The saying, "Teamwork makes the dream work" clearly makes two assumptions. First, you need a good team, contributors who share your mantra of work ethics, integrity, and honesty. Secondly, you have to have a vision of what it is you want to accomplish, the "dream" as it were. In this, CI has been fortunate. During our 40+ years in the industry we have learned that nobody, no matter how talented you are, no matter what the finances are and no matter the resources at hand are, nobody does it alone.

So, as we kick off our 2022 mailer series, lets highlight the importance of these relationships. As a software developer we should start with those teammates who provide the vehicle on which our solutions run, our communications partners. Whether on premise, premise-to-cloud or cloud-to-cloud, our technology partners have helped make the path forward an easy transition for our mutual customers. Because of them, CI's Virtual Concierge Conversational IVR platform has grown faster than previous versions. In particular, the AI Virtual Attendant service, was the vision that made that "dream work". We delivered a painless entry into collecting real intelligence, paving the way toward self-service AI applications resulting in an advanced customer engagement experience. For ALL your contributions, we thank you!

The very best to each of you, be careful and stay healthy please!

Toni Herring

Executive Vice President and CI Owner
Computer Instruments, Inc.