July 2024 / Sivan - Tammuz 5784 | |
Rabbi's Message
by Rabbi David Komerofsky
Jewish worship used to be a messy business. When the Temple stood in Jerusalem, it was the point of intersection between God and the Children of Israel through the institution of sacrifices. Priests were commissioned to help people atone for their sins, commemorate festivals, and observe the ritual commandments enshrined in the Torah. Part of that process required animal sacrifice, which was loud and bloody. It must have been a chaotic scene at the Temple complex, far different from the orderly and sanitized way that we gather now.
I do not yearn for a rebuilding of the Temple or a return to the sacrificial cult of antiquity. Still, we have lost some connection to the power of life and death that was on full display in Jerusalem. We have removed ourselves from the process of turning living beings into food, preferring our Shabbat sacrifices to be wrapped in cellophane at the butcher counter. We keep the blood at a distance and ignore the many ways that our lives are inextricably linked to all other life. Our tradition teaches that life is in the blood.
I share this reflection with you because our community has three opportunities this month to come to a place of gathering and worship (Beit Ha’am) and raise our consciousness about the value of life and blood. We can sacrifice a little of our time to help save lives.
· July 21 – CPR Training – www.templeisraelcanton.org/cpr
· July 30 – Stop the Bleed Training – www.templeisraelcanton.org/stopthebleed
· July 31 – Jane Altman Zoldan Blood Drive – www.tinyurl.com/janiezoldan
L’Chaim – to life!
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President's Message
by Barbara Spera
As many of you know, at our Annual Meeting, I accepted the nomination for President of the congregation. While I know many of you, I thought I should share a bit about myself. This isn’t a role I ever envisioned for myself, but I am honored to step into it.
I was born in Canton to parents who were both school teachers. My dad, Stanley Friedman, was also born and raised in Canton. I began my religious education at Shaaray Torah Synagogue, and my family has cherished slides of this building being constructed. Around sixth grade, we joined Temple Israel, marking the start of many years traveling up and down Harvard Ave.
Religious school at Temple Israel had both Saturday and Sunday sessions, depending on the grade. I continued my education here, and my confirmation picture still hangs on the wall. During high school, I was active in BBG at the Jewish Center, serving as President of our chapter and being elected to the regional BBG board.
I attended Ohio University and later graduated from Kent State with both bachelor's and master's degrees. Returning to Canton, I began teaching in Canton City Schools, where I spent my entire career. As you can see, teaching runs in the family.
John and I married at Temple Israel, and Rabbi Gorin officiated our wedding. Our two children, Andrew and Jodee, also attended Religious School at Temple Israel and celebrated their B’nai Mitzvah with Rabbi Spitzer, who later officiated their marriages to Erin and Dan. Now, two of my grandsons, Max and Sam, attend Chadash. My mom, Bernice, and my brother and his wife are also members of Temple Israel. We are proud to be a four-generation family within this community.
From these humble beginnings, I have come to believe I can take on a leadership role at Temple Israel. I am deeply committed to ensuring our congregation thrives and flourishes. I look forward to serving the congregation and addressing the challenges that come our way in these changing times.
As the summer turns into fall and the High Holy Days approach, I am excited to see and meet you all.
Warm regards,
Barb Spera
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Worship Services - July 2024
All services are in-person and streaming live via Temple Israel’s YouTube channel.
Watch our website and Temple Tidbits for updates and more information.
Friday, July 5
5:30 p.m. Oneg Shabbat
6:15 p.m. Kid-dish Shabbat Service
Friday, July 12
5:30 p.m. Oneg Shabbat
6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service
Anniversary & Birthday Blessings
Friday, July 19, 2024
5:30 p.m. Oneg Shabbat
6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service
Friday, July 26
5:30 p.m. Oneg Shabbat
6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service
Stollen Moments Torah Study will resume in September.
