Teaching Evolv(ing): AI Resources and the Teaching and Learning Experience

Artificial intelligence tools are rapidly evolving as instructors (and the world) grapple with staying at the forefront of advancements, especially impacting student learning.


As we explore the remarkable potential of AI-driven resources in revolutionizing educational experiences and enhancing student outcomes, CELT is constantly updating its resources to provide instructors with recommendations and best practices regarding AI. Current resources include: 


Stay tuned for more opportunities and resources!

Learning Community Opportunities

Learning communities are a great way to foster collaborative partnerships between students and instructors while addressing barriers to educational excellence.

Large Enrollment Learning Community

Open to anyone teaching a large enrollment course at ISU.

September 1 | October 6 | November 3 | December 1

New Instructor Learning Community

Open to anyone with a teaching role, regardless of being new.

September 11 | October 9 | November 13 | December 4

Online Learning Community

Open to anyone looking to share best practices; see how others use ISU's LMS,

and gain information on existing and new web-based instructional technologies.

September 15 | October 13 | November 10 | December 8



New Tools Available in Canvas

Many instructional tools are being enabled or updated as of August 10. 


  • Submit for Student (Canvas): Submit file upload assignments on behalf of students. See the example syllabus language on the CELT Turnitin page for guidance on using this feature with Turnitin. 
  • Assignment Enhancements (Canvas): Disabled by default, instructors may enable this feature in their course(s). 
  • Collaborations (Canvas): Google Drive has been removed from Canvas Collaborations. Instructors should convert existing Canvas Collaborations from Google to Office 365
  • Curriculum Reviewer role (Canvas): A Curriculum Reviewer role has been added to facilitate curriculum reviews and program accreditations. 
  • Bubble Sheets (Scantron): Scantron bubble sheet scanning and scoring services have been discontinued. See the Gradescope Bubble Sheet FAQ for information to transition to Gradescope.  
  • Assignment Enhancements (Gradescope): Gradescope assignments will no longer overwrite the linked Canvas assignment's title, description, or point totals; instructors should ensure the details match between platforms. Learn more by attending a Gradescope workshop
  • MyLab and Mastering (Pearson): An improved integration is in place and all instructors using a Pearson product must set up the new Pearson integration
  • Immediate Access Course Materials: Find the course materials for all your courses through the Immediate Access Course Materials link in any Canvas course. 
  • Student Ratings of Teaching — My Surveys (Class Climate): Click the My Surveys link in any Canvas course to see your ongoing survey response rates during the survey period. 
  • University Library — Library Resources: Students and instructors can access Library Resources through the Canvas Help menu, with additional support for remote access. See other available Library Resources
  • ISU Test Center Dashboard (RegisterBlast): The ISU Test Center has a new dashboard. Visit the Test Center website for more information. 
  • Top Hat: Students and staff using Top Hat are no longer required to pay for individual licensing. See CELT events for workshops and sessions relating to Top Hat.


If you need assistance, please visit the CELT Support page


OER Proposals September 8, 2023

Iowa State University is investing in several Jumpstart Initiatives that align with the new ISU Strategic Plan. The second of two CFPs for the Affordability Jumpstart initiative, this call is focused on content. The overarching goal of this opportunity is to enhance the affordability of course materials across the university. 

This second round of funding will support the integration of no-cost course materials at Iowa State.

  • Total allocation for content projects: $220,000 
  • Timeline for content projects 
  • CFP released: April 25, 2023 
  • Proposals due: September 8, 2023 
  • Funding decisions announced: October 9, 2023 
  • Grant period: November 2023 - June 30, 2025

See the entire Affordable Course Materials Jumpstart Initiative Proposal, Part II: Content for Review Criteria and Guidelines for Submission.

Important Information


24/7 Canvas Support

As always, Canvas support is available 24/7 for assistance while our offices are closed. Follow the "? Help" icon in your left navigation bar in Canvas for all the support options available.


CELT’s Media Production team supports students and faculty with accessible course delivery and digital education technology providing professional multimedia content production services to instructors for online courses and media services for various projects beyond academic coursework, including marketing initiatives and grant proposals.

Media Production Information

Media Classroom Request Form


ISU Test Center now has a phone number for client support should you or your clients have questions related to the Test Center.

Clients are able to reach us during business hours or leave a voicemail during non-business hours, which will be followed up on the next business day.


[email protected]

Prefer a print version? Click below to view our Teaching Tip as a printable pdf.

CELT Teaching Tip for August 31, 2023

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