Vol. 4, Issue 2, April 11, 2019
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: Share your feedback on WPH projects; Employers: Register today for Hire Local; What will the job market be like in the next decade?
Help WPH evaluate our projects for 2018-2019
Every year Workforce Planning Hamilton completes four core projects, and an update on our Labour Market Plan.

Our funder, the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, requires us to complete Continuous Improvement Performance Measurement System (CIPMS) evaluations for each of our projects.

You can read the descriptions of our projects below, and visit the links to view the individual projects.  

[Please note that you do not have to complete a survey for each of the three projects and the Labour Market Plan listed below.]

Thank you for helping WPH to improve the work we do in the community!


Employers: Register today for Hire Local, April 25/19

If you are local employer who is having challenges finding and retaining quality staff Hire Local is an event that you need to attend.

Taking place on April 25/19 from 8 am. - 11 am. at McMaster Innovation Park Hire Local is a reverse job fair.

Employment service staff and staff from specialized employment services in Hamilton will set up displays and be on hand to network with employers. Bring your job openings to share!

Brief pop-up discussions on the topics of Equity Hiring; Hiring and Training Incentives; Employment Standards; and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act will take place.

Aline Ayoub, from Aline Ayoub HR Consulting will present A Road Map to Hire the Right People for Your Business.

Seven surprising things that could change the job market by 2030
Everyone expects automation and other tech advances to eliminate some jobs and create others. But in a new report, Canadian futurists say there's a far wider range of trends that could influence the types of skills that are likely to be in demand — or not — in the future.

Focusing too closely on the impact of technological change alone could create blind spots that leave Canadians unprepared to handle changes to the labour market, says the report, entitled Turn and Face the Strange: Changes Impacting the Future of Employment in Canada.

Labour Force Information, Hamilton, February 2019
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca