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May 2024 / Nisan - Iyar 5784

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Rabbi's Message

by Rabbi David Komerofsky

The epigraph to Theodor Herzl’s 1904 Altneuland reads, in German,“Wenn ihr wollt, ist es kein Märchen.” This was translated to Hebrew by Nahum Sokolow as “Im tirtzu, ein zo aggadah - אם תרצו אין זו אגדה.” Interestingly, Sokolow translated the title Altneuland, or “Old New Land” into Hebrew as “Tel Aviv,” or “Hill of Spring.” That name would later be adopted by the new city in 1909.

Herzl’s Altneuland epigraph is translated to English as “If you will it, it is not a dream.”

This “it” of which Herzl wrote was the creation of a modern Jewish national homeland. It seemed like a dream in 1902, yet less than half a century later it was a reality. This month the State of Israel will turn seventy-six years old, and we continue to wrestle both with the fairy tale coming true and its consequences. For millennia our people lived in exile and dispersion, subject to the whims of monarchs and potentates who would oppress and expel Jews when convenient and welcome us back when they needed us. The establishment of a sovereign Jewish state in 1948 ended the wanderings and homelessness, ensuring that there would be a home for this ancient people that could at last defend itself and exercise some self-determination like other peoples. The Jewish state was to be a diverse place in which Jews could finally be safe. Would that that part of the dream had been realized.

For seventy-six years this miracle has endured against all odds. Israel has barely known a moment of peace since its founding, as the people other-ed by the world has produced the state other-ed by the same world. To read headlines and social media, or visit college campuses and city council chambers, one would think that all of the world’s ills could be cured if only that pesky Jewish state would do something differently.

The dream of Jewish sovereignty and self-determination is evidently some people’s nightmare.

It is painful and frustrating to know that Israel’s imperfection does not mean that it is illegitimate. We who are blessed to live at a time when Jews have sovereignty in our ancient homeland are responsible for continuing Herzl’s vision of a will that makes dreams come true. Herzl lived and died before the atrocities and upheavals of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and it falls to his heirs – us – to keep translating that Old New Land into contemporary language.

If you will it, it is not a dream. If you will it, against the odds and the exhausting hatred, this ancient land and people will eternally be renewed.

Chadash Closes for the Summer

By Julie Zorn

Another school year is now behind us as Chadash closes for summer after its last day on Sunday, May 5th. It has been a magnificent year as we think back to all the fun we had starting with High Holy Days in the Park, enjoying time together in the Sukkah, celebrating Chanukkah with all of our community, planting seeds on Tu Bishvat, performing the story of Purim for our families, stepping through the order of a Passover Seder and finally this week, expressing our pride as a people as we come together to celebrate Israel during the Canton Jewish Community Federation’s Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration which is being held at the conclusion of religious school on Sunday.

Aside from our all-school programs and community events, Chadash faculty works tirelessly week in and week out to provide quality and engaging lesson plans for their students. From Morah Poole’s art projects to Morah Shankle’s hands on and exploratory lessons and to Morah Whitehill’s creative ways to bring her curriculum to life, all of our students learn and have a wonderful time while doing it.

Our clergy have built a beautiful sacred space during our weekly morning T’filah practice, and Rabbi Komerofsky seems to effortlessly get our oldest students excited about being Jewish and making a place for themselves in Jewish life during his pre-confirmation class.

Beyond our classroom walls, we have a whole team of lay leaders and volunteers who put forth so much effort to give guidance and support. Mike Magill and Toni Olenick, the Chadash education committee co-chairs along with the entire committee are always a phone call or email away and make a point to help whenever they are called upon.

Our building staff, Patti and Debbie and Darrel, are there for all of our needs. They handle our billing, room set-ups and even some cooking sometimes. Darrell has become known for his amazing tuna fish and Hamantaschen dough!

Finally, there are our Chadash parents. They drive their children to Beit Ha’am no matter how far they live, show up for our programs and volunteer when asked. 

