August 2022 / Av - Elul 5782
Rabbi's Message
by Rabbi David Komerofsky
At the end of August, we will begin the Hebrew month of Elul. This month before the High Holy Days is a time for self-reflection, in Hebrew “cheshbon hanefesh” or “accounting of the soul.” We prepare ourselves spiritually for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur by balancing our behavior books, reflecting on the various impacts that we have made on other people and the rest of Creation since last year.
One might go back through the calendar and consider any changes in habit since last Elul. What trends have we started or ended? In what ways are we better now than we were, and in what ways are we worse? Savvy social media users have an easy way to balance their books – it’s all written and recorded and, thanks to the cloud and the permanence of digital data, sealed right there. This is the month to consider “How have I spent the past year, and how will I do better in the year ahead?” Progress is rarely a straight line, and it is natural to see ups-and-downs over a year. A year gives a clearer understanding of trends than does a month or a week, so we can think of this balancing of the behavior books as our annual audit – have we added more to, or subtracted more from, the betterment of our world?
Looking backward since Elul 5781 can be daunting and disheartening. But it needn’t be so. If a look backward teaches us nothing, then we have not progressed. If we have done nothing of consequence, we will have no regrets. And if we have done things that we should regret and do not regret them? There’s a seat waiting for each of us on Yom Kippur. No year is without triumph and tragedy, and both must be examined.
Instead of being discouraged by our imperfections, we are meant to learn from them. Ray Dalio, the founder of the world’s largest hedge fund, posits this formula: pain + reflection = progress. The pain that we experience from our own failings and the failings of others is only productive if we reflect on it, learn from it, and then move forward.
May we each have a meaningful accounting of our own souls and begin the New Year better than we did a year ago.
Register Today for Chadash!
Registration is now open for the Chadash 2022/2023 school year. You can register by filling out our online registration form through the Temple Israel website or the Chadash website. Below are some important dates to remember, and the complete school year calendar is available at both websites, as well.
Sunday, September 11 - 1st Day of Chadash
Sunday, October 2 – Chadash meets off site at the Alliance Cemetery
Sunday, October 9 – Chadash Sukkot celebration
Sunday, October 30 – Consecration
Shabbat Services - August 2022
All services are in-person and streaming live via Temple Israel’s YouTube channel.
Watch our website and Temple Tidbits for updates and more information.
Friday, August 5, 2022
5:30 p.m. – Oneg Shabbat
6:15 p.m. – Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Saturday, August 6, 2022
Friday, August 12, 2022
5:30 p.m. – Oneg Shabbat
6:15 p.m. – Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Including August Birthday and Anniversary Blessings
Saturday, August 13, 2022
10:00 a.m. - Stollen Moments
Friday, August 19, 2022
5:30 p.m. – Oneg Shabbat
6:15 p.m. – Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Saturday, August 20, 2022
10:00 a.m. - Stollen Moments
Friday, August 26, 2022
5:30 p.m. – Oneg Shabbat
6:15 p.m. – Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Saturday, August 27, 2022
10:00 a.m. - Stollen Moments
For the month of August the Social Action Committee will be collecting school supplies for Canton City Schools for kindergarten through eighth grade district wide. The following supplies are needed:
- Backpacks
- Dry erase markers
- 24 pack crayons
- Plastic pencil boxes
- 10 count pack of pencils
- Stylus
- Markers
- Headphones
- Glue sticks
- Water bottles
- Bottles of glue
- Highlighters
- Scissors
- Wide rule paper
- Large pink erasers
- Colored pencils
- Pocket folders
- Tissues
- Spiral notebooks
- iPad charger and cord
- String bag-mesh or clear
Thank you so much for your continued support to help those in need in our community.
