Missouri Telehealth Summit profiles Missouri telehealth successes
In January, over 180 attendees gathered at the fifth annual Missouri Telehealth Summit. During a morning presentation, Brent Thieman, M.D., a physician with St. Luke’s Health System in Kansas City, shared highlights and solutions discovered in the early stages of St. Luke's telehealth program expansion, which now extends to seven community hospitals in Kansas and Missouri.
"Patients are sicker than ever before and have hospital stays shorter than ever before. We need quick, effective care," explained Thieman, during his presentation.
St. Luke's telehealth expansion to community hospitals has helped to retain patients locally, while decreasing the length of stay by a half day. The service has also improved patient satisfaction scores, which are often accompanied by increased participation by patients in the management of their care, according to Thieman.
Another benefit of telehealth to rural hospitals, touted Thieman, is improving physician recruitment and retention opportunities. In rural communities, physicians often find themselves to be perpetually on-call, a deterrent to providers considering rural life. However, knowing that he or she can be covered during the evenings by telemedicine can help to remove this barrier.
Thieman attributed partial success of the program to site visits that helped sell the program to providers and administrators. An additional innovation is that St. Luke's regularly reviews records for patients who come into the emergency department to see if they could have been kept in the local setting instead, then uses the data to fine-tune the program.
For more information about how to expand your telehealth program, contact HTRC at 877-643-HTRC.