October 2021 / Tishrei-Cheshvan 5782
President's Reflections
by John Spera
With the High Holidays behind us, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved. Behind the scenes our office staff of Debbie Spetich and Patti Green did a marvelous job of pulling all the pieces together. Our music with Alex Marr and Daveed Buzaglo made this a very rich and rewarding experience for me and I hope the congregation. Our Shofar duet of Rabbi Spitzer and Linda Simon-Mietus always impresses me. It was truly outstanding with Rabbi Komerofsky, whose sermons were enlightening, informative and thought provoking. I never thought about Purim Jews and Passover Jews. I think this year my expectations were exceeded. Thank you to all who participated, attended in person or on line and I look forward to a great New Year.
The Lesson of Return
by Chadash Director, Julie Zorn
Chadash returned for the 2021/2022 school year sandwiched right in between the two holiest Jewish days of the year, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Just as we were preparing a long-awaited reunion of sorts, news of the rise in cases due to the delta variant began to emerge. Covid cases were popping up in our local school districts, and the cases in Ohio were reaching numbers as high as they were 6 months prior.
As disheartening as the decision was, we knew we had to keep our community safe. Chadash would not yet come back in person as we had longed for. Our population of mostly unvaccinated youth would need to wait to reunite just a little bit longer.
It seemed so apropos that our virtual Chadash school would open right in between the high holy days. After all, the sabbath between the high holy days is called “Shabbat Shuvah” or “Sabbath of return,” and so that is just what our Chadash family did. We returned.
We reset our goals and recommitted to learning and spending time together. Not returning in person was a letdown but seeing our friends’ happy faces pop up into boxes on the computer screen with our extraordinarily creative and flexible faculty shining their familiar and sincere smiles helped us to understand that our community is most definitely worth returning for.
The lesson of return rang through our ears as the sounds of the Shofar sang our traditional and ritualistic calls during our high holy day themed T’Filah service. The Shofar reminded us to wake up, to come to attention, to be present. So, as we retuned to our school year and to each other, we did so with the intent of having a great year no matter what. Computer screens or classroom walls back in our Beit Ha’am building simply did not matter. We were a community who needed to march forward together.
Chadash Community Hebrew Academy plans to return to in person learning in November but will continue to monitor the coronavirus cases in Stark County closely as we make our students’ safety our highest priority.
The Social Action committee will be collecting items for the Stark County Veterans Service Commission.
It is an organization that was formed in 1886 and has been serving veterans and their families ever since. Their staff consists of all veterans and families members of veterans so they have a deep understanding of the issues their clients face. They assist in multiple areas, such as housing, transportation, financial, and dental just to name a very few. We will be collecting items throughout October and November.
They are in need of: (new items only)
- socks and gloves for men and women
- scarves
- toothpaste
- toiletries, shampoos including trial sizes
- combs, brushes and soaps
- Gift cards (grocery store and gas)
Thank you,
Anita Porter
Event Schedule
Friday, November 5, 2021
5:30 p.m. – Oneg Shabbat (refreshments before the service)
6:15 p.m. – Shabbat Evening Service and Installation
The Installation Service will include:
Rabbi Jon Adland | Rabbi John H. Spitzer
Rabbi David M. Horowitz | Rabbi Stacy L. Schlein
.Saturday, November 6, 2021
10:30 a.m. – Shabbat Morning Service
After the Service – Shabbat Bagel Brunch
(or call the Temple office at 330-455-5197)
As the World Turns: Immigration in the Biden Administration
Brad Ortman will be our featured speaker at the Shabbat evening service on Friday, October 15 at 6:15 p.m.
Dorothy Art
Louis Bailey
Rose Caghan
Pvt. Samuel Cohn, Jr.
Norman Cohodas
Saul Corman
Lana Covel
Sam Edelson
Jacob Finesman
Rose Fisher
Philip C. Fleischer, Sr.