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The Social Action Committee will be collecting school supplies for the months of July and August for Harter Elementary School in Canton. This school houses Pre-K through third grade. | |
24 pack Crayons
#2 yellow pencils
Plastic supply box
Plastic zippered supply bags
Elmer glue bottles
Large pink erasers
Quart and gallon size Ziplock bags | Highlighters
Glue sticks
Backpacks | | |
Thank you for your continued support in helping the kids in Canton City Schools.
Paulette Karelitz | Joan Ortman | Anita Porter
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Wisdom from Jewish Movie Scenes
Adult Education Fall 2024 with Rabbi David Komerofsky
All classes are via Zoom, free of charge, and open to everyone.
Register at www.templeisraelcanton.org/adult-education.
The Frisco Kid (1979) - Wednesday, September 18, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m.
Fiddler on the Roof (1971) - Wednesday, September 25, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m.
A Serious Man (2009) - Wednesday, October 9, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m.
The Chosen (1981) - Wednesday, October 30, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m.
The Jazz Singer (1980) - Wednesday, November 6, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m.
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Please let us know if you think we have a wrong e-mail for you or if your e-mail has changed recently. It is very important for Temple Israel to keep our records updated. Call Debbie at the Temple Israel office at 330-455-5197 to verify or change your information.
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Temple Israel has a variety of endowment funds that support our mission and vision. CLICK to see the full listing.
If you are interested in contributing to an existing endowment, simply CLICK here.
To establish a new endowment, contact Barb Spera.
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July 5
Arnold Adler
Melba Levy Arnold
Goldie Fenyves Black
Amanda Cline
Anthony P. DiGiacomo
Meyer Fleisher
Fanny Green
Leslie Fenyves Gurin
Albert Harris
Denny Hostetler
Thelma Hostetler
Charles Howell
Jeanne Jacobson
Milton Kinast
Cele Y. Lavin
Jerrold Lockshin
Harley Miller
Toby Myers
Abraham Reinglass
Dina Savage
Ruth Shapiro
Bessie Cooper Sroga
Lillian Steinberg
Arline Sussman
Al Waldron
Bonnie Woods
July 12
William Cohen
Bessie Pollack Cohodas
Margaret Duntze
George L. Fisher
Harry L. Ginsburg
Larry Goldberg
Jennie Golden
Stanley Greenwald
Dr. Cyril V. Gross
Jacob Grossman
Ralph Heller
Esther Hervey
Michael Higgins
Janet Howell
Dottie Jacobson
Ralph Komerofsky
Jennie Krupp
Alice Levine
Marvin Levine
Samuel M. Livingston
Lena Kornhauser Miller
Norita Nielsen
Rabbi Morris Ostrowsky
Lillian Podis
Wayne Riffe
Dr. Frank Weinstock
Mollie Cohen Weiss
James White
Rose Winkler
Helen Cohodas Woolf
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July 19
William H. Altman
Beatrice Fenyves Bernstein
Martin Bertman
Samuel Black
Cecelia Breitbart
Joseph D. Diamond
Edward Ignatz Fenyves
Clara Field
Richard Green
David Hecht
Everlyn Herman
Robin Kamen
Edwin Karelitz
Yuriy Khachaturov
Julie Lazor
Elsie Riben Rudner
Seymour Samuels, Jr.
