December 2023 / Kislev - Tevet 5784 | |
Rabbi's Message
by Rabbi David Komerofsky
What can we do in the face of this astonishing rise in antisemtic rhetoric and activity? I have said before that antisemitism is not something that Jews can solve. It is not a Jewish problem - it is a human problem. We cannot force others to love us, or convince zealots that we are not the source of the world's troubles.
What can we do? Embrace our uniqueness as Jews and resist the temptation to appease those who seek our destruction. Heaven forbid we should become like the rest of the world, broken and untethered from a moral anchor. Heaven forbid we should sacrifice our distinctiveness as Jews on the altar of popularity. We Jews have never been a numerical majority in the world, and there is only one country in which we are the majority. And that country is under constant attack on the battlefields of war, terrorism and public opinion.
What can Jews do in the face of antisemitism? Be Jewish.
Below is a link to a video that describes the last Lubavitcher Rebbe's discussion on the uniqueness of the Jewish people and the Jewish state through the story of his interaction with Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. A Chasidic rabbi who never visited Israel and a secular Israeli who had little use for ritual can teach us all what it means to be proudly Jewish.
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You Are Not Alone
by Julie Zorn
The horrific massacre that took place in Israel on October 7th occurred right before the first day of Chadash this school year. We were gearing up to come back strong, and when a nightmare unfolded in our homeland, and once again, we were left with a very adult topic in a very non adult setting.
Without even a discussion, the need to feel our connection to Israel and to spread that feeling of connection throughout every classroom just seemed to intrinsically happen by the entire school and faculty. From singing Hatikvah each week at T’fillah to the large Israeli flag that now drapes the table in our Chadash wing, to posters made in a show of support and cards sent to our partnership region, it is evident. Our Chadash family loves Israel!
As the first Chadash week wrapped up and the situation in Israel grew more dire, the need of that connection spread throughout the community. It was at about this time, a sweet email from Ronit Sherwin came making an offer to donate bracelets to Chadash students that said in Hebrew on one side, “Am Yisrael Chai,” and on the other side, “You Are Not Alone.” I graciously accepted knowing how appreciated they would be, but it wasn’t until her husband, Rabbi Komerofsky passed them out before we sang Hatikvah the following week that I realized the importance and impact of these bracelets.
As he passed them out, the Rabbi said that if any of our students are the only Jewish kid in their classrooms at school, that they could look down at these bracelets and remember that “You Are Not Alone.” My interpretation of these bracelets prior to that moment had only been that they were to be worn in solidarity with Israel in order to express to our Israeli brothers and sisters that THEY are not alone.
As I’ve thought about it since though, I’ve realized that both interpretations are true, and that in the statement, “You Are Not Alone,” perhaps the word YOU is the most important word of them all. “You”, the people of Israel or “You,” that person over there or “You,” meaning ME! Simply, this bracelet talks to YOU, and you are most definitely not alone. You are among a tribe, part of a community, with your people…whichever way you put it, you are not alone if you are person who calls Israel your homeland. You are part of a great world-wide Jewish community, and you will never be alone.
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Worship Services - December 2023
All services are in-person and streaming live via Temple Israel’s YouTube channel.
Watch our website and Temple Tidbits for updates and more information.
Friday, December 1
5:30 p.m. Oneg Shabbat
6:15 p.m. Family Shabbat Service
Saturday, December 2
10:00 a.m. Stollen Moments Torah Study
Friday, December 8
5:30 p.m. Oneg Shabbat
6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service
Anniversary & Birthday Blessings
Saturday, December 9
10:00 a.m. Stollen Moments Torah Study
Friday, December 15
5:30 p.m. Oneg Shabbat
6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service
Saturday, December 16
10:00 a.m. Stollen Moments Torah Study
Friday, December 22
5:30 p.m. Oneg Shabbat
6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service
Saturday, December 23
No Stollen Moments
Friday, December 29
5:30 p.m. Oneg Shabbat
6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service
Saturday, December 30
No Stollen Moments
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Sisterhood Meetings for Fall 2023 - Spring 2024
Sunday Dec. 3
Sunday Jan. 21
Sunday Feb. 25
Sunday March 17
Sunday April 21
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Brotherhood Meetings for Fall 2023 - Spring 2024
Sunday Dec. 10
Sunday Jan. 21
Sunday Feb. 25
Sunday March 17
Sunday April 21
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Sisterhood Meeting
December 3, 2023 at 9:30 a.m.
