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May 2015
Temple Beth Tikvah News

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May Celebrations
TBT Board Members
Board Officers:

   Mark Schindel

 Vice President:
   Michael Rosenfield
   Justin Finestone

   Jeff Adler

   Cathy Wynschenck

   Fred Rafilson
   Marti Fields Johnson

TBT Commitee Chairs
 Bikkur Holim
   Suzanne Schlosberg
   Evie Lerner

   Ralph Uri

   Jeanne Freeman

   Kathy Schindel

   Mark Schindel
   Ralph Uri
   Lester Dober

   Jerry Greenbach

   Lauren Olander

   Terry Reynolds

 Religious Services
   Ann Rosenfield
   Jill Muinch

 Social Action
   Burt Litman

 Social Activities

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Temple Beth Tikvah is pleased to welcome our newest members:

                       Carol Jimenez
                        Gail & Stan Fridstein, and 
                           their children  Allie and Eric


May Calendar of Events

  May  2    9:00 a.m. - Munch & Torah

              10:45 a.m. - Shabbat Torah Service

   May  4  12:00 p.m. - Weekly Torah Study

   May  5    4:00 p.m. - Hebrew School

                7:00 p.m. - Adult Education at Freundlichs

   May  8    6:00 p.m. - Kabbalat Shabbat at Hershensons

   May 11  12:00 p.m. - Weekly Torah Service

   May 12    4:00 p.m. - Hebrew School

   May 16    6:00 p.m. - Auction & Dinner Event

   May 17  10:00 a.m. - Sunday School

                7:00 p.m. - TBT Board meeting

   May 18  12:00 p.m. - Weekly Torah Study

   May 19    4:00 p.m. - Hebrew School

   May 21    5:30 p.m. - Men's Group serving dinner at

                                 Bethlehem Inn

   May 22    7:00 p.m. - Erev Shabbat Service

   May 25  12:00 p.m. - Weekly Torah Study

   May 26    4:00 p.m. - Hebrew School

   May 31  10:00 a.m. - Sunday School


   June 7th - Song of Miriam Awards Brunch  

   June 9th - Annual Congregational Meeting  

   June 13th - Bar Mitzvah of Sid Rafilson

   June 20th - Bat Mitzvah of Rebecca Uri

   July 18th - Bat Mitzvah of Sophie Chudowsky

MAY School Activities All activities at Shalom Bayit unless otherwise noted.
Sunday School 10:00 a.m: - 5/17, 5/31
Hebrew School 4:00 p.m: - 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 5/26

MAY Torah Study
Weekly-Monday noon at Evie's: 5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 5/25
Monthly-Saturday 9:00 a.m. at Wesley Room: 5/2

For more details about any TBT events, see our complete schedule of Services, School activities, and Events online:


TBT Highlights
TBT May Highlights
May's Theme:  Femininity

Tuesday, May 5th - Adult Ed. 7:00 p.m. at Freundlichs. Wine and dessert. Topic: Two  Women of Valor from the Talmud. Please RSVP to Mickey if you will attend so they know how many to plan for: 508-560-5879 or mouse5mm@gmail.com.
Saturday, May 16th - TBT Silent Auction and Dinner 6:00 p.m. at Bend Golf & Country Club. Reservations required.

Thursday, May 21st - Men's group serving dinner at Bethlehem Inn 5:30 p.m. with happy hour gathering following.

Friday, May 22nd - Erev Shabbat service with music. 7:00 p.m. in sanctuary. Sermon: Shavuot and Jewish Mothers.
TBT Silent Auction and Dinner

This hannukiah is one of the many exciting items that will be available at the TBT Auction. Don't miss it!
Saturday, May 16th
6:00 p.m.

Bend Golf & Country Club
61045 Country Club Dr.
Bend, OR  97702

(includes complementary wine with dinner)


Paid Reservations are required.  To make reservations, please respond to your Evite.

Your payment to TBT confirms your reservation and must be received no later than May 6 th at 
TBT, P.O. Box 7472, Bend, OR 97708 or 
Pay Online via the Link below:

Festive Dress
Credit cards & checks accepted for winning items

For donations, questions, and more information: contact Beverly Adler at  fiber12@gmail.com.


