Thursday, 12 Tevet / December 20, 2018
Temple Life and Upcoming Events

Refuah Shleimah:
Marlene Tucker
Watch Friday Night Shabbat Services Live! 
Click here at 6:15pm to join us!

This week's parsha:
  Next week's parsha:

Movie Club Meeting

Our next MOVIE CLUB meeting will be Thursday, December 20th at 7pm and the movie is The Green Book. The team of Alan and Beverly Nathan and Susan Wine will be leading the discussion. Let's have a good turnout for this one. Sue Silvert
Temple Solel and Raker Religious School present:
Dr. Richard Freund
Sunday January 6, 2019
Adults welcome from 9:15-10:15
8th-12th Graders from 10:30-11:30
Dr. Richard Freund, Director of the Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Hartford, famed archaeologist and author to speak on Holocaust Archaeology finds.

Dr. Freund has been the lead archaeologist on digs in Poland, Greece and Lithuania and his work has been the subject of several different television documentaries. Hear about these finds and see clips from the award winning Nova documentary entitled, Holocaust Escape Tunnel and from The Good Nazi which will premier on PBS in Spring of 2019. He will chronicle what he discovered at HKP 562, a Nazi labor camp on the outside of Vilnius where the largest number of Vilna Jews survived thanks to a compassionate Nazi Officer, Major Karl Plagge.
Mitzvah Day
January 13, 2019

All registration forms are due Dec. 30th

Mitzvah Day is designed to engage the entire family in performing mitzvot to a variety of local charities throughout the Phoenix community. Your good work will have a significant and meaningful effect, and will have a positive impact on your family.

January 13th is Mitzvah Day in place of Raker Religious School. RRS students are expected to participate in a project with their families.

Mitzvah Day is open to the entire Temple Solel community!
To view a more detailed list of all Mitzvah projects please  click here.

Questions? Email Samantha at

ART SHOWCASE, featuring art by temple members, displays a retrospective of 16 temple member artists entitled “Favorites.” Each artist has selected two favorite pieces to display. A special “Meet the Artist” reception will be held on Sunday morning, January 27, 2019, at 10:30am in the Social Hall.

All the art pieces are for sale, many at reduced prices, and the artists will send a portion of the proceeds to the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh or their favorite Jewish organization.  

Security at Solel
We appreciate all of the suggestions we have received from our community. Our security will be enhanced because of your insight, expertise, and cooperation. We want to be sure to gather all of your ideas thoroughly and systematically with our Security Committee. We ask that you submit all of your ideas and comments to
The doors on the west side of our building (nearest the parking lot) are now equipped with alarms and they are emergency exits only as recommended by our security consultants and security committee. Thank you for your patience as we improve the safety and
security of our community.
Questions About Judaism We Haven't Asked the Rabbi

Come to explore with Judy Schaffert questions we might not bring up to clergy but we still wonder about. Examples may include: What do Jews believe about the messiah? Does being Jewish require more of me than living by the Golden Rule? What if I disagree with teachings in the Torah about slavery, the role of women, or homosexuality?

7:00-9:00pm January 15, January 22, and January 29
Free for Temple Solel Members, $18 for nonmembers
Register for this class by clicking HERE!
The Solel Preschool
Solel Preschool Parents Association
Special Guests Meeting
January 9th
9:15-10:45am + 6:00-7:30pm
 Topics of Discussion will Include:
• Choosing the right elementary school
• Meet Solel community leaders
• Find out about opportunities throughout our community
• Learn about the Temple Solel Education Committee
• What’s next? - Raker Religious School
• What is the PJ Library and how to sign up
• Get ready for SOLELebration
• Introduction to Pardes Jewish Day School (K-8)

Featuring the following guests:
Rabbi Emily Langowitz / Bettina Chow - Temple Solel Board President / Lauren Brown -
Temple Solel Education Committee Chair
Tobee Waxenberg - Director of Temple Solel
Raker Religious School / Marcy Lewis - PJ Library SOLELebration Committee
Lauren Kreisberger - Director of Admissions Pardes Jewish Day School
Meeting is open to all members of the Solel community. Contact Jessica with any questions
Wildflower Fundraiser for The Solel Preschool Monday January 21 5PM-8PM
A Flag is Born

Cast members and production team please help recruit the following:
Production team-Stage Manager, Tech help (lights, sound, set)
Cast needed-Someone, any age from mid-teens up to senior citizens, either gender, with a strong speaking voice, to read the stage directions
• The Young One-preferably under 30, m or f
• David the King-m or f portraying m
• Second English Statesperson-m or f
• Any age/either gender- Soldiers, Yiddish Speakers, Shadowy figures, Singers, Dancers, etc.
Patricia "Patsy" Gould Parker
Landline 602.368.5938
Cell/text 480.938.5392
December Tzedakah
Jewish Family and Children's Services
Strengthening the community by providing behavioral health, healthcare and social services to all ages, faiths, and backgrounds. At JFCS, we hope for a future where families are strong, where our elders are cared for, and where children are safe. Our dedication to our mission is strengthened by our commitment to our core Jewish values that honor community and the continuity of the generations.
Sunday January 20th at 12:30pm
Jonathan's Walk4Friendship is a 1 mile walk that raises crucial funds and community awareness for The Friendship Circle - a nonprofit organization for individuals with special needs. Register to walk and donate to
Jonathan's Walk4Friendship begins with an inspirational opening ceremony followed by a 1 mile family walk. Upon reaching the finish line, walkers enjoy a post-walk celebration with entertainment, activities, food and much more! Watch highlights from last years walk.