A Message from the City Manager | |
Greetings –
Some of you may remember when Temecula City Hall was built. Construction was completed in December of 2010. It was excellent foresight by our former City Council to move City Hall from an area zoned Light Industrial to Old Town, and to build a magnificent structure that timelessly represents our magnificent City. It spurred tremendous private investment, jobs, and economic growth in Old Town, which continues to flourish as the civic heart of the City of Temecula.
Fast forward to today, and our current City Council has closed the loop on this investment. I'm proud to announce that we paid off the "mortgage" early on City Hall in December 2022, along with one other new community center currently under construction. These fiscal moves eliminated ALL facility debt for the City. Additionally, we have developed a fiscal strategy to pay down other unfunded debt liabilities/obligations over a period of seven years, which we expect will save the City more than $33 million in interest over the next 25 years. Paying off debt rarely gets any substantial fanfare but DOES demonstrate discipline and the fiscally conservative nature and importance we have placed on our finances today, tomorrow and well into the future.
As the City Manager and steward of the City's finances, I appreciate our City Council's commitment to prudent financial decision-making by adopting these strategic plans, and I extend my gratitude to our Finance Director and staff for their dedication to this effort.
-Aaron Adams, City Manager
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New Traffic Signal on Promenade Road East
Construction of a new traffic signal on Promenade Road East at Ring Road is being added to improve traffic flow to and from the Promenade Temecula mall area when entering from Winchester Road. Single lane/shoulder closures are expected during normal work hours M-F, 7am-4:30pm now through the end of May. Visit the City's TRIP Report for more information.
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Temporary Closure of Entrance to Duck Pond at Ynez/Tierra Vista
The entrance to the Duck Pond at Ynez/Tierra Vista is temporarily closed through mid-March. In the interim, access to the Temecula Duck Pond is off Rancho California Road.
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Former Park & Ride access on Vallejo Avenue is closed.
The back entrance to the Park & Ride on Temecula Parkway from Vallejo Avenue is closed (first photo above). Shoulder work on Vallejo Avenue will continue M-F, 7am-7pm, through the end of March. The new entrance to the Park and Ride is on Temecula Parkway at Wabash Lane (2nd photo above).
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For those who drive to/from San Diego, Caltrans in San Diego County is working on an I-15 Pavement Replacement Project north of Escondido that closes one lane.
Current closed lane (March 2023-October 2023): The #4 lane and right shoulder on Southbound Interstate 15 is closed between Deer Springs Rd and Hwy 78.
Future closed lane (November 2023-June 2024): The #4 lane and right shoulder on Northbound Interstate 15 will be closed between Hwy 78 and Deer Springs Rd.
The lane under construction will be separated from the remaining 3 lanes by a K-rail barrier. For more information, please visit Caltran's website: I-15 Pavement Replacement Project.
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It's Women’s History Month!
Proclamation Celebration:
Join us at the next REDI Commission Meeting.
Thursday, March 9th, 6pm
City Council Chambers
41000 Main Street
Temecula Public Library Literature Display:
Check out a variety of women’s history literature throughout March, with different displays in the front lobby and children’s section.
Ronald H. Roberts Temecula Public Library 30600 Pauba Road
Influential Women of Temecula’s Past:
Follow City of Temecula Community Services Department throughout March to learn about influential women who have helped shape Temecula.
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Temecula Culture Days
2nd Saturday Each Month, 11am-1pm
Temecula Valley Museum
(28314 Mercedes Street)
Join us on the 2nd Saturday of each month, to celebrate a different culture with food, activities, crafts, and a free art session with instructors from Bigfoot Art Classes.
Sat., March 11, 2023, we celebrate Israel.
Visit TemeculaValleyMuseum.org or call 951-694-6450 for more information.
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Call for Community Vendors for 2nd Annual CultureFest
Saturday, May 20, 10am-3pm
Town Square Park
(41902 Main St.)
Sam Hicks Monument Park
(41970 Moreno Road)
Temecula is looking for diverse vendor booths to sell international food or cultural crafts at our 2nd Annual CultureFest. Vendors may be restaurants/caterers, community nonprofits, high school clubs, religious organizations, and/or local businesses.
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Vendor applications are open until April 14 online at TemeculaCA.gov/FestVendor. | |
Middle & High School Art Show
Friday, March 24 - Sunday, April 2
We invite you to the Temecula Valley Museum upstairs exhibit to view the talent of many young artists throughout the Temecula Valley Unified School District. This local student art will feature various subjects, themes, and mediums.
For more information on this event, visit the TemeculaValleyMuseum.org or call 951-694-6450.
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Weed Abatement Program
for Fire Prevention
The City of Temecula has a hazardous vegetation (weed abatement) program in place to reduce wildfire risk and minimize potential harm to people and property.
Property owners are required to keep their properties free of hazardous vegetation throughout the year which keeps our community safe. Vegetation management is one of the most effective fire prevention measures. To help property owners keep up-to-date with the latest information, the City recently launched a comprehensive weed abatement webpage that includes frequently asked questions, a sign-up for email alerts, and information about the weed abatement process. You can check it out here: TemeculaCA.gov/weeds.
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Calling all Athletes & Volunteers for Temecula Special Games
Saturday, March 18, 2023, 9-11am
Great Oak High School
Football Stadium
(32555 Deer Hollow Way)
Special Games is an event designed for athletes of all ages with developmental disabilities to participate in non-competitive games and an awards ceremony. Each athlete is paired with a High School volunteer to act as their buddy during the event participating alongside them. Every athlete will be presented with a participation medal and every volunteer will receive community service hours. To participate as an athlete or volunteer as a buddy, please visit TemeculaCA.gov/SpecialGames or call 951-694-6480.
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How To Do Business with the City of Temecula
Thursday, March 16, 2023, 9-11am
Temecula Valley Entrepreneur's Exchange (TVE2)
(43200 Business Park Drive)
Join us at this FREE workshop to learn how to do business with the City of Temecula.
To register, visit TVE2.org and click ‘Events’.
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Blood Drive
Wednesday, March 8
(other dates available too)
City Conference Center
(41000 Main Street)
The City of Temecula has partnered with the American Red Cross to host this blood drive.
Participants must make an appointment before donating. Click here to schedule your blood donation.
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SoCalGas would like to help thousands of newly eligible customers. Read more here to find out about winter bill assistance, free meals/groceries, and aid to small restaurant owners. | |
Rebates Available Now for Rain Barrels
During the rainy season, you could be collecting rainwater for irrigating your garden and lawn with a rain barrel or cistern. These items are available for rebates through SoCal WaterSmart. Rain barrel (50-199 gallon) rebates start at $35. Cistern (200+ gallon) rebates start at $250. Visit RanchoWater.com/rebates for more information on these and other rebates available to customers.
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These e-blasts are provided by the Temecula City Manager’s Department to share current news and information from Temecula City Hall. We encourage you to forward these to your Temecula friends and neighbors. They can sign-up at TemeculaCA.gov/SignUp to receive City e-blasts directly. | | | | |