What are you worth?
Editor's Note:  What are you worth as a telepractioner?

Our June 2016  Telepractice Salary  Survey  - see the results in this edition,   shows  what telepractioners  are  receiving for salary/compensation. The results also indicate that one of the concerns that respondents have is  licensing, specifically, related to the possibility of national or multi-state licensing.

In this month's edition :

-  We review the survey  results,  and compare our results with the most recent  ASHA survey on telepractice.

-   We show what the typical telerpractioner looks like.

-  In his  videos, Bill Connors discusses  and interprets  the  survey results.  He also suggests way to increase or leverage your  value as a telepractioner.

--  We include current information in Telepractice/Telehealth News.

Do you want to do telepractice?
Our Telepractice Certification Community (TCC) leads the world in helping individuals and organizations exploit the potential of telepractice by offering comprehensive, ongoing and up-to-date training, support and information at an affordable cost in user-friendly formats.

Visit  Become a member to join the Telepractice Certification Community for only $99.00 a year which includes the opportunity to obtain certification from TCC.  
Join our Facebook Page -  Telepractice for SLPs .   
What does an average telepractioner look like?

Editor's Note:  What does the average telepractioner look like?

The results of our  June  2016  survey on telepractice salary/compensation show that the average telepractitioner: 

-  is currently working part time. 
-  works with children in a school setting.
-  is a contractor with a telepractice company.
-  has less than  4 years of telepractice experience.
-  does not receive an annual salary.  
-  is paid between $36 and $45 per hour (hourly basis). 
-  receives no compensation for paperwork, admin time or benefits. 
-  has licenses in 2 states.    
View results here AND read the analysis below.
Bill Connors discusses:  Survey Results
In this month's video, Bill Connors  provides an interpretation of  the survey results that you can use in a practical way.   

Time:  05:00
Tele-Tip of the Month

Tips and tricks concept with tips sign and letters on a colorful laptop computer keyboard 3d illustration for blog and online business.
In this month's video, Bill Connors  discusses  how to get the pay that you want as a telepractioner.   

Time:  04:56

TCC Telepractice Salary Survey Analysis

138 individuals responded to our June 2016 survey. Below you will find a quick summary and interpretation of the results. [ABBREVIATIONS: SLP - Speech Language Pathologist;  EMP=Employment; EXP= Experience;ANN = Annual Salary; HO=Hourly; PERS= Per Session; PERV= Per Visit; BEN=Benefits; AGE=Age Range; LIC= Licenses].

Thanks for all of you who responded to our survey and who requested additional information.

Question 1.  What is your employment status as a telepractioner?  
For EMP  status,  50% of SLPs said that they are currently NOT working as a telepractioner, while 24% said that they are working full time. 25% said that they currently work part time, and an estimated 19% said that they plan to use telepractice in the  future or when they retire.

Question 2. Select the setting that best describes where you currently work as a telepractioner.  
For EMP setting,  52% of SLPs work in schools,  and  37% are in private practice.   The rest of the responses - 11% , were scattered between:  Other; Outpatient Clinic or Office; SNF; Non-profit; Rehab or Pediatric Hospital; Long-term acute care.

Question 3. Select the sentences that best describe the structure of your employment.  
For EMP structure, responses were almost even between "I am self-employed"   and  "I contract with a telepractice company", with  a total of 79%.

Question 4. How many years of experience do you have working with telepractice?
The responses to this question illustrate the embryonic nature of telepractice.  An estimated 66% of SLPs indicated that they  have less than  4 years of experience - Less than 1 year; Between 1 and 4 years.  A combined 19% have experience between  5 and 10 years, OR  more than 10 years.
Question 5. If you are paid an ANNUAL SALARY as a telepractioner, what is your salary?  
3 out of 4 SLPs do not receive ANN;  for the  rest of the answers,  the numbers ranged from "Between $46 K to $56 K up to "More than $75 K".

Question 6. If you are paid on an HOURLY BASIS for telepractice, what is your salary or reimbursement? 
38% - approximately 4 out of 10 SLPs, indicated that they are paid HO between $36 and $45 per hour.

Question 7. If you are paid on a PER SESSION or PER VISIT basis for telepractice, what is your reimbursement?
For PERV, 70% - 2 out of 3, responded that " I am not paid on a per session/per  visit basis."

Question 8. If you're reimbursed on a PER VISIT basis, do you receive compensation for paperwork, meetings and administrative time?
For PERV, 1 out of 3  receive compensation  for paperwork, meetings, and admin time.

Question 9. Do you receive benefits for your telepractice work?
3 out of 4 do not receive BEN.

Question 10. What age range of clients do you serve via telepractice?
In terms of AGE,  the largest  group of telepractioners in this survey  work with
school-age children - 3 out of 4.

Question 11. In terms of licensing, how many states or provinces do you have or maintain licenses?   The survey shows that SLPs have at least 2 licenses.  
What are Telepractioners concerned about?

In our June 2016 Telepractice Salary Survey,  we included two open-ended  questions:

Question 12:   What tools, resources and support, not currently available, would individual telepractioners benefit from?

55 responses

1. One of the  biggest  concerns and needs  reflected in the survey results   is related to licensure, specifically national licensure. The largest  number of  respondents indicated that  they want "a nationally-recognized, all- inclusive teletherapy license  that covers every state."

The reality currently is that each state " regulates its own profession, and, as such, each state wants to regulate who is or is not qualified to provide services through their own process of licensure."

