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December 2022 / Kislev - Tevet 5783

Rabbi's Message

by Rabbi David Komerofsky

Chanukah is a time for spreading light. Please join us for a candlelighting outside Beit Ha'am on the first night of the holiday, and bring your friends! Sunday, December 18 at 5:00 p.m. (See the promo below).

At the heart of the Chanukah story is both the talmudic tale of the miracle of the oil and the Maccabbean victory over forced assimilation and destruction of Jewish identity. While the former is more fun and palatable, the latter is equally important. This is the time of the year when practicing Jews in our culture are most conspicuous in our differences. As a people destined to be a light unto the nations, our work at this season is most needed. Spread some light, proudly display your chanukiah, and don't let that light go out.

To all in our Temple family who observe the many celebrations around the winter solstice, I send warmest greetings and blessings for a beautiful season of brightness and joy. Below is my favorite song for this time of year. I always find its words and music inspirational.

"Light One Candle" by Peter Yarrow

Light one candle for the Maccabee children

With thanks that their light didn't die

Light one candle for the pain they endured

When their right to exist was denied

Light one candle for the terrible sacrifice

Justice and freedom demand

But light one candle for the wisdom to know

When the peacemaker's time is at hand

Don't let the light go out!

It's lasted for so many years!

Don't let the light go out!

Let it shine through our hope and our tears. (2)

Light one candle for the strength that we need

To never become our own foe

And light one candle for those who are suffering

Pain we learned so long ago

Light one candle for all we believe in

That anger not tear us apart

And light one candle to find us together

With peace as the song in our hearts

What is the memory that's valued so highly

That we keep it alive in that flame?

What's the commitment to those who have died

That we cry out they've not died in vain?

We have come this far always believing

That justice would somehow prevail

This is the burden, this is the promise

This is why we will not fail!

CLICK to hear/see a video of Peter, Paul & Mary singing "Light One Candle."

Ode to a Latke

by Julie Zorn

Latkes: deep fried, crispy, greasy, delicious, fattening. There are many words that could describe Chanukah’s favorite treat, but I have one other word for you.


One tiny Campbell soup can wide latke is approximately 5/8 inch thick, has 99 calories and 5.5 grams of fat. I could pile away a plate of them with sour cream and apple sauce in a matter of minutes! What is there to love about that?

I know firsthand, however, that a plate of latkes is not just a bottle of Clearisil away. Rather, a plate of latkes represents tradition and a miracle and memories of time spent with our loved ones celebrating who we are allowed to be because of the ancestors who fought for us to be a free people.

Latkes are love, because we spend time together in the kitchen with our families peeling and grating and chopping just to share in a meaningful and joyful experience together.

Latkes are love, because they reach beyond generations and magically bring us together to elevate a Jewish holiday and make it special.

For Chadash, latkes have taken a two-year hiatus due to Covid, but this year, we’re bringing them back. Our students and their families will celebrate Chanukah with a latke party, and we are certain, they will feel the latke love!

The Chadash Chanukah party is scheduled for December 18 at 11:00 am.

Shabbat Services - December 2022

All services are in-person and streaming live via Temple Israel’s YouTube channel.

Watch our website and Temple Tidbits for updates and more information.

Friday, December 2, 2022

5:30 p.m. – Oneg Shabbat

6:15 p.m. – Family Shabbat Service

Saturday, December 3, 2022

10:00 a.m. - Stollen Moments

Friday December 9, 2022

5:30 p.m. – Oneg Shabbat

6:15 p.m. – Kabbalat Shabbat Service

Including December Birthday and Anniversary Blessings

Saturday, December 10, 2022

10:00 a.m. - Stollen Moments

Friday, December 16, 2022

5:30 p.m. – Oneg Shabbat

6:15 p.m. – Kabbalat Shabbat Service 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

10:00 a.m. - Stollen Moments

Friday, December 23, 2022

5:30 p.m. – Oneg Shabbat

6:15 p.m. – Kabbalat Shabbat Service

Saturday, December 24, 2022


Friday, December 30, 2022

5:30 p.m. – Oneg Shabbat

6:15 p.m. – Kabbalat Shabbat Service

Saturday, December 30, 2022


43rd Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church

Jewish Family Services Mitzvah Project

All of the families benefiting from this project live in our community. Please help them have a wonderful Hanukkah this year. You can pick a driedel in the lobby of Beit Ha’am with a special gift requests from November 10th through December 5.

