Monday Afternoon, February 6, 2023

It seems that MRFF has once again gotten under the thin skin of Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), this time for our victory in getting the
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy to cover a gigantic
painting of Jesus in its administrative building.

Senator Cruz tweeted the one-word comment "Unbelievable"
along with an article about MRFF's victory showing before and
after photos of the enormous Jesus painting with the "after"
photo showing the painting covered by a curtain.

Presumably to Senator Cruz's chagrin, the replies to his
faux-outrage tweet have been overwhelmingly in favor of
MRFF and the highly sectarian painting being covered!
GOP Senator Ted Cruz's tweet, which has gotten
over 450K views since being tweeted on February 2
This isn't the first time a MRFF victory has
gotten under Senator Ted Cruz's skin
Background on MRFF's victory in getting
giant Jesus painting at USMMA covered
Heartfelt Thank You to MRFF Co-Founders Mikey and Bonnie Weinstein for MRFF’s Work Through the Years from MRFF Advisory Board Member Marty France: “Sincerest Thanks!”
From: Martin France
Subject: Sincerest Thanks!
Date: January 31, 2023 at 4:43:11 PM MST
To: Mikey Weinstein [email protected]

Dear Mikey & Bonnie,

Even though we speak by telephone often, it’s almost always on the “tactical” level, discussing the day-to-day issues that the MRFF confronts for its clients. With this new year, I’ve made a resolution to send some well-deserved thank you notes to those that really made a profound difference in my life and those of others—a more personal and in-depth way to recognize good deeds in a world that often seems bereft of the same.

When we first met back in 2004, I never would’ve guessed that our foundational conversations would lead towards you two founding a leading, nationally recognized and awarded organization that would directly defend the rights of over 82,000 clients, while representing the rights of millions—our military and their families, past, present, and future.

It may have started with the defense of our kids and their classmates at the US Air Force Academy, subjected to gross examples of bias and ridicule, but the MRFF is now THE organization that ALL members of the military turn to first when they see religious bias in their profession. You’ve been so successful that even veterans, first responders, and others in our society have turned to you for advice and support.

That you’ve allowed me to play a role in that progress and contribute along the way with my writing, words, and advice has meant so much to my family and me. Even with more than 40 years in uniform, many of the small triumphs we’ve had supporting USAFA cadets, junior officers and enlisted personnel have been among the most satisfying of my life.

And the BIG accomplishments! Pushing for regulations like Air Force Instruction 1-1 that codifies religious behavior and limitations thereof throughout the Department of the Air Force, your congressional testimony, the MANY reversals of bone-headed decisions made by offending commanders world-wide that affect our military every day—there are just too many to count. The fact is, no other civil rights organization in the nation knows the military better. None can do what you do.

What I think many don’t appreciate are the personnel letters of thanks we receive from our soldiers, sailors, Marines, airmen, and guardians. They KNOW you and the MRFF have their backs and their notes reflect that reassurance. These thousands of letters could form another whole book for Bonnie and serve as an appropriate counterweight to the hateful bile, threats, and invective spewed at you by those that promote the theistic takeover of our military and republic.

For what you’ve done, what you do every day, and what I know you’re committed to do in the future, I thank you. Our Air & Space forces, military, and nation are better, fairer, and freer because of what you do.


Martin E.B. France, PhD
Brigadier General, USAF (Retired)
Professor Emeritus, USAF Academy
MRFF Advisory Board Member

PS – Feel free to share my thanks and testimonial–you deserve it!


From: (name withheld)
Date: January 25, 2023 at 2:16:02 PM MST
Subject: JESUS

Jesus is all around you, you sick, pathetic excuses for human beings!

Let me guess, you kiss Allah’s butt, you anti American pukes!

You preach military religious freedom, but yet, want to censure those who oppose your twisted hypocritical, liberal, snowflake views.

Guarantee, you’re an inbred, your parents are, really brother, and sister!