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Jeanne Freeman Chosen as TBT's Song of Miriam Honoree for 2015

Temple Beth Tikvah is proud to honor Jeanne Freeman as its 2015 Song of Miriam honoree.


Jeanne has contributed to our Temple community in numerous capacities. She has been our PR and Communications Committee Chair for several years,  maintaining the website, managing the PR, and overseeing all communications. Jeanne has been both a member and Chair of our Community Passover Seder Committee.


Jeanne served on the Temple Beth Tikvah Board of Directors for two years and could always be counted on to contribute in a manner that kept the temple's mission and vision in clear view.


Jeanne supports Beth Tikvah's commitment to Tikkun Olam and Gemilut Chassadim coordinating our Bethlehem Inn homeless shelter dinners and involving Temple Beth Tikvah in the Wednesday Back Door Café breakfasts served to those in need.


In her capacity as chair of various committees, Jeanne encourages involvement and mentors committee members to take on future leadership roles. She draws in people who might not volunteer on their own, but join because of the support and encouragement that she offers them.


Temple Beth Tikvah is fortunate to count Jeanne Freeman a member and we are most appreciative of her tireless efforts and contributions to our temple community.  


For more information about the awards and to join us at the awards Brunch, please see the Song of Miriam Awards info below in the Community News section.



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Divrei Tikvah  RJohannaHeadShot
From Rabbi Johanna Hershenson

May means Mother's Day and in deference we will celebrate women in our sacred literature and in our lives.


Who hasn't seen #baltimoreriotmom or #motheroftheyear video on social media? By all means, lech lecha - l'chi lach, go and see it for yourself!


On the evening that the riot broke out in Baltimore, a single mother saw her 16 year old son on the local news throwing rocks at police. She marched right down to all the action, pulled her son out, and shamed him for his lousy choice. Among less dignified words, she declared her boy would not go down that road.


I have teen aged children and I know there are days.  This woman was not graceful, but she was effective, fierce, and right. Teens are smarter and stronger than children. They have their own resources and they believe they are invincible. Mothering them is hard. In the midst of a riot, mothering a son can be warfare. Her son does not run away from her or ignore her. He wants to explain, he wants to calm her down, and he wants out of the public eye. Despite his wrongdoing he clearly has respect for his mother.


The Book of Proverbs refers to the Woman of Valor. She is a loving wife, a competent and gracious host and homemaker, a dedicated mother, engaged in volunteer community work...  She is truly an amazing woman. Often feminist commentators dislike her, considering her an unfair expectation of women. I think she's an early example of a powerful woman. And I think we are too easily persuaded to take shots at powerful women.


While it is true that the Torah and Rabbinic literature reveal patriarchal thinking, there are stories of powerful Jewish women sprinkled throughout. Egyptian midwives engage in civil disobedience in order to save the lives of Hebrew babies. Deborah is a respected prophetess and military strategist consulted regularly in the Book of Judges. Another prophetess Huldah is consulted to verify the authenticity of a "book of law" (probably Deuteronomy) in the time of the Kings of Israel. Queen Esther saves the Jewish people by exploiting her femininity. Judith, in the time of the Maccabees, seduces and then assassinates an important Greek-Syrian commander. Beruriah, in the Talmud, repeatedly outsmarts her husband, Rabbi Meir.


There are many women of valor in our congregation. Some are volunteers par excellence. Others are athletes. Mothers and grandmothers. Artists, writers, musicians, and event planners. Some we see and know well, others work quietly behind the scenes. 


This month in honor of Mother's Day, turn to a powerful, wonderful woman in your life and tell her why you respect and/or admire her. Maybe she's the mother of your children. Maybe she's a partner in a professional venture. Maybe a teacher, a server in your regular restaurant of choice, a doctor, accountant, or lawyer?  Maybe she's a community leader, a small business owner, or the go-to person when someone's sick and needs support. Just turn to her, and acknowledge her. She will feel blessed by simple, sweet recognition. Ken y'hi ratzon... May it be our will!