·       Pick a dreidel (Nov 10-Dec 4)

·       Purchase a gift(s)

·       Return gift(s) with dreidel attached in an unwrapped bag.

·       Please include gift receipts for all items.

·       Return gift(s) to Beit Ha’am December 5, 2022

Checks or cash maybe given in lieu of shopping for a gift. Please make checks payable to JFS Mitzvah Project. Send to 432 30th St NW., Canton OH 44709 by December 5.


Volunteers are needed to help with gift wrapping. Please contact Leanne Lehn at (330) 445-2850 or llehn@jewishcanton.org

**Please make sure to attach dreidel and gift receipts to the gift(s) you purchased when you bring to Beit Ha’am**

Thank you for supporting this program.

Stop By The Temple Gift Shop for all your Chanukah Needs:

Gift Wrap | Gift Bags | Bows | Cards

Menorahs | Candles | Dreidels | Many Gifts

Temple Gift Shop is open 9:00 A.M.- 3:00 P.M. (Monday - Friday)

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Are you interested in serving on a Temple Israel committee or participating in an auxiliary?

Finance | Membership

Caring Community | Community Garden

Safety & Security | Social Action | Cemetery

Sisterhood | Brotherhood

Just visit https://templeisraelcanton.org/get-involved/.


Temple Israel has a variety of endowment funds that support our mission and vision. CLICK to see the full listing.

If you are interested in contributing to an existing endowment, simply CLICK here.

To establish a new endowment, contact treasurer@templeisraelcanton.org or president@templeisraelcanton.org

Jewish Family Services list has changed and they are in need of the following:

  • Medium Jug Laundry Detergent (HD)
  • Ketchup
  • Mustard
  • Minestrone and Vegetable Soup
  • Hellman's Mayonnaise
  • Vegetarian Baked Beans

Please feel free to drop off food at the office!

December Yahrzeits

December 2

Jacob Baer

Bertha Baskin

Alan Blau

Meyer E. Block

Harry Brown

Roberta Cohen

David M. Cohodas

Howard Fetters, Jr.

Irene Gelb

Ruth Green

Henry Mann

Jack Medvin

Lauren Beth Mostov

Beryl Meyers

Carmen Adams Newcomb

Dorothy Newman

Mandel Perlman

John Petroff

Faye Pontelle

Leo Refkin

Celia G. Reinglass

Bessir Robbins

Milton Robbins

Lawrence J. Roth

Ruth Routman

Genoeffa Sinolpoli

Edward Stein

Marie Wilkof

Emily Willen

Adolph Winkler

December 9

Lena Adelman

Sherman Barnett

Hazel Cohen

James Michael Collum

Gerald Cooper

Primrose Fenyves

Howard A. Fetters

Albert Frankel

Opal Gill

John F. Given

Al S. Jacobson

Ronald Jolovitz

Faith Knight

Harold Krupp

Carl J. Langkamp

Elinor Lavin

Sadie Levenson

Leonard Libster

Dr. Sam Lieberman

Harry Stern Mann, Jr.

Edna Miller

Fannye Newman

Ethel Ostrowsky

Selma Salsbury

Sema Sarbin

Frances Shapiro

David H. Shulan

George A. Spitzer

Elvena Sternberg

Dr. James Tate

Elizabeth Zecher

December 16

Irving Adelman

I. Walter Arkow

Leonard Askenazy

Frances Axelrod

Frieda Wise Bellin

Lillian Bendau

Tillie Bleckman

Sayde Bobrof

Susan Borack

Norman Braff

Vera Luntz Burstein

Marvin Cohan

Elsie Gelfand David

Ben Dryer

Dr. Irving Felder

Jacob Wolf Hartman

Wayne Arthur Krabill

William L. Lavin

Darwin S. Luntz

Florence B. Mintz

Louis R. Myers

Harry Nusbaum

Mary Perskey

Louis Pontell

Dr. Samuel Rafael

Catherine Shifman Rosenbloom

Irvine Harold Routman

Louis Salsbury

L. Betty Savage

Linda Atleson Stein

John Strauss, Sr.

