Order of Worship: Sunday August 27th



Candle Lighting

Call to Worship

Unison Prayer--738 Prayer

God Moments

-Brad Wallace

Psalm 145:1-7

"How Great is Our God" (Brad)

-Sheena Rick

Jeremiah 31:25

Matthew 11:28-30

"In Christ Alone"

-Nancy Macnamara

Ephesians 4:32

"Fairest Lord Jesus"

Prayers of the People/The Lord's Prayer

Offering/Doxology/Offertory Prayer

Closing Hymn--"How Great Thou Art"



This Week at Grace:

Tuesday--Adult Bible Study-9am

Bells rehearsal 1030am

If you are planning to meet at Grace UMC, you need to call ahead or email the office to reserve space and to get your meeting on the church calendar.

Church Office Phone:


Grace Office Hours

Monday - Thursday

9 a.m. to noon


Online--available to view any time after 10:15am

Sunday morning.


Unison Prayer

God, we lift this up to you in prayer. Please do what we cannot do ourselves. We need you to breakthrough into our lives, our congregation, and our community. Use us together for unimagined new purposes on behalf of Christ. Break through any barriers that stand in your way and hold us back. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen






Call to Worship

L: Well, here we are this day, gathered together here in person and watching from home, so we can worship our God together.

P: Some of us come for the music, and some for the friends, and some for the cookies and coffee.                                       L: But, we are all here because of God.                                         

P: Now is the time to give thanks, to unload our hearts, to share our lives, and to hear the story again.                                        L: So, friends, let us worship God!


Pastor Jen will be on vacation from the 22nd --28th of August. The office and team Grace know how to contact her if needed. It is State Fair time, so she will be spending a couple days with Fairborn and Fairchild (and her family of course!).

Sunday the 27th will be a special service; some members will be sharing "God moment" stories with us, along with favorite verses from scripture and beloved songs.

Special Note from the Food Shelf

The Lakes Area Food Shelf is facing many empty shelves due to the rising numbers of friends and neighbors we serve. This past week alone we have seen over 80 families!

Our monthly delivery from our main supplier 2nd Harvest, is 3 weeks out, though we have reached out to them for an emergency shipment, especially meat. We are almost completely out and what we do have will be gone by next Tuesday. 

Of particular need we hope our faith community can help with is: peanut butter, breakfast cereal, pancake syrup, ketchup and canned chicken.

The good news is that through our partnership with area farmers we have an abundant supply of fresh produce. 

Lakes Area Food Shelf exists because of you, because our community sees need and responds. The need is great. Thank you for all you do.

Timothy Moore

Board Chair

Lakes Area Food Shelf


Mission Giving for August

In August our missional giving will go to a number of projects that will benefit our teachers, school support staff and students. We are still working out the details with a local school, but we hope that you will be generous as usual to support "Back to School" missions.

We are very grateful for the wonderful gifts given during our special offering time on the 6th. This has given us a wonderful base to start from as we make decisions on how best to use these gifts for both teachers and students in our community. We continue to dream as these blessings unfold throughout the month.

In the News

Click red to read link

The Lakes Area Food Shelf welcomes a familiar face as director.


Congratulation to Sonja Palmer on being named to the Dean's list at the U 0f M.

Dean's List

Upcoming Blood Drive at Lutheran Church of the Cross on September 6th, from 1-6. Call the Red Cross to make an appointment to give 1-800-733-2767

The Handbell Choir has begun rehearsals again.

-Tuesday mornings at 10:30.

We look forward to hearing them play during an upcoming service.

The church office is open Monday through Thursday, 9am until noon. The building and office are closed on Fridays.

Contact/Email Information: 218-568-5755

·      Church office (for all general inquiries and administrative/clerical duties)– graceumcpequotlakes@gmail.com

·      Pastor Jen Matthees – jenmatt20@gmail.com

·      Ann Hutchings-Congregational Care Assistant- graceumccare@gmail.com

If you have something that should be added to this newsletter from your group or mission, please speak with Pastor Jen or email the details to her at jenmatt20@gmail.com. The E-Grace is generally completed by noon on Thursdays, so articles need to be received by Thursday 10am at the very latest.

If you wish to connect with me directly and it is not an emergency, please know that I will respond as needed during pretty regular office hours. I am generally in the church on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from at least 10-1, call the office to be sure, as my weeks may vary. I check my emails frequently throughout the day, and this is the best way to contact me.

-Pastor Jen

Contact us concept with wood block and symbols at_ e-mail address and phone

Important note

If you are mailing something to the church, you must use our P.O. Box for the address. We do not receive mail at the church, and if you use the physical church address it will get returned and could delay your notices to us or offerings.

P.O. Box 276

Pequot Lakes, MN 56472

Visit our website
Contact Information

 Grace United Methodist Church 

29318 Patriot Ave - P.O. Box 276

Pequot Lakes, MN 56472

Phone: 218-568-5755

Email: graceumcpequotlakes@gmail.com

Website: www.graceumcpequotlakes.org
