Our commitment to the ART of chiropractic started in 1979, when we taught our first SOT® category seminar while still students.
The Pediatric three 16-hour series will bring the art of Sacro Occipital Technique® into one of the most comprehensive pediatric certification programs available.
For those of you that have studied with us in the past and wanted to learn more, for those that have studied SOT® and wanted to go deeper or those that want to have the tools and techniques to offer the best to your families the time is now.
On October 3-4, 2020 we ran our first in person, hands-on, seminar since the Covid restrictions were in place.
Due to these restrictions we have had to, and will continue to, limit the number of participants in order to meet the Covid requirements for safe interactions.
Even under these challenging circumstances it was a joy to be back teaching and working with the dedicated chiropractors we have been so fortunate to serve over the last 37 years.