Hey Mikey, get some professional psychiatric help, and take your prescribed medications.

(name withheld)

To see response from
MRFF Board Member John Compere:
“Coverup of Christ Painting Maritime Academy!”

Weinstein, you must be a soulless, hideous, human being ! Not to mention a major creep.

What pleasure do you derive from bullying people who have different beliefs than you. Hell will be too good for you!There is evil in the world and you are a poster child for evil!

(name withheld)

United States Coast Guard (Ret.)

To see responses from
MRFF Founder and President Mikey Weinstein,
and MRFF Advisory Board Member Marty France:

Go get em Jew Boy

To see responses from
MRFF Founder and President Mikey Weinstein
and MRFF Advisory Board Member Mike Farrell
“Don’t you have anything better to do than complain about a Jesus painting at the Merchant Marine Academy?”

I know you – you are a foul tempered fellow.

(name withheld)

To see response from
MRFF Founder and President Mikey Weinstein
“Military Religious Freedom”

From: (name withheld)
Date: January 25, 2023 at 1:42:01 PM MST
Subject: Military Religious Freedom

Good afternoon. I read an article in Fox News regarding the removal of the large Jesus painting at the Merchant Marine academy. I am rather disappointed in Numan for catering to your demands. If Jesus means nothing to a cadet, that is on them and I pray they do find their way to Him. If a picture of allah was hanging up, so what, that is not who I worship and I would not ask to have it removed, but I would hang my Jesus picture next to it. 

I am a 30 year military vet and honesty groups like yours just add more problems. What value do you add other than having a picture removed? What about all the military personnel that were forced out of the military for not taking the COVID vax? Did you do anything about that?  Religion is not pushed on military members. Catholics have the option to worship, Christians do etc. and those who want to worship Satan can as well. 

I feel really bad for those who don’t know Jesus and salvation. He is the only way to eternal life. If you take time to familiarize yourself with the bible, you will see first hand the prophecies are coming to light. The rapture is going to happen at some point and so is the tribulation. Things are starting to line up. I am not a bible thumper, but a bible reader. 


(name withheld)

To see responses from
MRFF Board Member John Compere,
MRFF Advisory Board Member James Currie,
and MRFF Supporter Rabbi Joel Schwartzman
"Merchant Marine painting"

From: (name withheld)
Subject: Merchant Marine painting
Date: January 25, 2023 at 3:24:18 PM MST
To: [email protected]

Mr. Weinstein:

I read about your efforts with the Merchant Marine painting. 
As far as the Constitution, you are right, Congress shall not establish religion.
But groups like yours also fail to mention that Congress is not to prohibit the free exercise of religion, either. Whether a now-historical painting in a public place is that violation is debatable, IMO. 

However, group like yours also tend to target tax-paying, religious citizens from worship in public places, and that is damaging to the freedom we have in this country. And it appears to always be targeted at Christians. If I am wrong, please show me where other religions are being denied public access. 

You said in a piece I read:

“It’s as though USMMA is screaming that ‘Jesus Christ is the only approved solution to all of life’s difficulties.’”

I doubt that the military sees this painting that way after this many decades. Like the huge Jesus at Johns Hopkins, it’s probably more a historical piece. No offense, but it kind of sound like a talking point and melodramatic. But I digress. 

But, I would say to the second half of that comment (except for the word “approved”), that — sure — He IS the solution to all of life’s difficulties. I don’t know where I’d be right now without him.
Either way, Why do you hate Jesus so much? 

Or do you just wish to punish us Christians (I’d really like to know).

(name withheld)

To see responses from
MRFF Board Member John Compere, MRFF Advisory
Board Members Mike Farrell and James T. Currie,
and MRFF Supporter Rabbi Joel Schwartzman

From: (name withheld)
Date: January 27, 2023 at 2:16:16 PM MST
Subject: “Schooled”

Oh you really “schooled” him Mikey. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are the bigot!

(name withheld)

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