Well it's official:
Keith & Janey have left the building!
Temple Cafe Bar is now under New Ownership

If you have any questions about anything - Please contact us: [email protected]
We really can't thank you enough, but yes it's official, we have sold the Cafe Bar & it wasn't an easy decision!
It went through late February, but we hadn't finished dotting the I's & crossing the T's till recently.

We'll explain more below, but we really have loved our time there with you our amazing customers & our lovely, lovely staff.

The New Owners Ian & Ross (Barons Lounge), have great plans moving things forward, keeping the building pretty much as it is and keeping our staff on. Which was another reason we sold it to them ๐Ÿ™

They are now adding more Beers & Live Acts, bringing more life into Northwich over to the forthcoming weekends.
The evening menu will be replaced with great Tapas Dishes from around the world, which you can enjoy whilst listening to Live Music. We think you'll love it ๐Ÿ˜

We are sure they will continue with this Newsletter, but we wanted to let you know first hand, what's happened and what we are all doing in the future...
So what's happening to Keith & Janey?

Lots of you may know, but Pre-Covid we used to Teach, Perform & Organise Dance Events under www.revolutiondance.co.uk This was restarted after all Covid restrictions were lifted.
๏ปฟUnfortunately this then meant that running both companies became very difficult with not enough hours in the day, so unfortunately something had to give before it affected our health and or businesses in a negative way. Hence the sale of Temple, but only into safe hands!
All that said,

We have decided to stay in Northwich, loving the great community spirit Northwich has to offer, we have opened weekly adult (16+) dance classes. They are best explained as similar to Salsa, but easier to learn than Latin Ballroom, it's a great social dance, helping to keep fit, meet new friends whilst learning to dance, all whilst having a laugh!

Please join us and learn something fun & new, Modern Jive has only been in the UK for around 35 years, so it's relatively new compared to most dances, but it is the easiest to learn & we think the most fun.

NEW CLASSES Start Tuesday 2nd May & each Tue thereafter (Closed 16th May as it was pre-booked).

Brio Leisure Centre, Memorial Court, Chesterway, Northwich, CW9 5QJ

7pm- 7:40pm Absolute Beginners Class

7:40pm - 8:30pm Social & Practice Time

8:30pm - 8:55pm Beginners re-cap & Intermediate Classes

8:55pm - 10pm Social & Practice Time 

We tend to have a lovely gender balance, so everyone should enjoy plenty of dances throughout the evening. No Partner, No Experience Required, but also great for couples & groups.

Please spread the word, the more the merrier & have a lovely fun night out every Tuesday with us, no need to pre-book as these are drop in classes ๐Ÿ˜

See the Flyer Below & as a Thank You, just say you are from 'Temple Cafe Bar' & your first night is FREE.

So that's all from us now via Temple Cafe Bar, but we know it's in great hands and we are looking forward to part 2 of our journey in Northwich โค๏ธ and we would love to see you.

Thank you so much for all your support over the past two & a half years, we have really enjoyed your company & have loved you joining us & we'd now love to see you on a Tuesday ๐Ÿ™

Keith & Janey xx
All our love & best wishes, stay safe.

Keith, Janey & the Whole Team ๐Ÿ™

Temple Cafe Car
Tel: 07340 681834