While many professions offer compacts - ie multistate licensure,  this is not yet avaialble for telepractice.  Links:

ASHA  does support  the  concept  of  a  licensure compact;  as they state, however, "there are many moving parts and parties involved to establish this type of licensure."

2.  The second  concern for telepractitioners  covers   the availability of shared  materials, resources, websites and  testing.

3.  Several respondents asked for information on the leading  telepractice companies.  One person asked for "reviews and ratings for employers, tools and resources."

Question 13Please feel free to add any comments or questions on telepractice.

32 responses

A number of respondents said that they enjoy doing telepractice and that they think that  it's an exciting area.  However,  some respondents also indicated that,  while telepractice offers a   very valuable service,  they think that  telepractioners are undervalued.

Anonymous - "I have said this to my state organization. I thought I was in a field by myself, but this field is growing at an increasing rate and I think it should be included in surveys, memberships, etc.  I provide telepractice in my home to students who do online school. More and more SLPs and OTs are doing this in addition to in home services."   

Anonymous -"I think it is a major mistake to discount teletherapy rates from in person therapy rates. It gives the message that the therapy is not as good as in person. I do not believe the therapy quality is different- only the delivery platform. In some cases teletherapy is better than in person."
SLP Salary Survey Comparison

For the August 2016 TCC Newsletter, we are comparing our TCC Salary Survey  with industry surveys using the following data:

1.  ASHA, 2015 SLP Salary Survey (# of Respondents: 1842)
The ASHA survey includes separate reports and information on:  Annual Salaries [PDF]  and on Hourly and Per Home Visit Wages [PDF).

2.    ASHA, 2016 SIG 18 Telepractice Survey ( # of Respondents: 369)
3. TCC Newsletter, June 2016 Telepractice Salary Survey (# of Respondents: 138)                      

For this analysis, we're overlaying the ASHA 2015/2016 results with the TCC 2016 results. Note: Percentages are rounded and may not add to exactly 100%.

Telepractice/Telehealth  News
1.  Medicaid Reimbursement for Telepractice Approved in Florida
Speech-language pathology services delivered via telepractice are now eligible for Medicaid reimbursement in Florida. The state recently approved Medicaid reimbursement for students with disabilities who receive remote services.

SIG 18 and telepractice continue to be challenged with reimbursement issues. Medicare does not provide benefits for audiology and speech-language pathology services provided through telepractice. At the state level, Medicaid and private insurance policies are highly variable.

3.  Telemedicine market to soar past $30B
An increasing aged population and healthcare costs are propelling the market growth of telemedicine.

The Federal Communications Commission launched a new mapping tool on Tuesday to identify gaps and opportunities for broadband access to improve healthcare in the U.S.

Critics say it promotes cronyism, while advocates say the program will help doctors and health systems expand their telehealth networks across state lines. Federal officials are stepping in to help the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact - even as critics call the effort "crony doctoring."

A telehealth platform launched in Kaiser Permanente's southern California region has helped boost tPA use and improve door-to-treatment times for stroke patients.

Patient privacy laws have some big gaps when it comes to digital health, according to a recent report from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC).

8.  Making Telestroke the Norm
Telemedicine has not been widely adopted. Barriers exist, such as the initial cost of the machine. But the greater challenge is that it is not typically reimbursed by Medicare. Two politicians who are also stroke survivors, Illinois Senator Mark Kirk and Ohio Representative Joyce Beatty, are working on the FAST (Furthering Access to Stroke Telemedicine) Act -- legislation to help make telemedicine the norm and not the exception.

If you are interested in telepractice,  want to begin to offer telepractice, or want more information,   Join the TCC Community  to receive: training; ongoing support; weekly peer networking, practice and Q&A sessions  online; information including licensure, billing, reimbursement, and more.   Be at the forefront of this important treatment and business opportunity.   Questions? Contact  bill@telepracticecommunity.com .  

Online Telepractice Education
CEU Allied Health offers a live, online, hands-on courses to prepare SLPs to learn  about
or enter the world of telepractice.   Bill Connors from Telepractice Certification Community is the presenter.  Participants will be able to perform a telepractice session at the end of this course, guaranteed. 

Start Your Telepractice, Now ! 
Online, Live Telepractice Course,                                                        
September 6,  Tuesday  - 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM EST  
September 18, Sunday  - 12:00 PM - 3:00  PM EST
October 5,  Wednesday -  6:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST 
October 25,  Tuesday  - 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST

This three-hour course will provide the participant with the ability to:
1. schedule, start, conduct, and save notes for a Telepractice session with the client at a distance.
2. utilize the whiteboard, screen-sharing, chat, and other tele-tools.
3. recognize key professional, legal and ethical issue related to telepractice.
4. discuss marketing, business, financial and promotional concerns for the telepractitioner.
5. identify peer and community support/resources for telepractice endeavors.

Participants will actually have a trial tele-connection the week prior to the course and will have hands-on interaction as both a simulated client and as a presenter/therapist.  This course provides takeaway ability and tools to run a telepractice session as well as ongoing support.  This course will satisfy the online course requirement for Certification as a TCC provider.

Registration for this course:

ASHA approved CEUs ($125.00)- Contact Eric Blicker at ceucustomercare@gmail.com

We will be offering a robust program of online and in-person workshops and programs.  Visit and join our Facebook pages:   Aphasiatoolbox and  Telepractice for SLPs to find updates. 

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