Social Action Committee
Paulette Karelitz
Joan Ortman
Anita Porter
Jewish Family Services list has changed and they are in need of the following:
- Miracle Whip
- Cheerios
- Honey Nut Cheerios
- Corn Chex
- Spaghetti Noodles
- Toilet Paper
- Sq. or Rectangular Box Kleenex
- Napkins
- Tuna (packed in water)
- Liquid Dish Soap-Med size
- Laundry Detergent HE- Med Jug
- Large Black Trash Bags
- 13 gal. White Trash Bags
- Mac & Cheese
- Strawberry Jelly/Jam
Please feel free to drop off food at the office!
Sisterhood is asking that any congregants who have college aged students in the Armed Services send in their addresses for the 2022-2023 school year. Also, if any grandparent would like to send a Rosh Hashana goody box to their college age grandchild, please send in their address and a check made out to Temple Israel Sisterhood for $10 by September 1, 2022.
Israel – An Interfaith Wonder
February 4 – February 15, 2023 (with optional extensions)
Led by Pastor Michael Wallace (Christ Presbyterian Church) and
Rabbi David Komerofsky (Temple Israel)
Save the Date - August 11th
The Jane Altman Zoldan Blood Drive
Please join us Thursday, August 11 from 3:30 pm – 7:30 pm at Beit Ha'am as we resume our Annual Blood Drive. Janie loved greeting all of the donors and thanking them for their life-saving donations. This year, we will gather in her honor. Please reach out to Debbie Sinopoli at debbie.sinopoli3@gmail.com or call Debbie at 330-323-4540 or Randi Smuckler, randismuckler@yahoo.com with any questions and to schedule your donation time.
August 5
Allen Caghan
Lawrence Cosner
Eugene Epstein
Hazel Fantle
David Fettman
William Goldsmith
Leslie Green
Jessica Ida Henning
Dr. Jeffrey Jay
Al Katz
Dr. Jerome Kleinerman
Mort Lazor
Marie Frost Levin
Daniel Lippy
Gussie Malks
Nathan Manheim
Ruth Marks
Mark Nathanson
Betty Newpoff
Carolyn Porter
James Shively
Dean Sokol
William Solomon
Abe Stein
Samson Weckstein
Bert Wolman
Rebecca Yassenoff
August 12
Helen Isroff Bailey
Ella Block
Freda Brokstein
Robert Brownlow
Linda Cohen
Jerome Cohn
Gordon Dearment
David Dwork
Martin Louis Goldman
Hannah Greenberger
Jeannette Grossman
Theresa Fenyves Janning
David Kalk
Rosalie Keller
Victor Kitzen
Morris Knell
Alfred Lavin
Faye Lilenfield
R. Darlene Lilenfield
James Lockshin
Michael Louis
Harry Stern Mann
Emanuella Rita Martin
Beatrice Refkin
Richard Shapiro
Eugene Sheidlower
Beatrice Sheroff
Eva Stabholz
Gershon Stearn
Norbert Joseph Weikers
Samuel Wilkof
Jack K. Woll
Solomon Yassenoff
August 19
Max Bagan
Fanny Pinkus Brack
Eleonora BronshteinNeil Carmen
Eva Lou Chapman
Ruth N. Cohen
Leo Dana
Gertrude Drebin
Harold Drebin
Max Fenyves
Alice Flaksman
Randal Craig Fleischer
Howard Francis
Hyman Golden
Joseph Goldenfeld
Rose Gossoff
Jeff Laaff
Jennie Lazarus
Sanford S. Lazarus
Albert Linde
Sophie R. Mathes
Sidney H. Meshekow
John A. Mintz
Karen Pechersky
Abraham Rosenblum
Dr. Neil Sager
Aaron Saltzman
Hattie Savel
Sidney Slesnick
James Taylor
Rabbi Jerome Unger
August 26
Beatrice Nobil Atleson
Louis R. Cohen
Sarah Shipman Cohn
Anna D'alessandro
Nick D'alessandro
Sharon Epstein
Samuel Feiman
Naomi Freedman
Fannie Gelfand