Sisterhood will be icing cookies for the Urban Ark Dinner and for the Hanukkah get together at the Sanctuary as well as discussing our Sisterhood cookbook! Hope to see you there!
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Martin Luther King, Jr. Shabbat Service
Friday, January 12, 2024 - 6:15 p.m.
Guest Speaker Willis Gordon
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Temple Israel has a variety of endowment funds that support our mission and vision. CLICK to see the full listing.
If you are interested in contributing to an existing endowment, simply CLICK here.
To establish a new endowment, contact treasurer@templeisraelcanton.org or president@templeisraelcanton.org
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December 1
Jacob Baer
Alan Blau
Meyer Block
Harry Brown
Roberta Cohen
Irene Gelb
Opal Gill
Harold Krupp
Harry Lavin
Dr. Sam Lieberman
Henry Mann
Jack Medvin
Lauren Beth Mostov
Beryl Myers
Carmen Adams Newcomb
Dorothy Newman
Mandel Perlman
John Petroff
Faye Pontelle
Benjamin Raxlin
Leo Refkin
Celia G. Reinglass
Bessie Robbins
Milton Robbins
Lawrence Roth
Ruth Routman
Genoeffa Sinopoli
Edward Stein
Sandra Sweet
Elizabeth Weiss
Marie Wilkof
Adolf Winkler
December 8
Lena Adelman
Sherman Barnett
Hazel Cohen
James Michael Collum
Primrose Fenyves
Howard Fetters, Jr.
Saul Garber
Al S. Jacobson
Ronald Jolovitz
Faith Knight
Carl J. Langkamp
Elinor Lavin
Harry Stern Mann, Jr.
Edna Miller
Fannye Newman
Ethel Ostrowsky
Charlotte Rosenblatt
Sema Sarbin
Julia Ziskin Schweitzer
Frances Shapiro
George A. Spitzer
Elvena Sternberg
Dr. James Tate
Lillian Taylor
December 15
Irving Adelman
I. Walter Arkow
Frieda Wise Bellin
Lillian Bendau
Tillie Bleckman
Sadye Bobrof
Marvin Cohan
Elsie Gelfand David
Ben Dreyer
Dr. Irving Felder
Howard A. Fetters
Celia Garber
Margaret Given
Jacob Wolf Hartman
Wayne Arthur Krabill
William L. Lavin
Darwin S. Luntz
Florence B. Mintz
Louis R. Myers
Harry Nusbaum
Mary Perskey
Louis Pontell
Catherine Shifman Rosenbloom
Louis Salsbury
L. Betty Savage
Robert H. Schweitzer
Linda Atleson Stein
Israel Wagman
Betty Wein
Elizabeth Zecher
Morris Zecher
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December 22
Norman Alper
Rosalie Carp Berley
Maurine Black
Susan Borack
Thelma Borcover
Norman Braff
Lillian Bryan
Vera Luntz Burstein
Morris Cohodas
Shirley Cohodas
Ruth Dreyer
Esther Fried
Louis J. Friedman
Cecilia Gross
George Grossman
Walter Kohlmann
Paul Levine
Jessie Malks
Herbert Marks
Nathan Mittelman
Minna H.Myers
Dr. Otto Plaut
Samuel Rosenblatt
Dr. Jerome Rosengard
Louis Rosenkranz
Irvine Harold Routman
David Sabetay
Susan Segal
Laura Tuber
Darlene Whitacre
December 29
Judith Abrams
Mayme Mittelman Woll Altman
Ben Bagan
Solomon Barnett
Geraldine Branz
Harry Louis Cohen
Mollie Davis
Sheldon Fantle
William Francis
Jerome A. Garfinkle
Albert Good
Dorothy Gorin
Freda Gross
Della Haberman
William Karelitz
Camilla Kohlmann
Gertrude Toronski Leyton
Mary Lockshin
Larry London
Florence S. Luntz
Joe Malks
Ethel Mitzman
Gary Pontell
Jacob Michael Rapport
Salomon Rosenblatt
L. Michael Rudolph
Sarah Schultz
Kaethe Schohl Wells
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Welcome New Temple Members:
- Rebekah Brown & Taylor Wright
- Samantha Collins
- Steven Taylor & Alyssa Glass-Taylor
Mazel Tov to:
Ellyn and David Roberts on the marriage of their daughter, Jamie. She was married to Dr. Alex Carsel on Nov.18 in Cleveland, Ohio. They currently reside in Cleveland.
