teaching the workshop in Stamford, Connecticut. These are our 6 hour Introduction to CST workshops that each provide 6 CEUs. They are a perfect opportunity to learn basic CST concepts and benefits for the patient as well as sample an experience of what the therapy feels like. Registration for each one-day class is $125, no pre-requisite.
New Fall Classes: Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Canada and New Hampshire
As always, you can check out all of our fall classes and opportunities at the Calendar page of our website
We are moving CST forward with a recently expanded fall class schedule in several locations including Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Canada and of course New Hampshire.
Happy Day,
Don Ash, PT, CSTA-CP
Hope to see you on the cranial journey soon!
Scroll down to see classes coming up in
September through mid-October
September 7-9 -
CST Basic Elements 1 "Rhythm and Dural Tube" (BE1) Reading-Wyomissing,
- Instructor: Charise Rogosky, LMT, CSTA-CP, MLDT
September 21-23 -
CST Basic Elements 1 "Rhythm and Dural Tube" (BE1) - Rochester, New Hampshire - Instructor: Don Ash, PT, CSTA-CP
September 29-30 -
CSTA CP Certification Class - Rochester, NH - Instructor: Don Ash, PT, CSTA-CP Six classes required: BE1 through CADD "Craniosacral Therapy Around Death and Dying."
October 6 -
CST Exploration Day
New York City
- 10am-5pm (Saturday) at the Swedish Institute, New York City, with instructor Gina Flores, LMT, CSTA-CP. Registration is directly through the Swedish Institute. You can call them to register at (212) 924-5900 x146.
New! October 7 -
CST Exploration Day in
6 hour introductory workshop - Stamford, Connecticut - Instructor: Carol Ann Kelsey-Smith, LMT, CSTA-CP
October 13-14 -
The 8th Annual CST Retreat in Dover, New Hampshire
Learn more at our website: