December 2018
HTRC's monthly telehealth bulletin
Join HTRC at 12 noon CT on January 8, to learn more about the implications of the Kansas Telemedicine Act and Reimbursement. Sunee N. Mickle, vice president, government and community relations from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas, Inc. will present. Additionally, Sandra Akpovona of the Kansas Health Policy Authority will discuss the implications for Kansas Medicaid.

TRC Webinar: Finding and Vetting Specialty Care Providers
January 17

Finding telehealth specialty service providers is easier than it used to be, but it can still be challenging to find providers that will meet the unique needs and requirements of your health care organization. We will present 20 questions to consider asking providers in your vetting process.

Hosted by: California Telehealth Resource Center 
Presenter: Kathy Chorba, CTRC - Executive Director

Missouri Telehealth Summit
Jefferson City, Mo.
January 31

Join us for the fifth annual Missouri Telehealth Summit on January 31! This year's summit will focus on financial barriers and incentives for rural hospitals, successful Missouri telehealth projects and legislative updates. Key note speaker, Sarah Hill, CEO of StoryUP,   will share her experience using virtual reality to tell the stories of terminally-ill veterans.

For those new to telehealth, join us one day early for a Telehealth 101 Workshop on January 30.

For additional questions, call 573-882-4349.