Team…a group of people who come together to achieve a common goal

Smile…the universal message associated with enjoyment and pleasure

TeamSmile’s Mission is to provide children in need with a life-changing dental experience through the power of sports. To fulfill this Mission we created a team that consisted of dental and nondental volunteers, sports teams, and corporate sponsors. Our outreach has grown significantly in recent years, and 2019 was our biggest year yet; we served 7,126 children and provided over $2.8 million of free dental care and education.

Fast forward to 2020, TeamSmile was on course to surpass our 2019 numbers and impact even more children, until COVID-19 hit.
With schools switching to online learning in the Spring, dental offices being forced to close, and the unknown of what the Fall will bring, TeamSmile has had to make appropriate adjustments and is anxious and excited to get back to serving children in need. Our Mission is the same…helping underserved children get access to dental care, but the program will look different for the next few months depending on if the community allows the children to go back to school.

TeamSmile was able to grow significantly over the past 14 years because of our wonderful volunteers and corporate sponsors, people who believe in our cause….to help children get access to a smile that makes them proud and relieves them of pain while educating them on the importance of dental health. All of you play an important part of our Team, working together for a common goal.

While TeamSmile is patiently waiting to see what will happen in the Fall, we will come back stronger with your support. TeamSmile will be selling our 2020 design with a special message on the back to help support us during this transition. So add to your TeamSmile collection by purchasing a t-shirt! Take a picture of you in the shirt and tag us on social media, as we want the world to see that children’s dental health is important. Together let's make an impact on children's dental health.

Remember…today you can make a child smile by supporting TeamSmile.