July 2021 | Tammuz - Av 5781
Election of Board Members and Officers
by Shelley Schweitzer
At its June meeting, the Temple Israel Board of Trustees cast a ballot on behalf of the congregation to elect trustees and officers for the coming terms.
In accordance with the process outlined in a letter to the congregation sent in April, and consistent with the bylaws of the congregation, the following people were elected to the Board:
Elected to a second three-year term from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024:
Mark Taylor
Elected to a first three-year term from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2024:
Courtney Johnson-Benson
Shelley Jurkiewicz
John Spera
Suzanne Stieglitz
Judy Tenenbaum
David Adler also joins the board in his role as Brotherhood president.
As stipulated in the bylaws, the 2021-2022 board elected officers for the July 1, 2021- June 30,2022 term:
John Spera -president
Jonathan Wilkof - treasurer
Joan Ortman -secretary
Vice president/president elect - open position
Shelley Schweitzer remains on the Executive Committee in her role as immediate past president.
Continuing on the board are: Denise Nielsen, Anita Porter, Stanlee Rosenblatt, Barb Spera, and Eileen Salltarelli.
At the annual meeting on July 16, there will be an opportunity to thank and acknowledge outgoing board members:
Chelle Cohen
Dr. Paul Garfinkle
Paulette Karelitz
Alan Mostov
Mark Tenenbaum
Sheryl White
Temple Israel's 136th Annual Meeting
Friday, July 16, 2021, 5:45 p.m.
Honor the leaders of our congregation and share a summer shabbat at Temple Israel’s 136th Annual Meeting, Friday, July 16 at 5:45 p.m. followed by shabbat worship.
Since we were unable to be together for our annual meeting last year, we will thank the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 boards as we install the trustees and officers serving this year. We will also recognize the Temple’s newest lifetime trustees, Mark Atelson and Ron Gelb, who were elected last year.
In accordance with our building re-opening protocols, we ask that you make a reservation if you plan to attend in person. The meeting as well as the service will be streamed on Youtube.
Office Transition
We offer gratitude and warmest wishes to Lori Houck, whose primary role with the LLC for the last six years was to provide administrative support for Temple Israel. Lori has added so much to our community and congregation and will soon conclude her tenure with us. Thank you, Lori!
On July 12 we will welcome Debbie Spetich as she assumes these administrative responsibilities. Debbie is a familiar face to many in our community, and we look forward to her new role with her congregational family.
Between now and July 16, the Temple office will continue to operate.
Social Action
We will be collecting the following schools supplies for the months of July and August for Belle Stone Elementary School in Canton, which houses kindergarten through third grade students. They are in need of the following items:
- Pocket folders
- Spiral notebooks
- Pencils
- Highlighters
- Dry erase markers
- Glue sticks
- Wide ruled paper
- Tissues
- Water bottles with straws or spouts
- Colored pencils
- Markers
- Crayons
- Styluses
- Scissors
- Plastic pencil boxes
- Large pink erasers
- Headphones
Thanks so much,
Paulette Karelitz
July 2nd
Anthony P. DiGiacomo
Louis Feinman
Meyer Fleisher
Gertrude Milstein Ginsburg
Bertha Fenyves Graber
Fanny Green
Denny Hostetler
Thelma Hostetler
Charles Howell
Jeanne Jacobson
Milton Kinast
Phyllis Kruman
Cele Y. Lavin
David Livingston, Jr.
Jerrold Lockshin
Edgar Meyers
Elaine L. Miller
Harley Miller
Florence Pelter
Abraham Reinglass
Josephine Sano
David Sherman
Rita Sklar
Hershel Smuckler
Ellen Speyer
Lillian Steinberg
Arline Sussman
Max Triger
Lois Nan Tuckler
Adriana Vaisler
Lupu Vaisler
Nessa Vaisler
Dr. Michael Benjamin Weinstock
Sylvia Wernow
Moses Wolin
Bonnie Woods
July 9th
I.J. Adland
Melba Levy Arnold
Goldie Fenyves Black
Delbert Branz
Amanda Cline
William Cohen
George L. Fisher
Larry Goldberg
Jennie Golden
Leslie Fenyves Gurin
Albert Harris
Ralph Heller
Michael Higgins
Dottie Jacobson
Penny Bernstein Lambert
Marvin Levine
Frances LEvy
Phyllis Lockshin
Frances Martin
Robert Hayne Martin III
Lena Kornhauser Miller
Toby Myers
Rabbi Morris Ostrowsky
Lillian Podis
Joseph Salvadore Sano
Dina Savage
Ruth Shapiro
Mollie Cohen Weiss
July 16th
William H. Altman
Beatrice Fenyves Bernstein
Evelyn Carmen
Richard N. Depasquale
Joseph D. Diamond
Margaret Duntze
Edward Ignatz Fenyves
Dr. Todd Fladen
Harry L. Ginsburg
Leslie Green
Richard Green
Jacob Grossman
David Hecht
Janet Howell
Edwin Karelitz
Ralph Komerofsky
Alice Levine
Harry Lilenfield
Samuel M. Livingston
Gussie Malks
Harold Miller
Norita Nielsen
Katharine Schamberg
James Shively
Maxine Siegle
Rose Smith
Joseph H. Stern
James White
July 23rd
Sidney Z. Adelman
Mortimer Atelson
Ruthanne Jacobson Berger
Cecelia Breitbart
David Dwork
Gloria Fetherston
Simon Fischgrund
Sigmund Fleisher
Jacques Gale
Martin Louis Gloldman
Robin Kamen
Morris L. Knell
Nettie Gordon Kogan
Dorothy Weinsweig Lavin
Irma Lenoff
Rabbi George Lieberman
R. Darlene Lilenfield
Joseph Love
Ilene Raffel Manheim
Emanuella Rita Martin
Ida Rapport
Elise Riben Rudner
Seymour Samuels, Jr.