Chadash is blessed to have a dedicated community which is synonymous with all the nuances of a family. From the bottom of all our hearts, thank you Chadash community. Thank you for all your help and commitment and all you do to see our success and create a beautiful environment for Canton’s Jewish youth. Chadash takes a village to run and maintain, and boy, do we have one special village of helpers. All best wishes for a great summer, Chadash friends. We’ll see you soon, and until then, be well.  

Worship Services - May 2024

All services are in-person and streaming live via Temple Israel’s YouTube channel.

Watch our website and Temple Tidbits for updates and more information.

Friday, May 3

5:30 p.m. Oneg Shabbat

6:15 p.m. Kid-dish Shabbat Service


Saturday, May 4

10:00 a.m. Stollen Moments Torah Study

Friday, May 10

5:30 p.m. Oneg Shabbat

6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service

Anniversary & Birthday Blessings

Saturday, May 11

10:00 a.m. Stollen Moments Torah Study

Friday, May 17

5:30 p.m. Oneg Shabbat

6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service

Saturday, May 18

10:00 a.m. Stollen Moments Torah Study

Friday, May 24

5:30 p.m. Oneg Shabbat

6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service

Saturday, May 25


Friday, May 31

5:30 p.m. Oneg Shabbat

6:15 p.m. Shabbat Service

Just a Reminder:

Thursday May 9, 2024 - Sisterhood will meet at The Bistro at Oakwood Square at 5:45 for dinner.

Please  RSVP by May 3 to Barb at Barb420@aol.com or 330-224-5663

A big thank you goes out to Sisterhood members - Terry Barat, Bobi Berringer, Diana Collum, Leanne Lehn, Joan Ortman, Shandi Rothman, Sue Shafer, Peggy Stabholz, Cindy Taylor and Barbara Spera for helping prepare a complete Passover Seder for the group at MANCI with whom Rabbi Komerofsky and Rabbi Spitzer work.

Brotherhood’s Reverse Raffle

Social Action Collection

Summer Learning at Canton City Schools will soon be here!

Books to Donate

 Grades 3-6

1.     Any Dog Man or Cat Kid

2.     Who Was, Where Was, What Was Series

3.     Baby Sitters Club or Little Sisters Baby Sitters Club GRAPHIC NOVEL

4.     Weird But True Facts Books

5.     I Survived


Grades 7-8

1.     Any Jason Reynolds book (probably both junior and young adult


2.     Five Nights at Freddy’s

3.     Crossover Series

4.     Horror novels (they like to check out the scary books)

5.     Young Adult romance novels 

  • Twilight Series
  • Cast House of Night Series & House of Night Others

Please let us know if you think we have a wrong e-mail for you or if your e-mail has changed recently. It is very important for Temple Israel to keep our records updated. Call Debbie at the Temple Israel office at 330-455-5197 to verify or change your information.


Lock in the current price by June 30, 2024.

A perpetual yahrzeit at Temple Israel ensures that Kaddish will be recited every year on the anniversary of your loved one’s passing. For the week prior to and one week following the date of death, your loved one’s name and date of passing is displayed on the electronic yahrzeit board in the Beit Ha’am lobby. The name of your loved one is also included in the Temple Israel Book of Memory and will be included in any future programs that honor those on whose shoulders we stand.

Cost for a perpetual yahrzeit at Temple Israel is $300. You can purchase a perpetual yahrzeit at any time following a death or you can arrange an advance yahrzeit for yourself or a loved one, providing peace of mind for you and easing the burden on your family. 

On July 1, 2024, the cost for a perpetual yahrzeit will increase to $360. Arrangements made by June 30, 2024 can spread payments across 2024 at the $300 rate.

More information is available at www.templeisraelcanton.org/perpetual-yahrzeit


Temple Israel has a variety of endowment funds that support our mission and vision. CLICK to see the full listing.

If you are interested in contributing to an existing endowment, simply CLICK here.

