County leaders,
As you know, MAC has been engaged with the Coalition for a Strong and Prosperous Michigan. The goal of the Coalition is to encourage the Michigan Legislature and Whitmer administration to work swiftly to appropriate Michigan’s $6.5 billion in American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds.
Tomorrow (Nov. 30), MAC Board members and staff will join the full Coalition for a Legislative Advocacy Day to reaffirm the urgency of the moment and call on the Legislature to appropriate these funds for Michigan’s future.
We are asking MAC members to join us in advocacy and contact their state representative and state senator using the tool here to encourage them to embrace the Prosperity Roadmap and remind them why we cannot delay investing in our communities.
The longer Michigan delays in investing our ARP allocation, the further we fall behind our neighbors. Projects will take more time to initiate, and the eventual overall impact of our investments will be less. We don’t have the time to wait for an ideal situation to act on investment for our communities — the moment is now.
Use this special link here to contact your legislator and stay engaged in Coalition efforts. We thank you for your engagement and support!