Katharine Schamberg
Rose Smith
Sonia Vaisler
Ben Willen
July 26
Sidney Z. Adelman
Janet E. Altman
Mortimer Atleson
Rose Axelrod
Ruthanne Jacobson Berger
Henry Carmen
Gloria Fetherston
Simon Fischgrund
Sigmund Fleisher
Jacques Gale
Lillian Goodman
Nettie Gordon Kogan
Dorothy Bonart Lavin
Dorothy Weinsweig Lavin
Irma Lenoff
Rabbi George Lieberman
Joseph Love
Ilene Raffel Manheim
Molly Meyers
Edgar Meyers
Tamir Porter
Ida Rapport
Edward Schuman
Benjamin Sklar
Joan Solomon
Emily Terrell
Max Triger
Nessa Vaisler
Joseph Weiss
Sylvia Wernow
Ervin Wilkof
Fred Wolf
Pauline K. Woll
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The Temple's Sympathy is extended to the family of:
- Ruth Rothman (Ellyn Roberts' sister)
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Temple Israel Endowments
J. Edward & Janet S. Diamond Senior Enhancement Endowment
In Appreciation for
- Templegrams for our 45th Anniversary, by Ed & Janet Diamond
Lockshin-Goldenfeld Religious School Endowment
In Memory of
- Delbert Glanz, by Mary Jo Lockshin
- Judy Eppy, by Shirley Lockshin & Family
- Jerry Eppy, by Shirley Lockshin & Family
- Shirley Rubinstein, by Shirley Lockshin & Family
- Nathan Lockshin, by Shirley Lockshin & Family
- Jerrold Lockshin, by Shirley Lockshin & Family
For Recovery of
- Laraine Rudy, by Shirley Lockshin & Family
Narens Family Endowment
In Memory of
- Judy Eppy, by Jo-Anne & Ed Buxbaum
Robert & Shelley Schweitzer Temple Youth Group Endowment
In Memory of
- Douglas M. Glazer, by Dennis & Marianne Glazer
Community Relations Fund
In Memory of
- Charles Howell, by Eileen & Matt Saltarelli
- Janet Howell, by Eileen & Matt Saltarelli
Hunger Relief Fund
In Honor of
- Rabbi David Komerofsky's 25th Anniversary of Ordination, by Dori Smith, Alicia Rozenbom
In Memory of
- Susan Caghan, by Harlene Smuckler, Lisa & Steve Sands
- Louis Schaner, by Lisa & Steve Sands, Marshall & Gail Bleckman
- Judy Eppy, by Harlene Smuckler
- Morris Olden, by Karen Olden
For Recovery of
- Harlene Smuckler, by Diane Friedman
Kiddush Fund
In Appreciation for
- Templegrams for our 55th Anniversary, by Ellen & Steve Miller
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
In Appreciation for
- Prison Ministry, by David Goe
In Honor of
- Rabbi David Komerofsky's 25th Anniversary of Ordination, by Marilyn & Paul Feldman, Estabelle Landau, Debbie Spetich, Stanley & Patricia Sherman, Bonnie & Steve Manello. Eileen & Matt Saltarelli, Paulette Karelitz, Berringer Family, Karen Olden, Matthew Comshaw-Arnold, Temple Israel Sisterhood, Mary Donna & Jim Rubin & Family, Bernice, David & Lingxia Friedman, Martin & Sandra Smith
In Memory of
- Robert Friedman, by Sue Shafer, Lindsay Bowman, Michael & Janice London, Elizabeth, Rachel & Izzy Slesnick, Donald & Jill Weinstein, Bruce & Nancy Darrah, Barbara & Bob Ferne, Bob & Celia Borack, Mark & Judy Tenenbaum, Bonnie & John Lapiere, Jo-Anne & Ed Buxbaum, Robert DeHoff, Diana Collum, Marshall & Gail Bleckman, Suzanne Stieglitz, Ronnie & Allen Brockman, Sheila Tamler, Margie & Dick Klapper, Judy Gibbs, Alan & Jeri Meltzer
- Michelle Watson, by Barbara & David Kristal
- Susan Caghan, by Stacey DeFilippo
- Louis Schaner, by Barbara & Bob Ferne, Bob & Celia Borack, Andrew & Katya Melott
- Lawrence Michael Singer, by Stacey Singer & Tara Wieghat
Habitat For Humanity
Donation made by Debby & Tim Petroff
In Honor of
- Barbara Spera becoming Temple Israel's President, by Your Mah Jongg Friends
In Memory of
- Gerald Saltarelli, our personal carpenter, by Eileen & Matt Saltarelli
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Temple Israel
432 - 30th Street NW
Canton, OH 44709
Phone: 330-455-5197
Fax: 330-455-5268
The staff’s direct phone numbers are listed below their email addresses
Rabbi David Komerofsky
Rabbi Emeritus John H. Spitzer
Julie Zorn, Chadash & Outreach Director
Debbie Spetich, Temple Office
Temple President - Barbara Spera
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