To establish a new endowment, contact treasurer@templeisraelcanton.org or president@templeisraelcanton.org

May Yahrzeits

May 3

Elaine Cooper

Eugene Dougherty

William Epstein

Rhea Fischgrund

Dorothy Friedberg

Sue Gold

David Green

Frederick B. Hennes

Steven Kitzen

Adele Lichtenberg

Jean Liebler

Rhoda Nusbaum

Rose Rosenberg

Dina Rubin

Sidney Savage

Harry N. Speyer

Sarah Toronski

Ruthanne Weinstein

Hank Weinstein

Lester Wells

May 10

Daniel Breitbart

Ethel Dearment

Ruth Epstein

Julius Finkelstein

Bella Fisher

Janet Greenberg

Theodore S. Gup

Ann Haines

Florence Hecht

Ainsley Paige Higgins

James Jolly

Dr. Alan Kamen

Dorothy Kinast

Jack Lasky

Dr. Abraham Levine

Katie Lieberman

Carrie Bing Livingston

Sam Miller

Abraham Pearl

Martha Resnick

Esther Rosenberg

Lorraine Rubin

Susan Low Sauer

Dora Silver

Alan Singer

Glenn (Red) Slaughter

Dr. Ernest R. Valentine

Bonnie Weidman

Margaret Wells

May 17

Faye Berger

Goldie Bertman

William P. Ebie

Ann Fried

Myron Albert Friedman

Larry Green

Jean Half Greenberger

Esther May Grossman

Milton L. Hirschheimer

Louis Hoicowitz

Suzanne Sirak Illingworth

Avram Kaminsky

Joseph "Joey" Karam

Sherry Kitzen

Clarence Julius Leyton

Fannie Love

Sydney Mandel

Joan Manning

Sanders Mestel

Paul Meyers

Irving A. Miller

Ruth Barnett Nethero

Kathryn Nielsen Ross

Barry Roberts

Manny Smith

Sadie Stein

May 24

Edward Arnold

Ethel Brown

Audrey Feldman Clyburn

Marie Dreyer

Douglas M. Glazer

Maurice Golden

Dora Gottlieb

Leslie Haber

Virginia Herbert

Florence K. Hirschheimer

Helene Jonas

Louis Kaven

Leonard "Len" Kitzen

Gladys Lazarus

Mina Wolf Levie

Denise Guyot Luntz

Belle Manheim

Donald D. Newman

Esther Ortman

Robert Porter

Arthur Rosenstock

Stanford Sirak

Jack Speyer

Patricia Tully

Joseph Vaisler

Dr. Wayne Wolf

May 31

Maurice Adelman

Rosa Adolph

Marvin Edward Axelrod

Rosalind Bagan

Bess Epstein

Mary R. Fetters

David Friedman

Roslyn Fuerman

William B. Harmon

Sylvia Henkin

William S. Landau

Robert Lichty

Douglas Lomaz

Nellie Love

Melvin M. Mathes

Joseph H. Miller

Anita Nathan-Michelson

Dino Pellegrene

Juana Resnik

Gloria Schmidt

Minnie Sigelbaum

Eugene Sirak

Marion Speckter

Joseph Spiegel

Donald Stein

Aaron M. Sternberg

Jacob Winkler

Miriam Winkler


The Temple's Sympathy is extended to the families of:

  • Elinor Livingston
  • Dr. Louis Schaner


Temple Israel Endowments

Lockshin-Goldenfield Religious School Endowment

In Memory of

  • Louis Schaner, by Shirley Lockshin
  • Elly Livingston, by Shirley Lockshin
  • Stanley Brody, by Shirley Lockshin
  • Ernest Goldenfeld, by Shirley Lockshin

For Recovery of

  • PJ Wells, by Shirley Lockshin

Rabbi John Spitzer Endowment for Social Justice

In Appreciation of

  • Rabbi John Spitzer, by Marcy Axelband

In Honor of

  • Rabbi John Spitzer's 50th Anniversary of Ordination, by Jeff Slesnick, Terry Wilmink & Marlene Slesnick