Lillian Taylor

Israel Wagman

Betty Wein

December 23

Norman Alper

Rosalie Carp Berley

Lawrence Blystone

Thelma Borcover

Lillian Bryan

Ruth Dreyer

William Francis

Esther Fried

Louis J. Friedman

Saul Garber

Margaret Given

Murray Abraham Gold

Freda Gross

George Grossman

Paul Levine

Gertrude Toronski Leyton

Larry London

Herbert Marks

Nathan Mittelman

Minna H. Myers

Dr. Otto L. Plaut

Gary Pontell

Jacob Michael Rapport

Charlotte Rosenblatt

Dr. Jerome Rosengard

Louis Rosenkranz

David Sabetay

Julia Ziskin Schweitzer

Robert H. Schweitzer

Laura Tuber

Morris Zecher

December 30

Judith Abrams

Mayme Mittleman Woll Altman

Solomon Barnett

Maurine Black

Geraldine Branz

Harry Louis Cohen

Morris Cohodas

Mollie Davis

Sheldon Fantle

Celia Garber

Jerome A. Garfinkle

Albert Good

Dorothy Gorin

Lt. Col. Fred Green

Morris Greenberger

Celcilia Gross

Della Haberman

William Karelitz

Florence S. Luntz

Ethel Mitzman

Salomon Rosenblatt

I. Michael Rudolph

Sarah Schultz

Samuel Shifman

Kaethe Schohl Wells

Esenta Worshil

Temple Israel Endowments

Robert & Shelley Schweitzer Temple Youth Group Endowment

In Honor of

  • Batya & Natan Sherwin's B'nai Mitzvah, by Harlene Smuckler

Temple Israel Restricted Funds

Mazon Fund - A Jewish Response to Hunger

In Memory of

  • Donald Friedman, by Irv & Eileen Dinn
  • Ann Olden, by Karen Olden
  • Gwen Balin, by Karen Olden
  • Irene Gelb, by Ron & Adele Gelb

In Honor of

  • 70th Anniversary of Irv Dinn's Bar Mitzvah, by Irv & Eileen Dinn
  • Joyce Ortman's "Big" Birthday, by Paul & Marilyn Feldman
  • Bruce & Sheryl White's 35th Wedding Anniversary, by Paul & Marilyn Feldman
  • Jonathan Lass's "Big" Birthday, by PJ & Fran Wells

Rabbi's Discretionary Fund

In Memory of

  • Frank Weinstock, by Bob & Linda Greene
  • Donald Friedman, by Bob & Linda Greene
  • Milton Robbins, by The Winograd Family

In Honor of

  • Batya Sherwin's Bat Mitzvah, by Alicia Rozenbom, Bob & Barbara Ferne, Patti Green, Jim & Mary Donna Rubin & Family, Shirley Lockshin
  • Natan Sherwin's Bar Mitzvah, by Alicia Rozenbom, Bob & Barbara Ferne, Patti Green, Jim & Mary Donna Rubin & Family, Shirley Lockshin
  • Stanley Tulgan's "Big" Birthday, by Paul & Marilyn Feldman

Kiddush Fund

In Memory of

  • Lenore Love, by Jennifer Lile & Firm (Krugliak, Wilkins, Griffiths & Dougherty Co., L.P.A.)
  • George A. Spitzer, by Rabbi John & Cheri Spitzer


Temple Israel
432 - 30th Street NW
Canton, OH 44709
Phone: 330-455-5197
Fax: 330-455-5268

The staff’s direct phone numbers are listed below their email addresses

Rabbi David Komerofsky

Rabbi Emeritus John H. Spitzer

Julie Zorn, Chadash & Outreach Director

Debbie Spetich, Temple Office

Temple President — John Spera
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