December 2020
Technology Law Update

Five Secrets to Understanding BSA Audit Procedures
The process for software audits can be tricky, time consuming, and confusing. The BSA has a very specific process that audit targets are expected to follow.
The following are key steps in the software audit process and advice on how to avoid pitfalls.

In Microsoft Audits, Don’t Forget About True-Up Rights
Following the conclusion of a software audit, Microsoft’s standard practice is to require an audited company to purchase licenses associated with calculated “unlicensed use” within a set period of time (typically, 30 days) following receipt of Microsoft’s settlement demand. However, it is important for companies with Enterprise Agreements to keep in mind the fact that their EA enrollments may include true-up rights that could result in deferring certain incremental license purchases either indefinitely or until the next true-up order.

How Can Scott & Scott, LLP Help You?

We have more than a decade of experience and our legal and technology staff have handled hundreds of software licensing transactions, software audits, technology contracts and IT transactions.To learn more about our services, contact Robert J. Scott, Managing Partner, at for more information.