Harry Sharkis
Joan Solomon
Emily Terrell
Joseph Weiss
Ervin Wilkof
Fred Wolf
July 30th
Janet E. Altman
Rose Axelrod
Max Bagan
Adeline Brown
Neil Carmen
Dr. Max Melvin Cooper
Katherine Marks Einstein
Joseph Daniel Gold
Joseph Goldenfeld
Lillian Goodman
Paul Heller
Rose Lasse
Dorothy Bonart Lavin
Myron Levistein
Adele Miller
Mark A. Nathanson
Abraham Rosenblum
Dr. Neil Sager
Delbert Salzer
Edward Schuman
Irving Shapiro
Jack Siprin
Benjamin Sklar
Rose Spielman
Gilbert Sternberg
Pauline K. Woll
The Temple's sympathy is extended to the families of:
LaDeane Fetters, who passed away on June 19, 2021. LaDeane was the mother of JuDeane (Drew) Luntz and Randy (Stacy) Fetters; grandmother of Adam (Jodi) Luntz, Ashley (Michael) Shaheen, Allie (Chris) Laber and Mandi (Doug) Vonherhaar.
Welcome new Temple members:
Welcome to Nora Sherwin, who joined the Temple on June 1, 2021. Nora is the mother of Ronit Sherwin (Rabbi David Komerofsky).
Mazal Tov to:
Dina and Zachary Morgan on the birth of their daughter, Iris Pauline Wren Morgan, who was born on June 9, 2021. Proud Grandparents are Natasha Musaelyan and David and Diane Morgan; proud big brother is Max Morgan.
Temple Israel Endowments
Lockshin-Goldenfeld Religious School Endowment
Recovery of
- Marcella Rolnick, by Shirley Lockshin
Robert & Shelley Schweitzer Temple Youth Group Endowment
In Honor of
Rob & Shelley Schweitzer, birth of granddaughter, Rebecca, by Rachel Sisk
In Memory of
LaDeane Fetters, by Rob & Shelley Schweitzer
Rabbis John H. Spitzer & Jon Adland Social Justice Endowment
In Honor of
Evan & Kaylee Wilkof, birth of daughter, Elisheva, by Rabbi Jon & Sandy Adland
General Endowment
In Appreciation of
Temple Israel, by Matthew Comshaw-Arnold; Cynthia Burnell
Denise G. Luntz Jewish Futures Award
In Memory of
LaDeane Fetters by Bob & Susan Narens; Cathy & Mark Atleson
Narens Family Endowment
In Memory of
LaDeane Fetters, by Jo-Anne & Ed Buxbaum
Temple Israel Restricted Funds
Mazon Fund - A Jewish Response to Hunger
Recovery of
Susan Narens, by Joyce & Jerry Ortman
Michele Narens, by Joyce & Jerry Ortman
Bruce & Sheryl White, by Ruth & Bob Altman
In Memory of
Audrey Clyburn, by Jo-Anne & Ed Buxbaum
James Henning, by Mimi Shapiro
LaDeane Fetters, by Matt & Eileen Saltarelli; Adele & Ron Gelb
In Honor of
Susan & Sam Wilkof, birth of granddaughter, Elisheva, by Matt & Eileen Saltarelli; Adele & Ron Gelb
Kaylee & Evan Wilkof birth of daughter, Elisheva, by Adele & Ron Gelb
Kiddush Fund
In Memory of
Hershel Smuckler, by Harlene Smuckler
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
In Honor of
Rabbi David Komerofsky, by Amy Sustin
Recovery of
Susan Narens, by Bob & Diane Friedman
Lou & Rita Schaner, by Bob & Diane Friedman
Temple Israel | www.templeisraelcanton.org
Facebook @templeisraelcanton