~~ Rabbi Hershenson's office hours are by appointment. If you would like to set up an appointment, please contact her by email at: johannahershenson@gmail.com, or by phone at 541-213-9880.

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Mark Schindel photo President's Message
From TBT President Mark Schindel

Members & Friends ~

April was a month filled with celebrations and ceremonies. It started with a wonderful Community Passover Seder. The Passover Committee, under the leadership of Cathy Wynschenk and Kim Rafilson and with the strong assistance of so many helpers, deserves our deep appreciation for this beautiful event.


In the middle of the month we had a community ceremony for Yom HaShoah, commemorating the events of the Holocaust, put on by the History Club and Jewish

Students Club at COCC. We are most grateful for their sponsorship under the direction of Jessica Hammerman and Pat Givens, and for Jessica's efforts on the production of such an informative and worthwhile program.


Finally, we concluded the month with a celebration of Israel's 67th Independence Day at our Erev Shabbat service. A special thanks to Evie Lerner and her helpers for organizing a delicious Oneg, and to Sara Charney Cohen for organizing the Israeli dancing.


As we look forward to May, in addition to our regular monthly services and events, we will be celebrating the important holiday of Shavuot, one of the major Jewish festival holidays. But just as Shavuot signals the end of the major holidays for the Jewish calendar cycle, we

are getting to the end of our TBT annual cycle. That means we will be looking for new leadership to fill Board positions and other key roles.


In April, we sent out information on our new TBT organizational structure, and asked for each of our members to let us know what areas were of most interest. For those who have sent back your filled out sheets, we greatly appreciate your responses. For those who have NOT yet filled out their sheets, please do so as soon as possible. Knowing in what areas you are interested will make it much easier when someone contacts you for your assistance. Our goal is to have members slotted for positions and teams in the new organizational structure before our Annual Congregational Meeting in June. We will need everyone's help in some capacity to achieve our mission and vision of who we want to be. So, I thank you in advance for your support and participation as we move forward together towards an exciting future.



  Mark Schindel


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TBT Board Notes
Next Board Meeting:  May 10th, 7:00 p.m.
Location:  Stonebriar Apartments Clubhouse

Your TBT Board meets monthly and everyone is invited to attend. Dates and times of Board meetings are on the TBT calendar at:  bethtikvahbend.org/calendar

If you would like to read minutes of previous board meetings, you can request a copy from Board Secretary Justin Finestone: finest14@yahoo.com
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Committee News
Religious Committee News
Ann Rosenfield and Jill Muinch, Religiouscolorful star Committee Co-Chairs

Religious events are pretty quiet for the month of May as we are gearing up for a busy summer of Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. The theme for May is Femininity. We start May with Munch and Torah on Saturday, May 2nd at 9:00 a.m. followed by the Torah service at 10:30 a.m. Join us for both events or just come to the one that interests you most. It is always an enjoyable morning. 


On Tuesday May 5th, Mike and Mickey Freundlich will be hosting adult education at 7:00 p.m. The subject will be Two Women of Valor from the Talmud. Join us for wine, dessert and an opportunity to learn from the rabbi.


Our two services for May will be held on Friday May 8th and Friday May 22nd. The Kaballat Shabbat service on May 8th will be held at 6:00 p.m. at the Hershenson home. Our monthly Erev Shabbat service, with beautiful music provided by Lauren Olander and company, will be held on May 22nd at 7:00 p.m. The subject for the sermon will be Shavu'ot and Jewish Mothers. We hope to

see many of you at our events in May.


Social Action Updatetikkun olam earth
Burt Litman, Social Action Chair

Thank you to all our members who served breakfast on Wednesday, April 15th at the Back Door Café: Jeff Adler, Vivian Freeman, Joe Jezukewicz, Neil Pyne, Bonnie Ruby, Mark Schindel, Ralph Uri, and Kathy Schindel, who managed the crew.

Our upcoming Bethlehem Inn dinner will be served by the TBT Men's Group on Thursday, May 21st - thank you to all for your participation. June 29th will be the next Bethlehem Inn dinner. If you'd like to help cook and serve, please contact Burt Litman at blitman@bendbroadband.com.