The Temple's Sympathy is extended to the families of:
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Temple Israel Endowments
Lockshin-Goldenfield Religious School Endowment
In Memory of
- Rose Katz Averbach, by Shirley Lockshin & Family
Narens Family Endowment
In Memory of
- Howard Zecher, by Ed & Jo-Anne Buxbaum
Rabbi John H. Spitzer Endowment for Social Justice & Action
In Honor of
- Rabbi John Spitzer's 50th Anniversary of Ordination, by David & Lynda Herbert, Celia & Robert Borack, Bill & Randi Smuckler, Gary & Susan Fogel, Fran & Bob Reaven
Bilha Ron Religious School Enrichment Fund
In Honor of
- Jason Parker on his Induction into the DeMolay Legion of Honor, by Shoshanah, Ivah & Abe
In Memory of
- Howard Zecher, by Dennis & Marianne Glazer, Joyce & Jerry Ortman, Fran & Bob Reaven
- Sam Ron, by Bob & Susan Narens, Gary & Susan Fogel, Fran & Bob Reaven
Chadash Fund
In Honor of
- Doug Blocker's Big Birthday, by Rob & Shelley Schweitzer
Kiddush Fund
In Memory of
- George A. Spitzer, by John & Cheri Spitzer
- Judy Nusbaum, by Fran & Bob Reaven
Hunger Relief Fund
In Honor of
- Rabbi John Spitzer's 50th Anniversary of Ordination, by Barbara Goldberg
In Memory of
- Russ Sinopoli, by Bill & Randi Smuckler & Family, Joyce & Jerry Ortman
- Judy Nusbaum, by Bill & Randi Smuckler
- Howard Zecher, by Ruth & Bob Altman, Adele & Ron Gelb, Eileen & Irv Dinn
- Ann Olden, by Karen Olden
- Gwen Balin, by Karen Olden
- Joseph Mule', by Paul & Carolyn Garfinkle
- Jacob Wolf Hartman, by Harlene Smuckler
- Catherine Shifman Rosenbloom, by Harlene Smuckler
Naomi & Arthur Freedman Library Fund
In Memory of
- Judith Nusbaum, by Gary & Linda Sirak
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
In Appreciation of
- Rabbi Komerofsky performing Judy Nusbaum's funeral, by David & Linda Sklar
- Rabbi Komerofsky, by David Goe
- Rabbi Komerofsky performing Gerard Dyer O'Mallon's Baby Naming Ceremony
In Honor of
- Temple Israel's Support for Israel, by Martin Smith
In Memory of
- Sam Ron, by Davina Schweitzer
- Donald Springer, by Linda & David Sklar
- Rita Brenner, by Harlene Shifman Smuckler
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Jewish Family Services list has changed and they are in need of the following:
Tuna in Water
Paper Towels
Toilet Paper
Please feel free to drop off your donations to the Temple Office.
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Tuesday, December 12, 2023 | 1:00 P.M. at Beit Ha’am
Reduce your montly expenses and ditch your cable bill by finding alternatives such as Netflix, YouTube, and more. Learn how to turn a standard flat-screen TV into a Smart TV using devices such as a Roku, Chromecast, and Amazon Fire TV Stick.
This course is FREE but registration is required. All are welcome!
Please RSVP to Debbie by Thursday, December 7
at (330) 445-2412 or via email at dguilliams@jewishcanton.org
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Temple Israel
432 - 30th Street NW
Canton, OH 44709
Phone: 330-455-5197
Fax: 330-455-5268
The staff’s direct phone numbers are listed below their email addresses
Rabbi David Komerofsky
Rabbi Emeritus John H. Spitzer
Julie Zorn, Chadash & Outreach Director
Debbie Spetich, Temple Office
Temple President — John Spera
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Temple Israel | www.templeisraelcanton.org
Facebook @templeisraelcanton
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