In Memory of

  • Louis Schaner, by Joan & Marty Ortman

Robert & Shelley Schweitzer Temple Youth Group Endowment

In Memory of

  • Louis Schaner, by Harlene Smuckler

Bilha Ron Religious School Fund

In Memory of

  • Louis Schaner, by Bonnie & Steve Manello

Community Relations Fund

In Memory of

  • Bill Brown, by Harlene Smuckler

Fine Arts Fund

In Memory of

  • Alice Green, by Dori Smith

Floral Fund

In Memory of

  • Melanie Rosengard, by Harlene Smuckler

Hunger Relief Fund

In Appreciation of

  • Cathy & Mark Atleson, by Bernice Friedman

In Honor of

  • Jeff Sklar's Special Birthday, by Barbara & Bob Ferne
  • Rabbi David Komerofsky's 25th Anniversary of Ordination, by Marianne & Dennis Glazer

In Memory of

  • Kim Fockler, by Linda & Howard Smuckler
  • Stanley Brody, by Harlene Smuckler, Joan & Marty Ortman
  • Louis Schaner, by Chelle & Larry Cohen, Diana Collum
  • Stanley Kitzen, by Jerry Kitzen

For Recovery of

  • Bob Friedman, by Bernice Friedman, PJ & Fran Wells

Kiddush Fund

In Memory of

  • Anna Weiss, by Rabbi John & Cheri Spitzer
  • Louis Hoicowitz, by Marylin Levin

Rabbi's Discretionary Fund

In Appreciation of

  • Rabbi David Komerofsky, by David Goe, Nancy Livingston Family

In Honor of

  • Rabbi David Komerofsky's 25th Anniversary of Ordination, by Nora Sherwin, John & Barb Spera
  • Sandy Eisenpress' 90th Birthday, by Your Ohio Cousins

For Recovery of

  • Bob Friedman, by Barbara & Bob Ferne, Eileen & Irv Dinn, Adele & Ron Gelb, Brenda Barnett Miller

Jewish Family Services list has changed and they are in need of the following:

Toilet Paper


(Paper products can be bought in bulk)

Please feel free to drop off your donations to the Temple Office.



Thursday, May 9, 2024 | 10:00 AM at Beit Ha’am

Take the first step in finding your ancestors! Learn how to

get started searching, gathering, and organizing your family history.


This course is FREE but registration is required. All are welcome!


Please RSVP to Debbie Guilliams by Thursday, May 2

at (330) 445-2412 or via email at dguilliams@jewishcanton.org

Museum Tour and Lunch | Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Enjoy lunch with friends and a guided tour of four museum exhibits.


Lunch at Basil Asian Bistro | 11:30 AM

585 Market Avenue North

 Canton, Ohio 44702


Museum Tour | 1:45 PM

1001 Market Avenue North

Canton, Ohio 44702


Museum admission is complimentary courtesy of Jewish Family Services with a minimum of 12 participants.

 Meet directly at the restaurant or take the van. Van departs from Beit Ha’am at 11:00 AM. Van transportation is $10 per rider with a minimum of 4 riders and is payable by cash or check to JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES.


Please RSVP by May 7 to Debbie Guilliams at (330) 445-2412 or via email dguilliams@jewishcanton.org

Porthouse Theatre 

3143 O’Neil Road

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223


Complimentary Summer Outdoor Theatre Tickets Available

Saturday Matinees – All Performances at 2 pm

Jesus Christ Superstar | June 22

Nunsense | July 13

Annie | July 27


Tickets are limited! Please contact Debbie Guilliams at 330-445-2412 or via email at dguilliams@jewishcanton.org for more information

Temple Israel
432 - 30th Street NW
Canton, OH 44709
Phone: 330-455-5197
Fax: 330-455-5268

The staff’s direct phone numbers are listed below their email addresses

Rabbi David Komerofsky

Rabbi Emeritus John H. Spitzer

Julie Zorn, Chadash & Outreach Director

Debbie Spetich, Temple Office

Temple President — John Spera
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Temple Israel | www.templeisraelcanton.org

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