JUNE Newsletter Deadline:  May 24th

This newsletter is emailed to both members and non-members each month.  If you have something you want to include in the newsletter, please e-mail it to Sara: sarrava@gmail.com by the 24th of each month for the following month's publication.  As always, you will continue to receive "e-minders" before important events take place.

Sara Charney Cohen
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TBT Men's Night - Thur. May 21st

bethlehem inn logo
The TBT monthly Men's Night will usually be on the third Wednesday of each month during 2015, however, May's event is on a Thursday.  

The next TBT Men's Night will be Thursday, May 21st, when the TBT Men's group will be cooking and serving dinner for the residents of the Bethlehem Inn.  Please meet at the Bethlehem Inn at 5:30 p.m., 3705 North Highway 97 (behind Midas)  Bend, Oregon 97701. We'll continue on to a happy hour gathering, location TBA, afterward. All men of TBT are encouraged to join us. For more info, contact Lawrence, Ralph, or Fred.


MiriamAwards                                                                              Back to Top
Community News


Jewish Women's Round Table presents the


 23rd Annual "Song of Miriam" Awards Brunch


Honoring Outstanding Women Volunteers

Sunday, June 7, 2015

10:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.


Mittleman Jewish Community Center    

6651 SW Capitol Hwy., Portland


TBT's honoree this year is Jeanne Freeman!  (Read more about Jeanne above.) 


Tickets for the brunch are $24 if purchased before May 27th and $32 after. (Children 12 & under are $10.)  For more info, or to reserve your tickets, contact Terry Reynolds tlrsboard@yahoo.com. Come support Jeanne and have fun in Portland!


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Taizé Service
Next Taizé:  May 7th

All TBT members are invited to Taizé - an evening of Interfaith prayerful meditation, peace, and silence. Taizé services are held the first Thursday of each month, October through May, 7:00 p.m. at St. Clare's Chapel, St. Francis Catholic Church, 2450 NE 27th St. in Bend, OR. Everyone is invited to attend and participate. Sponsored by the Sacred Art of Living Center and the Interfaith Community of Central Oregon.


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TBT Tributes
You may honor the lives and achievements of friends and relatives via a tribute with a donation to TBT. You can do this online, or by sending a check and the name and address of the person being honored to TBT at P.O. Box 7472, Bend, OR, 97708.

Donations may be designated to a specific fund, including:
   - the Youth Education Fund,   
   - the Music Fund - including Adopt-a-Musician, 
   - the Library Fund, 
   - the Rabbi Fund, 
   - the Rabbi's Caring Fund, 
   - the Social Action Fund, 
   - the Corrie Grudin Memorial Fund,
   - or to the General Fund. 

Donations listed below were made to the Temple's general purpose fund unless otherwise specified.

Temple Beth Tikvah gratefully acknowledges the following contributions:
  • From Jerry and Phyllis Greenbach, in memory of Arthur Greenbach.
  • From Mel Siegel, in memory of Mae Siegel.
  • From Ralph and Marcia Uri, in memory of Miriam Becker.
  • From Jeanne Freeman and Burt Litman, in memory of Rose Freeman.
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About Temple Beth Tikvah

Temple Beth Tikvah is a growing Jewish congregation based in Bend, Oregon. We are affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism and are excited to be the first Reform synagogue in Central Oregon.

Our members come from a range of Jewish backgrounds including Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist, and Renewal. Temple Beth Tikvah welcomes interfaith families and Jews by choice. We are committed to providing a Jewish education for our children as well as stimulating educational activities for adults. We value social action and strive to provide a Jewish cultural, social, and religious experience in Central Oregon.

Temple Beth Tikvah is a warm and enthusiastic community that includes families, singles, and "empty nesters." We are a mix of long-time Bend residents and newcomers from around the country who moved here to enjoy Central Oregon's beauty, active lifestyle, and quality of life.

Please contact us at 541-388-8826 or info@bethtikvahbend.org for more information.
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