Irwin Frisch
Robert Gill
Jack Goldberg
Bernard Gross
Elliot Gross
Fannie Heller
Mary Heller
Sara Kropko
Henry Mandel
Hilda Manello
Bessie Milner
Alex Mizel
Joseph Ortman
Nancy Owens
Ida Mae Pullan
Ruth Rubenstein
Barbara Saltzman
Irene Schoenberg
Jae Schweitzer
Rose Sharkis
Pearl Shifman
Sanya Sklar
Jennie Stanford
Saul Tamny
Leonard L. Tuber
David Vint
Andrew Whitehill
Raymond Wilkof
Regina Winkler
Dora Abramson
Freda Arkow
Ruth Diamond
Abraham Dwork
Herman Emerman
Ellis A. Feiman
Helen Fleisher Foreman
Arthur Freedman
Lillian Frisch
Goldie Greenwald
Herbert Helling
Henrietta B. Hyman
Inessa Khachaturov
Edith Komerofsky
Dorothy Krabill
Alice Laden
Leonard Leopold
Anna Linde
Fanny T. Luntz
Ben Marks
Louis Perskey
Stuart Rabinowitz
Lewis Raxlin
Rose Pollack Simon
Betty N. Singer
Scott Smith
Robert D. Weinberg
Anita Wolf
Donald Adam
John Autilio
Florence Feinman
Robert C. Ferne
Fay Greenberg
Mildred Gross
Cathryn Halverson
Mary Krupp
Richard E. Lavine
Samuel Love
Max Mestel
Alan Meyers
Rae Miller
Raymond Miller
Helen Reinglass
Sylvia Sue Robbins
Betty Rosenblatt
Armin Roth
Blanche Rubin
Frances Sabetay
Louis Schuman
Carly Sigelbaum
Faye Silverman
Beatrice Sirak
Viola Spera
Ida Wilkof
Anne Woolf
Eliezer Zehori
Adolph Altman
Norman Art
Milton Bloom
Joe Chapman
Miriam S. Cohen
Dr. Daniel T. Feiman
Ann Feldman Merken
Florence Fettman
Betty Fleischer
Rabbi Paul Gorin
Erwin Hecht
Flora Israel
Daniel M. Jonas
Albert A. Kanner
Abraham Krupp
Leo B. Lavin
Blanch B. Perlman
Ellis Pontelle
Nathan A. Rubin
Evelyn Stone
Jerre Wilkof
Florence Winston
If you would like a copy of the Temple Israel Yearbook (directory) or Book of Memory, please stop by the office or give us a call and we will mail it to you.
The Temple's sympathy is extended to the families of:
Neal Libster
Charles Joel Landau
Temple Israel Endowments
Robert & Shelley Schweitzer Temple Youth Group Endowment
In Memory of
- Neal Libster, by Rob & Shelley Schweitzer
Temple Israel Restricted Funds
Mazon Fund - A Jewish Response to Hunger
In Memory of
- Neal Libster, by Kathy Peskin, Bob & Celia Borack, Kathy Ashkettle, Ed & Janet Diamond, Stan & Barbara Rubin, Bob Slesnick, Anti-Defamation League, Ted & Gail Goldman, Alan Meshekow, Ellen & Jonathan Brown, James Anderson, Linda & Howard Smuckler, Toby Roth, Shirley Lockshin, Doree Hafner
- Lori and Neal Libster, by Linda & Michael Osherow
- Evelyn Herman, by Bernice, David & Lingxia Friedman
- Mark Turkeltaub, by Bernice, David & LIngxia Friedman, Gail & Ron Arenstein, Diana Collum
- Robert Sternberg, by Susan & Eric Grossman
- Ida Mae Pullan, by Harlene Smuckler
In Honor of
- Marilyn Raxlin's 90th Birthday, by Linda & Howard Smuckler
- Helen Blocker's 100th Birthday, by Toby Roth
The Recovery of
- Bob Friedman, by Barbara Rosenstock, by Ron & Adele Gelb
- Lou Schaner, by Ron & Adele Gelb
Bilha Ron Religious School
Recovery of
- Bob Friedman, by Arnie & Linda Rosenblatt
In Memory of
- Neal Libster, by Randi & Bill Smuckler
Lockshin-Goldenfeld Religious School
In Memory of
- Ida Goldenfeld, by Shirley Lockshin
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
In Appreciation of
- Rabbi's support & care of our family during our bereavement, by Jo-Ann & Tom Hornsten
- Rabbi Komerofsky, by Les & Eileen Sherman, Edward & Debra Sherwin
In Memory of
- Lori & Neal Libster, by Jo-Ann & Tom Hornsten
Social Action Program
In Memory of
- Neal Libster, by Joan & Marty Ortman
Temple Israel | www.templeisraelcanton.org
Facebook @templeisraelcanton