A Message from the City Manager | |
Honor. Loyalty. Integrity. Courage. Service. These are the values embodied by those who serve our country. The City of Temecula recognizes that the same values that build a strong nation also build a strong community.
The City of Temecula’s Military Banner Program honors active-duty military personnel currently residing within Temecula’s City limits (or having immediate family in the City). These patriotic banners serve as a prominent reminder of our service members.
Military Banners include the official military photo of the service member as well as their name and specific branch of the United States Armed Forces. Military Banners are installed periodically throughout the year along Main Street in Old Town and in front of City Hall and may be displayed for various lengths of time ranging from a few months up to a year or more, depending on installation and demand. Afterwards, the Military Banners are officially presented to the honoree, applicant, and/or family at the City of Temecula’s Annual Patriotic Salute to Veterans held in November.
Out of gratitude for their dedication to our country, the City of Temecula takes every opportunity to publicly honor and recognize members of our military. We encourage you to honor an active-military duty person in your family – The Temecula Way. There is no charge for these banners which can be ordered anytime, as installation occurs throughout the year.
For more information on how to reserve your Military Banner, please visit TemeculaCA.gov/BannerProgram.
-Aaron Adams, City Manager
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Summary of City of Temecula Military Banner Program:
Banners display the official military photo of the service person, as well as their name and branch of the United States Armed Forces.
Cost: There is no cost to the honoree or the applicant for this program.
Criteria: To qualify for the Military Banner Program, the following criteria must be met.
· The honoree is an active duty member of the United States Armed Forces.
· The applicant must be a current resident of Temecula (priority is given to honorees that currently reside in the City Limits of Temecula).
More Information Here
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It's Fire Season all year in Southern California. The City of Temecula Urges you to "Harden" your Home and Yard.
Wildfire Safety Guidelines including Tips to Get your Home Ready are part of the City of Temecula's Special Edition Emergency Preparedness Newsletter available here. More information is found on CAL FIRE's webpage here.
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Street Slurry / Paving Projects
Temecula is working on several street slurry / paving projects scheduled through the end of the year. The following locations within the City will soon be a smoother drive:
· Areas in Meadowview
· Areas in Paloma Del Sol
· Areas in Paseo Del Sol
· Areas in Rancho Vista Estates
Read more about the City's Pavement Management Program here, and check out the City's T.R.I.P. Report for Traffic Restrictions In Progress.
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Plein Air Competition with
Artist Paintings of Temecula
Registration Opens Sept. 1
Canvas Stamping Sept. 23-Oct. 6
Temecula Valley Museum
Are you a painter looking for a unique opportunity to showcase your artwork, and a chance to win prizes? Enjoy the outdoors and paint beautiful landscapes and landmarks of Temecula for our annual competition.
To be eligible, participating artists may receive stamps on blank canvases at the Temecula Valley Museum from September 23 - October 6, 2022.
Judging will take place in October and the awards ceremony and artist reception will be November 4th, 5-8pm, at the Gallery at The Merc.
The top 60 eligible entries will be displayed at The Merc in the Ralph Love Plein Air exhibition from November 2-27.
Register at TemeculaCA.gov/TCSD.
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Temecula Art & Street Painting Festival
Fri., September 16, 3-7pm
Sat., September 17, 10am-5pm
Old Town Temecula
- Art Exhibition: Town Square & Mercedes Street
- Chalk Murals: Main Street
- Cartoon-A Paloozah: Civic Center Quad and Conference Center
Paintings, ceramics, jewelry, and photography set the stage for a weekend of creativity and talent through the outdoor Art Exhibition. This two-day event includes an asphalt gallery of chalk art masterpieces by artists from all over Southern California to compete in the unique form of performance art.
A new feature this year is Cartoon-A Paloozah, Temecula’s own Mini Con! Fans of Anime, cartooning & comics can come together to represent and support their favorite fandoms. The Cartoon-A Paloozah will include indoor art vendors, Art Contest and Cosplay Contest.
More Information Here
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September 11th Remembrance
Sun., September 11, 4pm
Temecula Duck Pond
& Veterans Memorial
28250 Ynez Road
Join us to commemorate the anniversary of September 11th while we remember and honor those we lost. Guests are welcome to leave a message in Temecula's Keepsake Journal. Come early, as parking and seating is limited.
More Information Here
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National Preparedness Fair
Sat., September 10, 9am-1pm
Temecula City Hall/Town Square
41000 Main Street
Includes an earthquake simulator,
fire extinguisher training, CPR demonstrations, disaster preparation information, fire engine displays, and much more!
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Snap Circuits Lab
Mon., September 19, 6-7:30pm
Temecula Public Library
30600 Pauba Road
Teens can learn about the basics of circuitry boards and conduct experiments.
This Friends of the Temecula Libraries program is designed for students in Grades 7-12. Limited to 12 participants.
Please register at the library reception desk or by calling (951) 693-8900.
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12th Annual Health & Community Resource Fair
Sat., September 24, 9am-2pm
City Hall/Town Square
41000 Main Street
Over 100 vendors, free health screenings, emergency preparedness information, public safety awareness, and a nonprofit expo including resources for health/wellness, special needs, veteran/military services and more.
More Information Here
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Open Commission Positions
Temecula residents are invited to apply for the following Commission positions:
· Community Services (2)
· Planning (2)
· Public/Traffic Safety (2)
· Race, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (3)
Applicants may apply online at the City’s Boards & Commissions webpage through September 30, 2022.
Contact the City Clerk’s office at (951) 694-6444 for questions.
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Grant for Local Nonprofits:
Community Service Funding Reinvestment in Temecula
Eligible nonprofit organizations are invited to apply for a grant of up to $50,000 to fund services or programs that benefit Temecula residents.
Applications due Mon., Sept. 12, 2022.
More Information Here
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Blood Drive
Thursday, September 8*
City of Temecula Conference Center
The City of Temecula has partnered with the American Red Cross to host this blood drive.
Participants must make an appointment before donating.
*Other dates available. Click here to schedule your blood donation appointment for September 8th, or other dates available in October, November and December.
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Temecula Valley
Premier Job Fair
Sat., Sept 10, 11am-2pm
Promenade Temecula (Mall)
40820 Winchester Road
(In courtyard across from Regal Edwards Temecula & IMAX)
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Congratulations Temecula Valley Hospital!
U.S. News & World Report names Temecula Valley Hospital a high performing hospital for heart attack, heart failure and stroke
More Information Here
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A message from Rancho Water: Protecting the Trees During Drought Conditions
1. Water mature trees 1-2 times per month at the edge of the tree canopy – NOT at the base
2. Water young trees 2-4 times per week
3. Shower with a bucket and use that water for your trees
4. Do not over-prune trees as it can cause them stress
5. Use 4-6 inches of mulch to help retain moisture, reduce water needs, and protect your trees
Visit RanchoWater.com/Checkyourwater for more water saving tips.
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These e-blasts are provided by the Temecula City Manager’s Department to share current news and information from Temecula City Hall. We encourage you to forward these to your Temecula friends and neighbors. They can sign-up at TemeculaCA.gov/SignUp to receive City e-blasts directly. | | | | |