Students Wow Packed Ballroom at
Colors of the Rainbow Team Match
Heart of Dance could not be more proud of the over 110 fifth grade students who participated in the Colors of the Rainbow Team Match May 7 at the elegant Intercontinental St. Paul Riverfront Hotel. Ten teams of dancers from throughout the Twin Cities demonstrated Respect, Elegance, and Teamwork as they showcased Merengue, Tango, Foxtrot, Waltz, Swing and Rumba. Every team received a trophy and every student a medal. Congratulations to all!

See the lively Merengue (above) and more photos/videos from the Team Match on our website. Photos below capture the energy of our students and families!

A big thank you to our volunteers, school partners, families, and all those who made the event a special day to remember.

Photos generously provided by C.J. Hurst and Rory Thomas.
Windom Dual Immersion School

The Team Match begins with the Parade of Schools. Look at these smiling faces from Windom, the eventual 2nd place team, as they enter the dance floor for the first time!
Students dance the Merengue side-by-side from Harambee Elementary School and Maternity of Mary -- St. Andrew Catholic School.

Odyssey Academy (left) and Wellstone Elementary students dance the dramatic Tango!
Northport Elementary School

Students from Northport Elementary show off their boogie walks during the Swing. These 5th graders sure do have some great moves!
Teamwork Helps Learning for Leadership Charter School Take First Place!

Windom Spanish Dual Immersion students Luis and Andres joined Learning for Leadership Charter School on the dance floor when they discovered a shortage of gentlemen on the team. Talk about teamwork!

Thanks to our professional ballroom dance judges: Donna Edelstein, Shinya McHenry, Nathan Daniels, and Amy Anderson 
Mississippi Creative Arts Magnet School

Parents and families are great cheerleaders. Take a look at the excitement when Mississippi Creative Arts won third place!
Students from Academia Cesar Chavez and Saint Paul Music Academy dance the elegant Foxtrot.
Teaching Artists Needed

Are you interested in becoming a Teaching Artist for Heart of Dance? Auditions will take place Thursday, June 1 so apply now!  Click here for more information.

We encourage candidates of color and multilingual speakers to apply. Ballroom dance experience is not necessary. 

Applicant must be available to attend a week-long training in New York City, July 9-15, 2017. Expenses will be paid.

Thank you!

We could not do this without your amazing support.  
Thank you for joining Heart of Dance on this journey!
Programming is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund. We are also grateful for the support of The Emerald Foundation, F. R. Bigelow Foundation, Mardag Foundation and The Saint Paul Foundation, as well as many generous individual donors and volunteers. This activity is funded, in part, by an appropriation from the Minnesota State Legislature with money from the State's general fund.