Close the Camps
Sunday, August 11th
at 4:30 PM

at Temple Beth-El
  305 W Madison St
South Bend, IN 46601

Tisha B'Av, this year on August 11, is a traditional day of mourning in the Jewish religion commemorating the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, and other events that led to the scattering of the Jewish people into the diaspora. At this time, we empathize with others who have been forced to change their lives.

As Jews, we are commanded to welcome the stranger, for once we too were strangers. Our history as a people is replete with migration, both voluntary and forced, and many of us are immigrants and/or the descendants of those who sought better lives in the United States. Modern-day asylum seekers and immigrants deserve to be welcomed with open arms, not packed into detention camps. We invite people of all faiths, who share the same ideals, values and history, to join in this expression.

Join our call to action. #CLOSE THE CAMPS