FPM Properties
10365 Hood Rd S #205.
Jacksonville, FL 32257

September...so much to love

Who doesn’t love September? It signals the advent of Autumn…yes it’ still HOT in Florida but the cooling is on the way! It’s Labor Day weekend, the last gasp of “summer”. It’s football season!

Yes, before you know it will be the holiday season so take stock now. Lastly, it’s STILL hurricane season and things could still percolate so don’t let down your guard! In fact, it's in the news right now....

Percolation in Tropics

September is a great month to get organized and set for the remainder of the year. 

Here’s a random selection of topics you might find interesting:

Are You a Jags Fan?

Trying to Stick to a Budget?

Gray Thumb?


Flavors of Summer

The Debate Rages On...

The Team at FPM Properties

FPM Properties
| 904-497-4200 |
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