Lewis A. Glazer
Joan Green
Mina Gurvicz
Walter Klein
Janet Mendelson
Louis Mendelson
Ann Louise Minkin
Milton Newpoff
I. William Nusbaum
Louis Olden
Melvin Pearl
Morris Sarbin
Abraham Schweitzer
Lena Smuckler
James P. Spera
James Barton Spitzer
Mark Turkeltaub
Thomas R. Uldal
Ruth Zellinger
The Temple's Sympathy is extended to the family of:
- Dr. Frank Weinstock
- Yuriy Khachaturov
Temple Israel Endowments
Atleson/Laden Family Religious School Endowment
In Honor of
- Mark & Cathy Atleson's 50th Wedding Anniversary, by Diane & Bob Friedman
J. Edward and Janet S. Diamond Senior Enhancement
In Memory of
- Dr. Frank Weinstock, by Ed & Janet Diamond
Lockshin-Goldenfeld Religious School
In Memory of
- Jim Lockshin, by Shirley Lockshin & Family
For Recovery of
- Carmine Scalia, by Shirley Lockshin
Robert and Shelley Schweitzer Temple Youth Group
In Appreciation of
- Templegrams from Dennis & Marianne Glazer
In Memory of
- Dr. Frank Weinstock, by Harlene Smuckler
Trees for Israel
In Memory of
- Dr. Alan Kamen, by the Reaven Family
- Mitch Libster, by the Reaven Family
Temple Israel Restricted Funds
Bilha Ron Religious School Enrichment Fund
In Honor of
- Judy Tenebaum's recent retirement, by Bill & Randi Smuckler
- Barry & Michelle Adelman's Granddaughter, Penelope June, by Bill & Randi Smuckler
Floral Fund
In Memory of
- Norita Nielsen, by Denise & Steve Nielsen
Kiddush Fund
In Memory of
- Delbert Branz, by Mary Jo Lockshin
Social Action
In Honor of
- Judy Tenenbaum's Retirement, by Lee & Paulette Karelitz, Tom & Anita Porter
Mazon Fund - A Jewish Response to Hunger
In Memory of
- Hershel Smuckler, by Howard & Linda Smuckler
- Dr. Frank Weinstock, by Eileen & Irv Dinn, The Reaven Family
In Honor of
- Barry & Michelle Adelman's Granddaughter - Penelope, by Drs. Eileen & Matt Saltarelli
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
In Memory of
- Anita Nathan-Michelson, by Jean & Lisa Berry, Liz & Spencer Lynch, Sue Shafer
- Dr. Alan Kamen, by Joyce & Jerry Ortman
- Dr. Frank Weinstock, by Stanley & Barbara Rubin
In Appreciation of
- Rabbi David Komerofsky and Ronit Sherwin, by Beth Madis
- Rabbi David Komerofsky for performing our wedding ceremony, by Dr. Andrew and Dr. Dawn Burns
In Honor Of
- The Marriage of John & Carisa Strauss, by Diane & Bob Friedman
Rabbi Spitzer Endowment for Social Justice & Action
In Honor of
- Silhouette Project, by Barry & Michelle Adelman, Robert Fay, Scott & Laura Berkeley, Susan Clough, Marjorie West, Joseph Halter Jr., John & Rae Looby, Quentin Potter & Cynthia Burnell, Jim & Vicki Conley, Patti Green, Barbara Rosenstock, Nancy & Steve Dollard, Mary Jo Menicos, Barbara Weigand, Paula Lagodich Bowers, Jean Robertson, Wendy Rockenfelder & Dean Carro, David Devries
Temple Israel
432 - 30th Street NW
Canton, OH 44709
Phone: 330-455-5197
Fax: 330-455-5268
The staff’s direct phone numbers are listed below their email addresses
Rabbi David Komerofsky
Rabbi Emeritus John H. Spitzer
Julie Zorn, Chadash, Engagement & Outreach Director
Debbie Spetich, Temple Office
Temple President — John Spera
Temple Israel | www.templeisraelcanton.org
Facebook @templeisraelcanton